Apr 18,2008 - Tri City News

April 18,2008 - Diane Strandberg, Tri City News
Port Moody, with its necklace of new or under-construction highrises and transit-oriented development, was singled out as one of the reasons the northwest route was chosen for the Evergreen Line.

Now, the city with a population of 30,000 people wants to shape the project, which will soon move into a detailed design phase.

Friday, after Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon announced a route through PoMo, the city sent the media a list of its 32 requirements for the $1.4-billion project.

It's "not an exhaustive list" but, rather, some of the issues raised during the city's consultation process with its residents, according to the press release.

"Obviously, Port Moody is very pleased with the announcement," said acting mayor Diana Dilworth in the press release. "Having the northern alignment confirmed is very positive for our community and its residents, who have long been waiting for access to rapid transit.

"We can now move forward, working to ensure that our conditions and concerns about this route are addressed, the most important being that it is constructed at-grade along the CP Rail right of way."

The city also wants assurances that the tunnel portal will be located north of Clarke Street and east of Barnet Highway. "Any other location for the tunnel portal would be seen as overly disruptive to residential neighbourhoods," the press release states.

Falcon said new development along the Port Moody corridor was one of the reasons the northwest route was chosen but more density along the route is needed.


• Stations: PoMo wants a station within one block of Queens Street, another located near Moray, both with pedestrian overpasses to allow pedestrian connections over the rail line. Public art should be included in stations, which should be designed with a heritage theme, at least for the most western station. A requirement that one station serve the Inlet Centre area was mentioned.

• Stations should be small and airy, and they should blend into the character of the surrounding buildings. The emphasis should be on integrated public art and landscaping rather than on daring architecture for stations.

• Staging: The city wants the Murray Clarke Connector construction to be completed first and that additional costs of integrating the Evergreen Line with the connector, including a longer bridge span for the connector, delay costs, etc. be considered.

• Security: Port Moody wants turnstiles to prevent fare evasion and promote a feeling of security, and enhanced lighting, visibility, monitoring and physical security, with strict enforcement of policies promoting security.

• Other: Link stations with new development, compensate businesses affected by construction, involve the city in planning, consider park and ride but not have an excessive number of parking spaces.
