AND THAT the Community Care Committee be advised of the receipt.
Consideration of this item was deferred to the October 28, 2008 Committee of the Whole meeting.
Consideration of this item was deferred to the October 28, 2008 Committee of the Whole meeting.
AND WHEREAS the survey results indicated that 86% of directly affected area (properties directly located on Ravine Drive) support the final draft plan while 66% of the indirectly affected area (cul-de-sac properties) do not support the final draft plan;
THAT the final draft plan for Lower Ravine Drive traffic calming as modified by the Traffic Safety Committee in recognition of concerns from both residents on Ravine Drive and residents of adjacent streets, as shown on the plan attached to the October 6, 2008 report titled “Lower Ravine Drive Traffic Calming – Neighbourhood Survey Results & Final Draft Traffic Calming Plan”, be adopted for implementation using temporary devices;
AND THAT staff report back on the performance after a monitoring period of at least 6 months.
4.2 Amendment to Street, Traffic and Public Places Bylaw No. 1528
City of Port Moody Street, Traffic and Public Places Bylaw,
1981 No 1528, Amendment Bylaw No. 2748 a bylaw to provide Bylaw Enforcement officers with the authority necessary to detain vehicles unlawfully occupying any city property or highway.
4.4 Proposed Amendment to the City of Port Moody Development Approval Procedures Bylaw 2003, No. 2543
City of Port Moody Development Approval Procedures Bylaw 2003, No. 2543, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, Bylaw No. 2790 a bylaw to expand the notification requirements.
4.5 2009 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw
“City of Port Moody Tax Exemption Bylaw, 2008”, No. 2785 a bylaw to provide exemption from taxation pursuant to Sections 224 to 227 of the Community Charter.
4.6 Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 2773
“City of Port Moody Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 2773” a bylaw to provide clear and updated regulations to assist Bylaw Officers in ensuring smoke free areas for the public.
• on page 2 by replacing the word, “of” with the word “on” between the words, “consumption” and “site”; and
• by adding a quotation mark (”) after the first reference to the word “smoking” in the definition of smoke or smoking.
Municipal Ticket Information Utilization, 1996, No. 2298, Amendment Bylaw No. 2794
“City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw, 1996, No. 2298, Amendment Bylaw” No. 2794” a bylaw to amend the Municipal Ticket Information Utilization bylaw in relation to smoking regulations.
5.1 PlascoEnergy Waste Conversion Facility at Barnet Highway Landfill
AND THAT Council consider the following Environmental Protection Task Force on Waste Conversion Facility recommendations:
1. THAT any waste to energy technology must prove itself to be significantly more refined and stable than its predecessors, and to meet acceptable emission targets, before being implemented on a production scale in our region.
The Task Force suggests that at minimum 18 months of independently verified operational data in a continually operating commercial scale facility would be needed to show that the technology operates within acceptable environmental impact parameters;
2. THAT there is no acceptable level of introduction of dioxins and furans into our environment;
3. THAT any process introducing air emissions, waste to energy, or otherwise, in the region would be the subject of full regulatory review, testing and monitoring, in a regional context, including net impacts on the entire Fraser Valley;
4. THAT further analysis and opinion of scientific experts should be obtained to determine an acceptable distance that such a facility should exist in relation to residential areas, and that full analysis of regional air shed impacts of such a facility in Metro Vancouver be conducted;
5. THAT any regional waste to energy initiative should be fully evaluated, in both a local and regional context, and should be temporary in nature as we take positive measures to increase diversion and thus reduce the residual waste to a level where it could be handled by existing methods, thus eliminating the need to consider any waste to energy solution;
6. THAT waste to energy should NOT be considered as ‘RECOVERY’ in the 5 R’s model of waste management as a means to obtaining the 70% diversion goal. Waste to energy or waste conversion technologies should ONLY be considered in the context of ‘RESIDUALS’, after EVERY effort has been made to reducing the solid waste stream;
7. THAT Council relate the concerns listed in items 1-6 above to Metro Vancouver board.
Specifically to the application of this proposal, in the City of Port Moody, while the Task Force is confident that Council will adopt the recommendation not to proceed at this site, the following recommendations are also submitted for Council consideration, in the context of this application, any other application on this site, and waste management issues in general:
1. THAT a full traffic impact study be completed;
2. THAT the noise impacts would need to be fully studied and evaluated by the appropriate experts before permitting any such intensive industrial operation on this site;
3. THAT the city investigates the impact on plant and animals that would be associated with any development on this site, and that these impacts are mitigated as much as possible;
4. THAT the Fire Department would require a hazardous material study and a review of Fire Department access and fire safety systems be conducted;
5. THAT the city perform a review of the zoning/land use on this site, in community consultation, either within or in addition to the current OCP process;
6. THAT the city, through the Environmental Protection Committee, continues to investigate and implement initiatives for waste reduction, recycling enhancement, and public education.
“THAT the City of Port Moody is not an appropriate location for a waste conversion facility;”
“AND THAT the following Environmental Protection Task Force on Waste Conversion Facility recommendations be endorsed:”;
“THAT in the context of this application, any other application on this site, and waste management issues in general, the following recommendations of the Environmental Protection Task Force on Waste Conversion Facility be endorsed:”.
The motion, as amended, was then put and CARRIED as follows:THAT the City of Port Moody is not an appropriate location for a waste conversion facility;
AND THAT the following Environmental Protection Task Force on Waste Conversion Facility recommendations be endorsed:
1. THAT any waste to energy technology must prove itself to be significantly more refined and stable than its predecessors, and to meet acceptable emission targets, before being implemented on a production scale in our region. The Task Force suggests that at minimum 18 months of independently verified operational data in a continually operating commercial scale facility would be needed to show that the technology operates within acceptable environmental impact parameters;
2. THAT there is no acceptable level of introduction of dioxins and furans into our environment;3. THAT any process introducing air emissions, waste to energy, or otherwise, in the region would be the subject of full regulatory review, testing and monitoring, in a regional context, including net impacts on the entire Fraser Valley;
4. THAT further analysis and opinion of scientific experts should be obtained to determine an acceptable distance that such a facility should exist in relation to residential areas, and that full analysis of regional air shed impacts of such a facility in Metro Vancouver be conducted;
5. THAT any regional waste to energy initiative should be fully evaluated, in both a local and regional context, and should be temporary in nature as we take positive measures to increase diversion and thus reduce the residual waste to a level where it could be handled by existing methods, thus eliminating the need to consider any waste to energy solution;
6. THAT waste to energy should NOT be considered as ‘RECOVERY’ in the 5 R’s model of waste management as a means to obtaining the 70% diversion goal. Waste to energy or waste conversion technologies should ONLY be considered in the context of ‘RESIDUALS’, after EVERY effort has been made to reducing the solid waste stream;
7. THAT Council relate the concerns listed in items 1-6 above to Metro Vancouver board.
THAT in the context of this application, any other application on this site, and waste management issues in general, the following recommendations of the Environmental Protection Task Force on Waste Conversion Facility be endorsed:
1. THAT a full traffic impact study be completed;
2. THAT the noise impacts would need to be fully studied and evaluated by the appropriate experts before permitting any such intensive industrial operation on this site;3. THAT the city investigates the impact on plant and animals that would be associated with any development on this site, and that these impacts are mitigated as much as possible;
4. THAT the Fire Department would require a hazardous material study and a review of Fire Department access and fire safety systems be conducted;
5. THAT the city perform a review of the zoning/land use on this site, in community consultation, either within or in addition to the current OCP process;
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell, Watkins
5.3 Kitchen Organic Waste Collection
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay,Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell, Watkins
AND WHEREAS local governments wishing to host an intern are expected to show their commitment to the vision and goals of the Local Government Management Internship Program by committing sufficient financial and staffing resources to host an intern and by providing training and exposure opportunities for an intern;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Port Moody Council supports the application to host a Local government Management Intern under the 2009 – 2010 Internship.
AND THAT Council express the importance of continuing to involve the City of Port Moody in any future work on province-wide Adaptable Housing Standards;
AND THAT this report and the results of Council’s discussions be forwarded to the Port Moody Community Care Committee for their information.
7.1 Ratification of Resolutions from Committee of the Whole Meeting
THAT staff be directed to purchase 620 tonnes of winter road salt at $69,000 with $47,000 funded from the 2009 Operating Budget as a prepaid expense and $22,000 funded from the 2008 budget as part of the recast process.
THAT the dividend cheque of $13,225 received from the Municipal Insurance Association as the City’s 2007 MIA Dividend be deposited into the Insurance Liability & Damage/Claims Reserve.
THAT the Fleet Premium Adjustment of $33,597 received from the Insurance Corporation of BC, derived from the $134,222 in premiums paid for the 2007/2008 vehicle insurance year, be deposited into the Vehicle Collision Reserve.
THAT funding of $19,600 be allocated from the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund to fund an affordable housing study for Port Moody.Cost to Support Waste Conversion Facility Task Force
THAT $6,000 be transferred from the Accumulated Surplus as a funding source to OSP08114 (Waste Conversion Facility TF) to cover already expended and expected costs to complete the work of the Environmental Protection Committee and its Task Force.
8.1 Council Verbal Reports