Oct 6,2009 Land Use Committee
(agenda carry over from September meeting cancelled due to no quorum)
5.1 Official Community Plan Amendment - 2718-2723 St Johns and 2713-2725 Clarke
The Committee considered a report dated August 26, 2009 from the Planning and Development Services Department regarding a proposed amendment to the citys Official Community Plan.
Ms. Gilbert provided an overview of the proposed amendment to the Commercial Mixed Use designation in the Official Community Plan relating to the properties at 2718-2723 St. Johns Street and 2713-2725 Clarke Street. Ms. Gilbert explained that purpose of the amendment was to remove the reference to the unit per acre method of calculating density for these properties.
Five members of the public attended the meeting. The following members of the public commented on the proposal:
Ms. Diana Brown, 368 Oxford Street
Ms. Ann Hulbert, 1056 Ioco Road
Concerns raised by the public and members of the Land Use Committee meeting regarding the proposed OCP amendment were as follows:
Timing of the proposed amendment and why is it coming forward at this time?
What would be the building height of a development under this application?
How many units would be allowed should this proposal be approved?
Could the size of units under this proposal be regulated to avoid overly small units?
How does this proposal relate to the broader OCP?
Will this set a precedent for similar OCP amendments?
An e-mail from Ms. Hazel Mason of St. George Street objecting to the proposed Official Community Plan amendment was circulated on table.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED,
THAT the proposed amendment to the Commercial Mixed Use designation in the Official Community Plan for properties at 2718-2723 St. Johns Street and 2713-2725 Clarke Street not be supported.
5.2 Land Use Committee - terms of reference review.