Oct 15,2009 Tri City News

By Sarah Payne - The Tri-City News

Published: October 15, 2009 12:00 PM
Updated: October 15, 2009 12:38 PM

Cop costs are going up in Port Moody.

In a presentation Tuesday night, council learned the Port Moody Police Department’s proposed operating budget for 2010 is just over $8 million, an increase of almost 9.6% over this year’s budget of $7.3 million.

Much of the increase is due to contractual commitments, which account for nearly $414,000, or 6%, of the budget increase.

The levy for PRIME — the online police data-sharing system — is also going up by $22,500 after the provincial government hiked the fee from $500 to $1,000 per member per year.

Discretionary increases to next year’s budget include the hiring of four additional police officers at a cost of $246,500 and changes to dispatch personnel, costing $15,600.

Capital costs for next year are slated to rise by $318,580 under the proposed budget. The majority of that increase can be attributed to vehicle replacement. Three vehicles — a 2005 Ford Expedition and two 2005 Dodge Chargers — are said to have high mileage and require more costly maintenance; replacing them will cost $136,000.

Additional costs are going to replace the telephone recording system ($42,000); purchase new software for the police records booking system ($36,000); replace computers and other technology requirements ($47,600); and purchase new furniture ($10,000).

Capital cost increases proposed for the life of the department’s five-year plan include $330,000 in 2011, $224,000 in 2012, $301,000 in 2013 and $146,000 in 2014.

The police board’s budget’s next stop is a review by the city’s finance committee.
