May 11,2010 Regular Council

Public Hearing
Agenda                Minutes
1.1  Official Community Plan Amendment for Local Government (Green Communities Statutes Admendment Act - Bill 27)
The City Clerk advised that all statutory requirements have been complied with.

The Planner provided an overview of the amendment bylaw.

Public Input: There were no public representations.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2840 be forwarded to the May 11, 2010 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.
Regular Council
Agenda                         Minutes
2. Public Input 
Emese Szucs, Manager of Accessibility, Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia (SPARC BC) provided Council with details regarding the 13th annual province wide Access Awareness Day taking place on June 5, 2010. She also promoted a set of bylaws and policies for municipalities to consider adopting related to accessibility. In response to questions from Council, staff advised that the bylaws and policies are being used by staff and are included in the Community Care Committee work plan for review and recommendation to Council.
4.3  Zoning bylaw text amendment and Development Variance Permit and Authorization , 300 Panorama, Park Lane Homes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2817 be now adopted.

Mr. Jack Smith 87 – 2000 Panorama Drive indicated his opposition to the variance permits on the following grounds:

• opposed to proposed rooftop patios
• opposed to all variances that affect height and east side yards as it would affect his view which would reduce his home equity
• opposed to other setbacks which would bring the commercial development closer to the adjacent school
• opposed to front yard setback on basis of aesthetics as it would bring the development closer to the front sidewalk than other buildings in the area
• opposed to parking variances because there already is a shortage of on-street parking and a commercial development requires more parking
• disappointed that handicapped parking is not required
• opposed to elimination of the loading requirement for commercial purposes as this would affect traffic which would affect the school
• concerned that the development proposed will negate the possibility of a daycare which would need parking and loading space.

In response to questions from Council, staff responded to the issues raised.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue North Shore Development Authorization (NSDA) No. 2010-29 and Development Variance Permit No. 2010-71 for 300 Panorama Place, subject to the required documentation, architectural, servicing, and landscape plans and the submission of fees and securities to the satisfaction of staff;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of NSDA No. 2010-29 and Development Variance Permit No. 2010-71 for 300 Panorama Place.

4.4 Official Community Plan Amendment for Local Government (Green Communities Statutes Amendment Act - Bill 27)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2840 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2840 be now adopted.
4.5 (a) 2010 Five Year Financial Plan and Related Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2842 be now adopted.
Voting Against: Councillor Nuttall
4.5 (b) 2010 Annual Property Tax Rate Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2843 be now adopted.
Voting Against: Councillor Nuttall
5.1 Noons Creek Bridge Update
The City Engineer advised of concerns with the delays in environmental approval which could result in missing the fisheries window again this year, and could jeopardize the $1M senior government funding for this project. The Mayor advised a letter has been sent to the appropriate ministries expressing concerns.
5.2 Port Moody Centennial Celebration
Moved, seconded
THAT a Port Moody Centennial Task Force be formed to develop plans for events that celebrate the City Centennial and to report to Council with suggested events and budget requirements by February 22, 2011.

AND THAT the Terms of Reference attached to the April 28th, 2010 report for the Port Moody Centennial Task Force be adopted.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT a Library Board member be added to the membership of the Centennial Task Force”.

The question on the motion was put and CARRIED.

6.1  125 Williams Street - Clarification of Development Variance Permit
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Planning and Development Services report dated April 29, 2010 be received for information.
6.2 Proposed Village of Anmore Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 494, 2010 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets, Policies and Actions
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposed Village of Anmore Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 494, 2010 be received.
6.3 Canada Post Mailbox - Civic Centre Location
Moved, seconded
THAT staff be authorized to work with Canada Post to locate a mailbox near the north entrance of City Hall.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by deleting “near the north entrance of City Hall” and substituting “near the east entrance of the Recreation Centre”.
The motion as amended was put and CARRIED
6.4 BC Coalition for Action on Alcohol Reform – Request for Support
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the April 24, 2010 letter from the BC Coalition for Action on Alcohol Reform be received.

6.5 Proclamation Request – National Missing Children’s Month May, 2010 and Missing Children’s Day May 25, 2010

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May 2010 be declared National Missing Children’s Month and May 25, 2010 be declared Missing Children’s Day.

6.6 Proclamation Request – Local Government Awareness Week in BC and National Public Works Week May 16-22, 2010

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May 16-22, 2010 be proclaimed Local Government Awareness Week in BC and National Public Works Week.
7.1 Recommendations from Finance Committee
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of May 4, 2010 be approved :

Collections Cart Order

THAT staff proceed with an order through Schaeffer Canada Ltd. for $7,200 for recycling collection carts using the Sanitation Utility Reserve for funding.

2009 Financial Statements and Audit

THAT the 2009 audit package be received for information.
9.2 Release of In-Camera Items from April 27,2010 Council Meeting

Heritage Mountain Middle School Letter to School District No. 43 dated May 4, 2010

Heritage Mountain Community Centre – Before and After School Child Care – Request for Facility Rental Agreement Extension

THAT the facility rental agreement for the upper floor at Heritage Mountain Community Centre to Kinder Kampus Children’s Services of BC Ltd. be extended to no later than June 30, 2011.

9.3 City of Coquitlam – Proposed Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment – Community Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the April 20, 2010 letter from the City of Coquitlam with respect to the proposed OCP amendment – Community Greenhouse Gas Reduction be received.

10. Public Input

Brent Hilpert, Alderside Road, referring to 125 William Street noted a concern that when property owners require tenants to pay for parking spaces, it impacts on-street parking as tenants opt not to pay. He also referred to Land Title Act provisions related to non-conforming uses.