June 24,2010 TriCity News


This house — the Appleyard residence at 2714 Clarke St. — will likely have to be moved according to an environmental assessment of the Evergreen Line.
By Diane Strandberg - The Tri-City News
Published: June 24, 2010 1:00 PM
Updated: June 24, 2010 1:43 PM

Local businesses may feel some initial pain during construction of the Evergreen Line but will benefit overall by the introduction of rapid transit to the region, concludes an environmental assessment of the project.

According to the assessment, some businesses will experience be hurt by changes in parking availability, access and pedestrian and automobile traffic patterns. As well, noise, and dust from construction may affect nearby businesses and residents.

But good communication, appropriate traffic management and working around peak shopping periods, such as Christmas, could mitigate problems.

A business liaison program is recommended and it's acknowledged in the assessment that some businesses may be so severely affected, they may have to be moved. In those cases, the project "should attempt to reach agreements regarding business and relocation costs."

Singled out in the report are two heritage buildings backing on to the CP Rail line in Port Moody. Both the Appleyard Residence at 2714 Clarke St., which has been moved once before and is home to the popular Heritage House Pizza Company, and the Royal Bank Heritage Building at 2346 Clarke St., in Moody Centre, will likely have to be relocated and "preserved by the city of Port Moody," according to the report.

Whether the city will take on that task is unknown, however, as Port Moody councillors are well-known as skeptics of the Evergreen Line project, which has taken so long to move into the construction phase. The city's mayor, Joe Trasolini wasn't available to comment and a city planner was unable to confirm the information before The Tri-City News' press deadline Thursday.

Overall, however, the local economy is expected to benefit from the construction of a rapid transit line, with 4,000 direct jobs or person years spread out over four years, and an additional 5,531 person years of indirect employment.

Construction is also expected to add $660.5 million to the province's gross domestic product in direct, indirect and induced benefits.