July 13,2010 Regular Council

Committee of the Whole
Agenda                     Minutes
4.1  Traffic Calming / Road Closure request, Noons Creek Drive
Moved, seconded and CARRIED:
THAT the posted speed limit on Noons Creek Drive be reduced to 30km/hr from David Avenue at the start of the Port Moody boundary south to the existing school zone.

THAT the Port Moody Police be informed of the reduction to the speed limit.

THAT time-specific turning restrictions at David Avenue and Noons Creek Drive, configured to reduce traffic volume during peak hours on Noons Creek Drive be investigated in conjunction with the City of Coquitlam.

THAT the current Noons Creek Drive traffic calming plan continue to be implemented and a centre median be installed in the two existing curb extensions south of Noons Creek Close for a follow up speed survey later in 2010;

AND THAT the results of this speed survey be reported to the Transportation Committee for review and consideration of permanent installations or further traffic calming measures.

5.1  Parkside Drive Traffic Calming, Neighbourhood Advisory Committee
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the volunteers listed in the Transportation Committee report dated July 2, 2010 be appointed to the Parkside Drive Traffic Calming Neighbourhood Advisory Committee; and
THAT the volunteers who were not anonymously selected be thanked for their interest and if approved Neighbourhood Advisory Committee (NAC) members choose not to participate, these volunteers be invited to join
the NAC.
5.2 Business Appreciation Event
Public Hearing
Agenda                    Minutes

1.1 Zoning Bylaw Amendment to prohibit the sale and manufacture of firearms and ammunition.

“City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 197, 2010, No 2845” a bylaw to a bylaw to  amend the Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1890 to prohibit the sale and/or manufacturing of firearms and ammunitions and related uses in all zones.

The Deputy City Clerk advised that all statutory requirements had been met and that no correspondence had been received pertaining to item 1.1. Correspondence received relative to item 1.2 was distributed on-table.

The Mayor called three times for speakers. No speakers were present.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2845 be forwarded to the July 13, 2010 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.
1.2  Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2010
On table items
“City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2010, No. 2849” a bylaw to replace the current official community plan in its entirety with the updated Official Community Plan.

The Director of Planning and Development Services provided an overview of the bylaw.


John Graham – 10 Bedingfield Street, Port Moody, thanked Council and Planning staff for the input opportunities for the new OCP. Mr. Graham spoke to the petition circulated on-table relative to zoning regulations allowing 10 metre high homes to be built at road level along Barber Lane, noting the following concerns:
 reduced sun exposure to existing homes;
 reduce view corridors;
 increased traffic congestion;
 noise, dust and road blockages from construction trucks; and,
 reduced pedestrian safety.

Mr. Graham requested a moratorium on the construction of new homes on Barber Lane until resident concerns are addressed.

The Mayor moved this item to the Regular Council meeting for further discussion.

Robert Simons, 1012 Alpine Place, Port Moody, spoke to the lack of infrastructure investments in relation to the Murray-Clarke Connector and Evergreen Line. Mr. Simons expressed concern with zero growth, especially in the western area of Port Moody. Mr. Simons requested that Council consider including transit friendly planning in the new plan.

Barry Sharbo, 3011 Murray Street, Port Moody, representing approximately 20 land owners on Murray Street, expressed disappointment with the lack of vision in the new OCP and the lack of proposals for the future of Murray Street.

John Grasty, 4008-84 Grant Street, Port Moody, representing the Western Station Committee, requested that Council amend the OCP to reflect the interests of the residents/business owners in the western part of the City and that the document be amended to include the Murray-Clarke Connector and other transportation priorities.

Fred Soofi, Port Moody property owner, expressed concern with the lack of affordable housing and heritage preservation in the OCP.

Terry Willies, owner of heritage building on Clarke Street, requested retention of the heritage area in Port Moody and suggested that an Evergreen Line station at the West Coast Express would be a much more suitable location than demolishing or moving heritage homes along the line.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2849 be forwarded to the July 13, 2010 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.
Regular Council
Agenda                     Minutes
2. Public Input
3.1  Barber Lane, Development Concerns (added to agenda)
After discussion with the Director of Planning and Development Services, Council directed staff to report back at the July 27, 2010 Regular Council meeting with more information.
3.2 (3.1)  Gatensbury Road Residents, re: safety on Gatensbury
Lori and Derrick Holdenried, Gatensbury Road, Port Moody to request traffic calming measures and speed reduction measures to be undertaken immediately to correct the serious safety issues on upper Gatensbury Road.

Staff were directed to include the Moody Centre traffic study in the supporting documents when reporting back to Council on July 27, 2010.

4.2  Sign Bylaw Amendment, Bylaw 2841
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2841 be now adopted.
4.3  Amended 2009 Financial Plan and Related Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2844 be now adopted.
4.4  Zoning Bylaw Amendment to Prohibit the Retail sale and manufacturing of firearms and ammunition and related uses
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2845 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2845 be now adopted.
4.5  Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2010, No. 2849
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2849 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT if there are only two stations built in Port Moody, with a third potential station, that council support the stations being located at Ioco Road and St. Johns Street, in the vicinity of Elgin Street, and the third potential station being located at the West Coast Express.
Move and seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2849 be forwarded to the following organizations for comment:
Metro Vancouver Board
City of Burnaby
City of Coquitlam
Village of Anmore
Village of Belcarra
Squamish Nation
Tsleil-Waututh Nation
Musqueam Indian Band
Hwlitsum First Nation
Sto:Lo Nation
Sto:Lo Tribal Council
School District #43
Port Metro Vancouver
BC Ministry of Environment
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding consultation with the Katzie First Nation, if applicable.

The question on the motion was then put and CARRIED.

4.6  Amendment to the Fees Bylaw to exempt Government Subsidized rental housing from the Business License Fee Requirements for Residential Rental Properties
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2851 be now adopted.
4.7  Development Authorization Permit No 2010-74 and development variance permit no 2010-82 - Free Standing Signage at Newport Village
Maria Woods of Bosa and the sign architect spoke to the design and locations of the new signage. She spoke to the desire of commercial businesses to have a wayfinding sign located on Guildford to advertise Newport Village. Ms. Woods spoke to Onni’s desire to eliminate sandwich board signs. She advised that if the variance was  approved at Council that the strata Council would then hold a general strata meeting to elicit approval from the residents/business owners.

Gerry Shaw, 105-200 Newport Drive, Port Moody, spoke as one of the tenants who’s suite would be affected by the proposed wayfinding sign. Mr. Shaw had presented a petition on-table of other residents/commercial business owners who do not support the new wayfinding signage proposed. The proposed wayfinding sign would replace the rhododendron plants recently planted and take the view away from those using the gym facility. He clarified that the petition is only against the proposed wayfinding sign and not the commercial sign at the entrance of Newport Village. He clarified that there are already three signs on the property stating Newport Village.

Karen Winder, representing Crowns and Jewels, Newport Village, expressed support for the development variance permit stating that more signage is needed to direct customers back to Newport Village merchants since the opening of the Suter Brook development. She expressed concern with customers finding Newport Village and asked Council for their support for business residents.

The owner of the Runner’s Den in Newport Village spoke to the support that local businesses give back to the community and requested Council support for the proposed signage to increase the Newport Village customer base.

A resident of Newport Drive advised that he did not receive his notice of the Development Variance Permit until June 30th. He suggested that the strata deal with the signs at a general meeting of the strata as they will be responsible for the cost of the maintenance and insurance for the signs. He requested that Council postpone the permit until the strata has had a chance to discuss the matter and receive legal advice.

Svend Hansen, 1606 – 200 Newport Drive advised that the strata deals consistently with Bosa and that not all decisions go to the general membership for referendum.  He stated that the new sign would fit in with the current development.

Willy Martin, resident of San Remo Drive, advised that this was the first she had heard of the issue. She expressed the opinion that with increased residential densitythrough mixed use developments, that this type of conflict  is going to occur, and that the proposed signage appeared reasonable. She requested that Council support current businesses and encourage more businesses to relocate to Port Moody.

Don Cook, representing Strata LMS-2505, advised that the strata did discuss the signage at the May 25th meeting and that the portion of the minutes pertaining to that discussion were sent with the June 29th meeting minutes. He requested that Council support the Development Variance Permit and advised that further discussion with the strata corporation is still pending.

Moved, seconded
THAT the City of Port Moody Sign Bylaw No. 1988, No. 2403 be varied in accordance with Development Variance Permit No. 2010-82 to:

To reduce the required front setback as specified in Section 13.4 (j) for the free standing sign located at the intersection of Newport Drive and Ioco Road from 3.5 m (11.5 ft.) to 0 m/ft.

To reduce the required sideyard setback as specified in Section 13.4 (j) for the free standing sign located at the intersection of Newport Drive and Ioco Road from 3.5 m (11.5 ft.) to 1.4 m (4.6 ft.)

To increase the permitted number of freestanding signs as specified in Section 13.4 permitted on a single property from 2 signs to 3 signs.

To reduce the minimum required setback between the proposed free standing sign at the corner of Newport Drive and Ioco Road and an existing secondary free standing sign from 50m(164 ft.) to 3.3m (11 ft.).

THAT Development Variance Permit No. 2010-82 be issued subject to the finalization of the legal documentation to the satisfaction of staff.

THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents required in support of this application.

THAT Development Authorization No. 2010-74 be authorized for issuance with respect to a replacement freestanding sign at the intersection of Newport Drive and Ioco Road, as well as, a new freestanding wayfinding sign at the intersection of Guidlford Way and Ioco Road, both to be located on private property;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.

Separation was requested.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Development Permit Authorization No. 2010- 74 and Development Variance Permit No. 2010-82 – Free Standing Signage Newport Village be deferred.

Voting against: Councillor Dilworth

6.1  Noons Creek Bridge Replacement, Award of Tender
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Noons Creek Bridge Replacement Contract No. 5400-02-04-07 be awarded to Graham Infrastructure in the amount of $1,282,081.00 inclusive of HST;

AND THAT the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute all related documentation;

AND THAT $63,000 be transferred from the Asset Renewal Reserve to CEN08032 – Ioco Road & Noons Creek Bridge Replacement account to fully fund the City’s portion of the Noons Creek Bridge Replacement Project.

6.2  Local Area Services Process
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report of the Corporate Services Department providing information and background on the establishment and funding of local area services be received.
6.3  Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign donation request be received.
Voting against: Councillor Rockwell
7.1 Ratification of Resolutions from Committee of the Whole Meeting
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of July 13, 2010 be endorsed as above.
10 Public Input

Barry Sharbo, representing the Port Moody Waterfront Community Interest Group advised that he had specifically asked if there were going to be any movement with station locations at Ioco and West Coast Express and was told that there would be no change. He requested clarification.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the July 13, 2010 Regular Council meeting proceed past 10:00pm.

Gerry Shaw, 105-200 Newport Drive, Port Moody, clarified that the petitioners were in favour of the proposed amendments to the commercial sign. He also reminded Council that he had submitted a letter from the Canadian Home Owners Association.

Fred Soofi, Port Moody property owner, spoke to the importance of preserving heritage in Port Moody and requested that Council use all tools at their disposal to do so.

John Grasty, 4008-84 Grant Street, Port Moody, spoke in support of heritage preservation and clarified that the Western Station Committee’s goal is to see an Evergreen Line station to the west of Elgin as not to affect the heritage area.