June 13,2006

Committe of the Whole
Agenda    Minutes
3.1 LRT Task force recommendations
Moved, seconded, carried - endorse the LRT task force recommendations around station locations, parking strategy for Moody Centre area.
3.2 Crosswalk - Newport Drive - Jamiesons
No Motion made.
This item had previously come before the Traffic Safety Committee, which I am chairing, and was deemed to be undesirable for a number of reasons. Proximity to exsting crosswalks, proximity to intersection at Ioco, loss of parking, pedestrian improvements already being investigated, and most importantly, that the pedestrians are simply crossing wherever they feel like it in Newport and that this would not stop by adding a crosswalk.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda      Minutes
2. Public Input
12 Speakers opposed to the loss of boatlaunch parking at Rocky Point.
3 Sepakers in favour of San Remo Drive LUC Amendment.
3.1 Hike for Hospice Plaque Presentation - Barb Henham, Executive Director, Crossroads Hospice
Barb presented a plaque to council in appreciation of support for Hike for Hospice and informed council that the hospice has now retired their capital debt.
3.2 Pacific Coast Terminals Sponsorship - Ken Catton, VP and General Manager, Pacific Coast Terminals
Ken Catton presented Port Moody Foundation (Dan Brown) with a cheque for $ 25,000 for sponsorship of the renovated curling rink at the rec centre.
3.3 Vancouver Coast and Mountains Tourism Promotion - Kevan Ridgway, President and CEO
Kevan gave presentation showing the value of tourism, some examples of tourism projects in Port Moody and the region, and suggestions for Port Moody to improve tourism.
3.4 Rocky Point Boatlaunch - Wendy Swalwell, Port Moody Resident
Wendy gave presentation on the loss of boat launch parking at Rocky Point, with some questions regarding the evollution of the restaurant proposal and public involvement.
4.2 Council Procedure Bylaw
Revised council procedure bylaw was moved, seconded and carried and was amended to include a provision for council to hold meetings out of town.  The amended bylaws were then given third reading.  Councilors Clay and Dilworth voting against.
Councilor Dilworth and myself voted against this for the same reason I believe, that being that the amendments to hold council meetings outside of the city created the potential for meetings that residents would not be able to attend.  There are other provisions of the community charter that would allow these meetings in emergencies.
4.3 Development Authorization and Variance - Suter Brook
Development authorization and variance moved, seconded and carried - Councilor Clay voting against.
I voted against this for one simple reason - the setback (distance from property line to building) on the corner of Murray Street and Ioco is being changed from 21 feet to 1.5 feet.  Putting the building that close to the sidewalk/street eliminates any possibility for realignment of the intersection in the future, and pushes pedestrians out closer to the edge of a busy street, making them potential victims of an accident where a vehicle leaves the roadway (which happens frequently at intersections, particularly busy, multi lane intersections such as this)
4.4 Development Authorization - Rempel - 3250 St Johns Development
DEFERRED to June 27 council meeting pending additional information
4.5 San Remo Drive LUC Amendment
Bylaw 2708 given first and second reading (moved, seconded, carried) and moved/carried that the bylaw be sent back to residents for comments and return to council in two months.
4.6 Moody Centre HCA Process
Moved, seconded and carried that staff continue with the process to establish HCA in Moody Centre in two phased approach.
5.1a CASH society resolution re: CMHC review of Leaky Condos
5.1b CASH society resolution re: Proceeds of crime
Moved, seconded and carried:
WHEREAS many British Columbian communities are struggling with the enforcement of, and resources needed to combat the drug trafficking trade;

AND WHEREAS the drug trafficking trade affects families, homes, neighbourhoods, schools and communities;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM urge the Federal government to assist BC municipalities and homeowners in the fight against the criminal activity associated with marijuana and crystal methamphetamine operations.

5.2a Adam Pankratz resolution re: Gateway program
Resolution (see minutes , this one is quite long) proposed by Councilor Clay in regards to city response to Gateway Program as requested by Translink (GVTA).
Moved, seconded and carried,
Councilors Elliott and Rockwell, and Mayor Trasolini voting against.
This motion is very long and contains a large number of statements - no member of council mentioned any specific objection to any of the items, which I had fully expected, and the comments from the Mayor and Counc Rockwell expressed concern that the motion was too long.  This motion was a response to a translink staff report, and the report was many pages and contained many different recommendations - they had requested a reponse and it made the most sense to me to make the response 'inclusive' , rather than leaving out any of our concerns simply in the interest of brevity.
6.1 Evergreen Line Funding
Moved, seconded and carried:

WHEREAS, the Evergreen Transit Project has long been a regional priority linking the Lougheed Town Centre with the rapidly growing Northeast Sector,

WHEREAS, an Ipsos-Reid Survey conducted in 2004 involving Northeast Sector residents indicated that there is an extremely high level of support (over 90%) for the Evergreen Transit Project,

WHEREAS, growth in the North East Sector has been undertaken with the expectation of a rapid transit line,

WHEREAS, when Translink was initially created, the understanding was that the Provincial Government will contribute substantial funding (50%+) towards transit rail projects in the region,

WHEREAS, an estimated $200 million in gas taxes are taken by the Province out of the region for other purposes, and

WHEREAS, the current estimated funding shortfall of $230 million for the Evergreen Transit Project is posing a serious threat to the implementation of this Project,


the Province be urged to contribute an additional minimum of $230 million towards the construction of the Evergreen Transit Project such that the Provincial share of the funding on this Project is increased to a minimum 50%.

6.2 Terms of Reference, Library Building expansion Committee
Moved, seconded and carried:
THAT council endorse the formation of the Building Expansion Committee together with the Terms of Reference;

AND THAT city staff and council member(s) be appointed to the Building Expansion Committee.

8.2 Chip Kerr Park Naming
Verbal Report - Ron Higo Director of Community Services
Mr Higo reported that due to protocol restrictions involving the use of the VC designation in the park name, that the official park name would remain Chip Kerr Park, and that a seperate plaque would be installed at the park in recognition of Mr Kerr being a Victoria Cross recipient.
9.2 Proclamations
 June 15,2006 - World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
9.3 Letter - City of Burnaby, re Translink governance 
10 Public Input
Barry Rector - Coquitlam - Concern of safety for children at boatlaunch with rearranged parking
Diana Brown - Why is Onni development so close to street ? Anti idling bylaw enforced at boatlaunch ? What about the HCA ?
Ron Curties - Concerns about 'water rage' at boatlaunch with loss of parking.  Question about Queen St Market.