The City Engineer provided comment and update on each of the 32 requirements which were then each discussed.
With respect to item 4. titled Minimize Impact, staff was requested to bring to Council the concept to designate Golden Spike Way as a one-way street.
Councillor Lahti left meeting at 6:30 p.m. after discussion of item 29.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Evergreen Line Project team be informed of Council’s specific concerns regarding the responses provided by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure regarding the Port Moody’s 32 requirements as follows:
- Item 7 is clarified in that the city requires an additional pedestrian overpass at the east end of the proposed station at West Coast Express and providing a universally accessible connection to Murray Street;
- Item 7 is clarified to require that residents and the city’s Public Art Sub-committee and Heritage Commission be involved in the incorporation of heritage and public art elements in station design;
- Item 9 is re-affirmed as it pertains to “voluntary” compliance with Port Moody’s environmental policies such as the two to one tree replacement policy;
- Item 11 is clarified in that construction of the Murray Clarke Connector prior to the Evergreen Line continues to be Port Moody’s long-standing and top priority requirement and that its construction is critical to the city’s support of the Evergreen Line project;
- Item 12 is clarified to indicate that project funds be set aside to compensate for incremental costs of a longer span for the Murray Clarke Connector;
- Council requires detailed information about properties impacted in relation to Item 13;
- Item 22 is reinforced as the proposed station design does not meet the spirit of the city’s requirement in that it is not in keeping with the character of the neighbourhoods;
- Item 29 is reinforced with the request that more effort be made to engage the business community.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT in reference to items 4, 5, 7, 13, 25, 27 and 28 which items all reflect development and access in and around stations, we call upon the project management team to meet with senior city planning staff and Council to discuss the long term visioning, land use and development potential around stations and the access to and from stations.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Economic Development Committee be requested to discuss and recommend to Council terms of reference for a sub-committee that would assist business in Port Moody to deal with the Evergreen Line Project Team.
Voting against: Councillor Dilworth
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report to Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED