Nov 23,2010 Regular Council

Public Hearing
Agenda                      Minutes
1. Application for Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment 2718-2732 St. Johns Street 

The City Clerk advised that all statutory requirements had been met and that correspondence had been received and distributed on-table.

The Director of Planning and Development Services provided a brief overview of the application.


Mr. David Roppel, Aragon Properties Ltd. and Tom Bell GBL Architects provided a presentation on their development application noting the public consultation they have undertaken, the support and questions raised about the project, sustainability and environmental features, public art contribution, residential affordability and density relative to public transit in the vicinity and commercial space elements which will create shopping opportunities and jobs.

Mr. Tom Bell, GBL Architects reviewed the architectural features and suggested that the scheme is an improvement on the former in terms of fsr, undergroundparking, conformity to height requirements, massing and density along St. Johns Street. He listed the finishing architectural materials and elements he suggested would improve livability.

David Spence, 2822 Henry Street, expressed support for the proposal noting that GBL Architects and Aragon Properties have presented a significant building on a historical lot which will provide a significant amenity for the neighbourhood. He noted the developer’s contribution to public art for which he commended them.

Mr. David Ritcey, 2518 St. George Street and, Vice- President of the Moody Centre Community Association expressed regret regarding the manner in which this public hearing date was changed twice which prevented a town hall meeting hosted by the Community Association for neighbourhood residents to discuss this proposal which replaces public institutional space. He expressed a preference for a more collaborative, two-way process prior to the formal public hearing. He added that he felt the commercial/residential ratio is better in this proposal which has more residential and less commercial as more residential population in this area is needed to support the existing commercial spaces. He expressed concerns with size and bulk of the building in that it is a large building of 5 storeys which will have an impact on views of some existing residents. He also questioned whether the applicant has had adequate opportunity to demonstrate that their proposal meets the OCP height limitation test for number of storeys on St. Johns Street. He said he would be more supportive of the proposal if the frontage on St. Johns Street was stepped back more and there were fewer residential units.

John Grasty, 84 Grant Street, suggested that this proposal is in line with existing mulit-family developments in areaand is of the type that people can support. He added thatit will improve livability of this neighbourhood byreplacing the buildings that are currently on the site. He also noted that this development contributes to an increased tax base for Port Moody. He expressed theview that this development will be viewed by the provincial government as one which will make an Evergreen Line Station in Moody Centre warranted.

Mark Hamilton, 2228 Jane Street indicated that as an architect himself he is delighted with this development which adds the kind of panache that is seen in Newport Village in Port Moody. He expressed the view that thisdevelopment is badly needed in this area, offers incredible sustainability measures in terms of the building itself and proximity to the proposed Evergreen Line and will replace buildings that are shabby and overgrown with vegetation. He concluded that in his opinion this development sets the bar very high as Aragon and their consultants have done a fantastic job in form and character and materials used.

Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, indicated agreement with David Ritcey in terms of changes to the date for the public hearing. She noted that as a community association, they value opportunities for discussion and had hoped to hold a meeting in December prior to the former public hearing date and could not book a meeting room on time to have a residents’ meeting conducted prior to this evening’s public hearing date. She acknowledged that Mr. Roppel did meet with the Moody Centre Community Association and there is the sentiment that the proposed development is better than what is currently on the site, the location near a proposed sky train station is appropriate. She noted that there are issues about traffic in the absence of the Murray-Clarke Connector and she favours brick facades as proposed, although she thought it should have more of a heritage flavour.

1.1a “City of Port Moody Official Community Plan 2000, No. 2465, Amendment Bylaw No. 34, 2010, No. 2855 a bylaw to  create a comprehensive development zone at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2855 be forwarded to the November 23, 2010 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.
1.1b “City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 200, 2010, No. 2856
a bylaw to facilitate the development of a mixed use commercial and residential development at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2856 forwarded to the November 23,2010 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.
Regular Council
Agenda                      Minutes
2. Public Input

David Spence, Port Moody resident spoke in support of the Commemorative Society’s request to submit the name Port Moody to be considered for one of the ships that are coming on line.

Mr. David Ritcey, Port Moody resident, expressed disappointment that the solid waste bylaw changes have been brought forward with little public awareness and there will likely be some complaints that this represents a reduction in service. He also supported the proposed increased yard waste collection. He also spoke with respect to the zoning bylaw update item requesting that the Moody Centre Community Association have an opportunity for input.
NOTE:  There is no reduction in service in the revised solid waste/recycling/organics collection - there is a SHIFT from weekly garbage to weekly organics, which represents the reality of the garbage stream, prior to the implementation of full organics collection, consisted of up to 65% of compostable organic materials.  The city now has a diversion rate (recycling and organics) of about 60%, so it would make more sense that recycling and organics collection refelcts that - 66% of collection is now for recycling and organics, 33% is for garbage.

3.1 City of Port Moody – United Way Campaign

Andrew Geider, Records Management Coordinator, together with Paul Crump, United Way representative provided a presentation on Port Moody’s upcoming United Way Campaign to be held November 30th to December 7th, 2010.

3.2 TransLink Supplemental Plans and Murray-Clarke Connector

Ian Jarvis, Chief Executive Officer accompanied by Bob Padden, Vice President, Customer and Public Engagement
and Peggy Hunt, Manager of Municipal Affairs, TransLink provided information to Council and responded to questions relating to TransLink’s Supplemental Plans and the Murray-Clarke Connector.

4.2 Report of Public Hearing - Application for Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment
2718-2732 St. Johns Street

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw No.’s 2855 and 2856 held Tuesday, November 9, 2010 be received.

4.3 City of Port Moody Solid Waste Bylaw, 2009, Bylaw No. 2816, Amendment No. 1, 2010, No. 2865

“City of Port Moody Solid Waste Bylaw, 2009, Bylaw No. 2816, Amendment No. 1, 2010, No. 2865” a bylaw to outline the changes for solid waste collection commencing in January 2011.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2865 be now adopted. 

4.4 City of Port Moody Records Retention and Scheduling Bylaw, 2008, No. 2741, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2010, No. 2818

“City of Port Moody Records Retention and Scheduling Bylaw, 2008, No. 2741, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2010, No. 2818” a bylaw to replace selective retention with constant and standardized retention periods, and to remove delegation of authority for changing the classification and retention system, and to replace the classification and retention system schedule with an updated schedule.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2818 be now adopted.

4.5 Third Reading and Adoption of Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment 2718-2732 St. Johns Street

“City of Port Moody Official Community Plan 2000, No. 2465, Amendment Bylaw No. 34, 2010, No. 2855 “a bylaw to create a comprehensive development zone at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2855 be now read a third time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2855 be now adopted.

“City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 200, 2010, No. 2856 “a bylaw to facilitate the development of a mixed use commercial and residential development at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2856 be now read a third time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2856 be now adopted.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Development Agreement Covenant documents required
in support of Bylaw No. 2855 and No. 2856.

4.6 City of Port Moody Sign Bylaw 1998, No. 2403, Amendment Bylaw No. 2864 - Sandwich Board Signs

“City of Port Moody Sign Bylaw 1998, No. 2403, Amendment Bylaw No. 2864” a bylaw to amend the Sign Bylaw in relation to insurance requirements on public property and to clarify the location of sandwich board signs relative to existing businesses.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2864 be now adopted

4.7 Radio Amplification 
Bylaw No. 2850

“City of Port Moody Public Safety Radio Building 
Amplification System Bylaw, 2010, No. 2850” a bylaw 
respecting internal radio communications and support 
systems in certain buildings.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2850 be now read a first time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2850 be now read a second time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2850 be now read a third time.

4.8 City of Port Moody 
Draft Fees Bylaw, 
2010, No. 2857

“City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2010, No. 2857” a bylaw to 
provide fees for 2011.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2857 be now read a first time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2857 be now read a second time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2857 be now read a third time.

4.9 Anti-Idling and 
Related Bylaws

“City of Port Moody Anti-Idling Bylaw, 2010, No. 2859” a 
bylaw to regulate vehicle idling in the City of Port Moody.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2859 be now read a first time.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2859 be now read a second time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2859 be now read a third time.

“City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Utilization 
Bylaw, 1996, No. 2298, Amendment Bylaw No. 2860”a bylaw 
to assign responsibilities and fines relative to vehicle 
idling in the City of Port Moody.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2860 be now read a first time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2860 be now read a second time.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2860 be now read a third time.

Staff was requested to clarify whether it is the driver or the 
owner of the vehicle that would be responsible for the 

4.10 128 Maple Drive  – 
Request to Amend 
Tree Retention 
Covenant Area 

Chris Lee from Aquaterra Biological Consulting spoke in 
support of the property owners request to reduce the tree 
retention covenant area.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the owner’s request to reduce the tree retention 
covenant area at 128 Maple Drive to accommodate an
existing deck erected without permit be denied.

4.11 Strata Title 
Application – 
Existing Residential 
Dwelling at 1678/1779 
Beach Avenue

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Strata Title Conversion Application for 
1678/1679 Beach Avenue be approved;
AND THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized 
to execute the necessary legal documents required in
support of this application.

Laneway Housing 

Moved, seconded and
THAT the draft laneway housing framework be 
included in the upcoming Zoning Bylaw update process
for review and comment by the community;
AND THAT staff report back to Council with results of 
the Zoning Bylaw consultation process once concluded.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by deleting the 
second paragraph and substituting the following:
“AND THAT staff report back to Council with the 
proposed consultation process when it is ready.”
The motion as amended was put and CARRIED

6.1 Tangible Capital 
Asset Policy

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Tangible Capital Asset Policy #05-2020-1 be 

6.2 Shore Power and 
Consideration of an 
Anti-idling Bylaw for 
Marine Vessels

Moved, seconded and
THAT the Environmental Protection Committee develop 
a draft anti-idling policy for marine recreational vessels
in partnership with appropriate agencies;
AND THAT Metro Vancouver be asked to work with 
port authorities, the shipping industry, other 
governments, BC Hydro and stakeholders to advance the 
electrification of port facilities as expeditiously as 
possible and encourage the industry to apply for  
funding under the Marine Shore Power Program for 
bulk loading facilities.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by deleting 
“the Environmental Protection Committee” and 
substituting “staff” and adding at the end of the first 
paragraph the following: “for review by the 
Environmental Protection Committee”.

The motion as amended was put and CARRIED

6.3 Tri-Cities Chamber of 
Commerce Youth 
Committee Business 
Mentorship Program

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a letter of support be provided for the Tri-Cities 
Chamber of Commerce Youth Entrepreneurial 
Committee Business Mentorship Program. 
Community Member

6.4 Appointments to 2011 
Select, Statutory, 
Regional and Local 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointments of community members to the 
2011 select, statutory, regional and local committees be
deferred to December 14, 2010 Regular Council meeting.

6.5 Mayor’s Community 
Appointments to 2011 
Standing Committees 
and Statutory 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mayor’s community member appointments to 
the 2011 standing and statutory committees be deferred
to December 14, 2010 Regular Council meeting.

6.6 Port Moody 
Society – Proposal to 
Name Ship After Port 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposal to name a ship after the City of Port 
Moody be endorsed and a letter of commendation be 
sent to the Director General Maritime Force 
Development, Ships Naming Committee.

6.7 Proclamation Request - 
International Day of 
Persons with 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Friday, December 3rd, 2010 be proclaimed 
International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
AND THAT the celebration notice accompanying the 
request be sent to members of the Community Care 

6.8 C
ity of Burnaby 
Request for Support

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT WHEREAS TransLink has a severe shortage of 
funds to invest in the high-priority capital projects 
needed to address immediate and future public 
transportation demand;
AND WHEREAS TransLink has unilaterally committed 
$171 Million to erecting fare gates and introducing a 
Smartcard System;
AND WHEREAS a Smartcard system can be 
implemented without fare gates at a fraction of the cost;
AND WHEREAS study after study (including 
TransLink’s own) has refuted the claim that fare gates 
are a cost effective way to reduce fare evasions;
AND WHEREAS TransLink has not presented a credible 
business case for the Smartcard and fare gate
infrastructure project;
of Port Moody urge TransLink to abandon construction 
of fare gates while proceeding with implementation of a 
Smartcard system;
governments within Metro Vancouver be urged to 
support this resolution;
resolution be submitted to the Minister of 
Transportation, Province of British Columbia. 

6.9 Appointments to the 
2011 Greater 
Vancouver Regional 
Labour Relations 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT, in order to maintain continuity during 
bargaining, Councillor Rockwell be appointed to the 
Metro Vancouver Labour Relations Bureau and 
Councillor Nuttall be appointed alternate.

7.1 Approval of 
Decisions From 
Finance Committee

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance 
Committee meeting of November 16, 2010 be approved 
as follows:

Life Cycle Reserve  
THAT staff change the name for the Asset Renewal Reserve and 
the Future Capital Reserve to the Tangible Capital Asset 
Replacement Reserve and the Capital Asset Replacement 
Reserve, respectively;

AND THAT staff allocate the 2011-15 projects to the Life Cycle, 
Tangible Capital Asset Replacement Reserve, Capital Asset 
Replacement Reserve and the Operating Budget as outlined in 
table 2 of this report;

AND THAT staff continue to increase the transfer to the 
reserves by $50,000 per year until the estimated $1,300,000 
annual reserve transfer is achieved;

AND THAT staff allocate 25% of future annual operating 
surpluses until the estimated $10,000,000 reserve balance is 

AND THAT the committee’s decision to distribute the reserve 
transfers to the operating departments be reversed;

AND THAT staff allocate annual interest earnings from the 
city’s investment portfolio to the Life Cycle and Capital Asset 
Replacement Reserves.

8.1 Council Verbal Reports

Notice of Motion – 
Council Expense 
Reimbursement if 

Councillor Rockwell submitted the following notice of 
motion which will be placed on the December 14, 2010
Regular Council agenda:
THAT Council reaffirm the Council decision made May 
10, 2005 when considering the Council Indemnity Task
Force Report that “an additional $250 per year, per 
elected official, be allocated in the City’s operating 
budget, to cover expenses of attending and representing 
the City at community events; budget to be managed by
City staff and reimbursement to be made according to 
submitted receipts and expense claims”;

AND THAT any Councillor who has exceeded the yearly 
amount reimburse the City.

9.2 Release of In-Camera 

The following resolution was released from the November 
9, 2010 In-Camera Council meeting:

Single Family 
Redevelopment – 
Operational Procedure 
(Temporary Structures)
THAT the Planning and Development Services report dated 
November 1, 2010 be received for information.
THAT a letter be forwarded to Mr. Graham, for signature by the 
Acting Mayor, indicating that Council has received a legal 
opinion on this matter, that Council is satisfied with staff’s 
conduct on this matter, and that Council considers the matter 
THAT the foregoing motion be publicly released on the 
November 23, 2010 Regular Council agenda.

10. Public Input

David Spence, Port Moody resident, thanked Council for 
supporting the proposal for naming a ship after the City of 
Port Moody and requested that a copy of the letter of 
endorsement be sent to the members of the 
Commemorative Society so they can follow up and add 
their name to that letter of support.

Brent Hilpert, Port Moody resident, indicated that he 
continues to have a parking problem in front of his 
residence and requested that the city make an effort to 
provide him with a solution to the parking problem. He 
requested Council to reconsider their previous decision, 
discuss the matter again and provide him with a solution.

The Mayor declared the meeting closed at 9:37 p.m.