Nov 16,2010 Special Council

Special Council Meeting
Agenda                 Minutes
2.1 TransLink Final 2011 Supplemental Plan

TransLink 2011 Supplemental Plan and Outlook – Moving Forward: Improving Metro Vancouver’s Transportation Network TransLink 2011 Supplement Backgrounder
TransLink 2011 Supplemental Plan and Outlook – Delivering Evergreen Line and North Fraser Perimeter Road

As requested by Mayor Trasolini, Councillor Clay provided an update on TransLink discussions regarding funding. He advised that TransLink indicated their only current option for funding the plan is property taxes which the Mayors opposed. They then advised that property taxation would be a fallback plan for 2011 which would then provide additional time to further explore other options such as a vehicle levy. The decision of the Mayor’s Council is to look at funding options other than property taxation.

The Mayor proposed holding a town hall meeting to seek community input on this issue prior to the final decision making on the funding plan in early December.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a Town Hall Meeting be held by Council on November 29, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers/Theatre on TransLink’s Final 2011 Supplemental Plan
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall

2.2 Committee Application Process – Request for Direction

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the committee volunteer selection process followed for the 2010 year, as outlined by the City Clerk, be followed this year, and that there be an incamera discussion of appointments prior to adoption of appointment recommendations at Regular Council.

Voting against: Councillor Clay

As a result of discussion of the above item, the Mayor advised that when the list of committee volunteers developed by staff is provided to him, he will advise all committee chairs and if there is interest, the chairs can come and meet with the Mayor to review the lists and provide input.

The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:21p.m.