Feb 8,2011 Regular Councl

Regular Council Meeting
Agenda                 Minutes
2. Public Input
Wendy Swalwell, Clarke Street, invited Mayor and Council to the Moody Centre Community Association zoning bylaw update workshop to be held March 10that 7:00 p.m. She also spoke regarding the heritage revitalization agreement on this evening’s agenda and asked if the heritage revitalization parameters could be clarified at the zoning bylaw workshops. She asked questions regarding the Council Correspondence Response the Processing item.
Peter Dasnieres, Clarke Street, inquired where the Murray-Clarke Connector overpass starts and which portions are considered a major route and which are city streets.

Bruce Littlejohn, Alderside Road, spoke in opposition to the opening of the Alderside fire access lanes reminding Council that in 1995 he did a petition of people on Alderside Road and 100% opposed opening of the lane next to his home. He suggested that the lanes be offered to the people who own the properties on either side so this issue does not come up in future. He said the tidal area is too deep for people to walk there. He also cited safety hazards.

Laurel Sinden, Alderside Road, speaking in opposition to the opening of the water access lanes, suggested that the cost to make them safely usable for the public is prohibitive. He added that boats anchored and abandoned are already a problem and that most people have leases so they have private property rights so people can’t walk there anyway.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT public input period be extended.
Brent Hilpert, Alderside Road, speaking on the Alderside Water Access Lanes issue asked if this has arisen as a result of Council direction three years ago when lanes were surveyed at that time. He advised he supplied staff with a large file on this issue. He noted this has been raised several times in the past and has been turned down each time because there is no public benefit and there is already a significant detriment to many properties along Alderside. He concluded that these accesses would not be adequate for what they would end up being used for.

Sharon Dixon, Alderside Road, expressed concern thatthey were not advised that the Alderside Water AccessLanes issue was on the agenda. She noted that the reasons for previously not opening the lanes have not changed and the reasons to leave them closed have increased substantially. She suggested there are better places to spend money requesting that the recommendation be rejected and this matter be put to rest for good.

Marion Woodley, Alderside Road, advised that she livesnext door to one of the access lanes. She noted the negative reasons against opening up beach access. Sheadvised that in West Vancouver and White Rock, the cost of opening beach access is significant for policing, beach cleanup, etc. She advised that it is not safe to be out on the foreshore because of rocks and barnacles and expressed concern that dogs will be left off leash and will run into private yards. She cited safety and cost as other issues against opening the lanes.

David Kuntz, Alderside Road, expressed opposition to opening the access lanes. He advised that in the 1950’s those lanes were open and people were leaving garbage, causing damage, etc. so lanes were closed because of the problems which occurred. He suggested this issue be rejected permanently.
Donald Luxton, Heritage Consultant, advised he is assisting with the Heritage Revitalization Agreement, noting he has worked with staff and the property owner with a view to protecting heritage houses and advised he is available for questions on that item.
Bill Jansen, Alderside Road, spoke in opposition to opening the water access lanes because no access is really available to the water. He expressed concern that he was not previously advised this item was being raised and noted trespassing and safety as issues against opening the lanes. He also raised the issue of insurance questioning whose insurance would be responsible when people trespass on private property from the lanes and are injured. He asked that this issue be put to rest forever.
3.1 Real Acts of Caring Week - Maple Creek Middle School
Teacher, Harriette Chang, and students from Maple Creek Middle School requested that Council pass a proclamation recognizing Real Acts of Caring Week February 13 – 20, 2011.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the delegation request be dealt with at this point.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT February 13 – 20, 2011 be proclaimed Real Acts of Caring Week.
3.2 Certificate of Appreciation to Mayor and Council - the Home Team
Russ McAnn provided a brief overview and showed a video of the Beaudoin Family Project. Mr. McAnn together  with Chantal Beaudoin and her son presented Mayor and  Council with a certificate of appreciation from the Home  Team for the City’s support of the Home Team. Mr.  McAnn also thanked Port Moody staff generally and the  building inspectors in particular for their assistance in making this project a success.  
4.2 Report of Public Hearing , Parklane Urban Reserve
Application for Official Community Plan Amendment and Zoning bylaw amendment
Moved, seconded and
THAT the Report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw No.’s 2853 and 2854 held Tuesday, January 25, 2011 be received.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT the Report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw No’s 2853 and 2854 be corrected to record that Councillor Nuttall was not in attendance.”
The question on the motion, as amended, was put and CARRIED.
4.3  Heritage Revitalization Agreement - 2628 St George Street
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2834 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2834 be now read a second time.
Voting against: Councillor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT notification for the Public Hearing on Bylaw No.  2834 be undertaken as per the Development Approval  Procedures Bylaw No. 2543.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2834 be referred to a Public Hearing to  be held on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
4.4  Signage for community groups
The City Manager suggested community groups discuss signage requirements with City staff who will assist them.
5.1  Financial Update on Inlet Park Redevelopment Feasibility Study
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Financial Update Report on the Inlet Field Redevelopment Feasibility Study dated January 17, 2011 be received for information.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
5.2  Council Correspondence Response and Processing
Moved, seconded and
THAT the policy “Council Correspondence Response and Processing”, # 1-0550-5 outlined in the January 11, 2011 report from Mayor Trasolini be approved.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the policy be amended to include a required statement by the Mayor as follows: “This response is provided by myself, the Mayor, and may not reflect the opinion of any or all of Council and if the writer wishes they can call the City Clerk and ask that their correspondence be put on an agenda.”
Voting against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT the fifth paragraph under the Policy section of the proposed policy, which reads ‘When an email is received that has been addressed to
council@cityofportmoody.com and/or council@portmoody.ca any individual responses by a Councillor or staff shall be copied to the rest of Council’, be deleted from the policy.
Voting against: Councillor Rockwell

The question on the motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Voting against: Councilor Nuttall
6.1  College Park Association - Request for Sign
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to work with the College Park Community Association to install a sign on Cecile Drive as identified in the January 10, 2011, College Park Community Association Sign Request report;
AND THAT the College Park Community Association be required to maintain the sign and keep it in good condition.
6.2  Alderside Water Access Lanes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back with a process for long term lease or encroachment agreements with the neighbours adjoining the Alderside Road water access lanes that  provides for a legal right-of-way for the city.
6.3  OCP Blanket Policy Reconsiderations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the letter dated November 23, 2010 from Balfour and Associates be received.
6.4  Policy proposal on British Columbia's proposed water sustainabilty act
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Policy Proposal on British Columbia’s Proposed Water Sustainability Act dated December 2010 be received for information. 
6.5 Proclamation Request - Heart Month, February 2011
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT February 2011 be proclaimed Heart Month
6.6 Proclamation Request - Real acts of caring week, February 13-20, 2011
Dealt with previously on agenda.
6.7 Proclamation Request - Heritage Week - February 21-27, 2011
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT February 21 – 27, 2011 be proclaimed Heritage Week.
6.8  Proclamation Request - Anti Bullying / Pink Shirt Day - February 23,2011
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT February 23, 2011 be proclaimed Bullying Stops Here – Pink Shirt Day.
6.9  Economic Development Committee , Business Roundtable Process
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Economic Development Committee be authorized to proceed with up to three Business Roundtables in 2011 as proposed in the February 7, 2011 report from the Economic Development Committee.
6.10 Rocky Point Kayak,  Request for Temporary Trailers
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request from Rocky Point Kayak to extend their license of occupation for the installation of two trailers in Rocky Point Park be referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission for report back on this proposed  park use.  
7.1  Approval of recommendations from Finance Committee
Moved, seconded and
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of Tuesday, February 1, 2010 be approved as follows:

Separation of section titled Balanced Reserves was requested.

Police Board Additional Capital Request
THAT staff be directed to include the Telus Phone System Replacement Project for $35,000 in the 2011 Capital Plan and be funded from Systems and Technology Reserve; and
THAT staff be directed to include the Fire Suppression System Replacement Project for $30,000 in the 2011 Capital Plan and be funded from the Tangible Capital Asset Reserve;
AND THAT the items be considered for approval in the 2011 budget deliberations.

Budget Status Update
THAT the Finance Committee recommend that Council seek written clarification from the Police Board on items identified during the review of the 2011 Executive Summary and 2011-2015 Police Operating Plan as recorded in the minutes of the meeting held February 1, 2011. Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Items requiring Clarification:
3. Executive Summary:

Item 3.1.7 Other OverheadAdjustments
Please provide details in regard to item 3.1.7 Other Overhead Adjustments on the Executive Summary. Are full- time positions being created from part-time positions?

4. Traffic Fine Revenue
Please work with the Finance Division to provide details on the history of Traffic Fine Revenue Account #4610-664. Specifically, when the Traffic Fine Revenue was moved from the City’s budget several years ago (recorded to Fiscal Services of the City Budget) to the Police Department budget, were adjustments made recognizing that the Police Department was now getting revenue not historically included in their budget. Was the newly acquired Traffic Fine revenue used to reduce the amount of taxation funding the Police Board requested to meettheir budget increase when this change of recording the revenue transpired?

5. Civic Building Cost Centre

Account #7004-653 -What is included in this line item Contractors/Builders budget for ($30,906)?
Account #7610-653 – Why the need for $6,696 in Landscaping Supplies when the actual is a lot lower? The Committee needs to understand where the funds are being spent when the design was for low maintenance plantings.

6. Community Cost Centre
Please provide complete business case and rationale on the Community Policing Station Account #7944-657 (Statistics on operation, how frequently is it staffed, etc.).

7. Emergency Response Cost Centre
Please provide details and rationale for MIERT Equipment 7701-658 ($6,647).

8. Integration – IHIT Cost Centre

Why is IHIT on the 5 year plan when the intention was to join with the VPD? What is the money for, what is the agreement, etc? Please provide details on the rationale for moving services from IHIT to VPD (was there cost savings, etc.).

9. Overtime – Throughout the Budget
There appears to be overtime built into almost every cost centre amounting to $213,000 every year. Why is there budgeting for so much overtime? Is there an understaffing issue? What is the rationale for the amount of overtime being budgeted?

10. Police Dog Services Cost Centre
Please provide rationale for the Canine Unit including statistical information on the unit’s operations.

11. Police - Admin Cost Centre
Account #6107-650 Recruitment – What is the rationale for budgeting in excess of $8,000 each year for recruitment? Is there a plan for the recruiting new constables during the 2011-2015 timeframe?

12. Identification Cost Centre
Please provide rationale for the amounts budgeted for Miscellaneous Supplies (Account #7615-661) and Miscellaneous Expenses (Account #7927-661).

13. Regular Policing Cost Centre
Please provide more detail on the Firearms Account #7609-664 (what is included in this line item, how often firearms replaced, etc.).

14. Traffic Unit
Please provide further details on the cost of the Traffic Unit. It appears that the actual (2009) was a lot more than the budget $405,159 to $145,067 (will there be reduced enforcement, is the service level the same, what is planned for the five year plan, etc.)

THAT the shortfall of $80,000 in the MRN General Rehabilitation Reserve be funded by taxation by adjusting the tax rate by .31% for the MRN shortfall and be identified as a separate line item on the tax notice.

THAT the Council Sustainability Plan be funded in the amount of $30,000 per year from the Unallocated Operating Reserve in 2011 and 2012.

The question on the above motion was put and CARRIED

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of Tuesday, February 1, 2010 be approved as follows:

Balance Reserves

THAT line item 51 Moody Street Overpass Seismic Upgrade – Design Phase, and item 52 Moody Street Overpass Seismic Upgrade – Construction Phase be deferred to 2016 and moved off the 2011-2015 financial plan.
THAT line item 66 Equipment Storage be deferred to 2012 in the financial plan.
THAT line item 61 Integrated Infrastructure Rehabilitation Strategy be deferred to 2012 in the financial plan.
That the City Administration contingency budget be reduced in all 5 years from $45,000 to $40,000.
THAT line items 26 Noons Creek Drive Curb Extensions (P5) Execution and 27 Noons Creek Drive Curb Extensions (P6) Execution be removed from the 5 year financial plan.
THAT line item 6 Inlet Theatre Outdoor Stage Covering – (P2) Design be moved to 2013 for design and construction.
THAT the $17,000 shortfall be funded from capital asset reserve in an effort to balance the budget.
Voting against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth
10.  Public Input