Environmental Assessment Application

UPDATE:  Feb 4,2011 - Word is that the EAC has been issued for the project - more to come :)


From the Evergreen Line 'FAQ' re: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT

How is the Evergreen Line Project addressing environmental impacts?

-The Evergreen Line Project is subject to and Environmental Assessment Review under the British Columbia  Environmental Assessment Act (BCEAA). The Environmental Assessment (EA) includes a full review of potential project-related impacts and proposed mitigation measures and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure must obtain an Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) before the Project can proceed.
-The Environmental Assessment Application outlines the significant social, economic and environmental benefits of the Evergreen Line Project, as well as construction and operational impacts for certain residents and businesses.

-The following timeline outlines the Environmental Assessment process to date:

For more information please see the Environmental Assessment Review section of the website.
Q: How does public input factor into the decision to grant an Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC)?
-The BC Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) will consider public input and the proponent’s response to questions and comments in making a recommendation to the Minister responsible for granting an EAC.
-Comments received from the public will be considered by the Project team, as well as reviewing agencies and where applicable responses to comments will be provided.
Q: What information is included in the Environmental Assessment Application?
-The Environmental Assessment Application clearly identifies the significant social, economic and environmental benefits of the Evergreen Line including providing a transportation alternative to personal vehicle use, resulting in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the region, positive economic benefits for municipalities along the alignment and providing opportunities for densification and the development of more compact, livable, transit-oriented communities.
-The Environmental Assessment Application indicates that while the benefits of the Evergreen Line clearly outweigh the impacts, construction and operational impacts have been identified including noise and vibration impacts for certain local residents and businesses, some removal of trees, and loss of creek-area vegetation, as well as potential traffic delays during construction.
More detailed information from the Environmental Assessment application is available in the Environmental Assessment Review section of the website, and copies of the individual Environmental Assessment Fact Sheets are available in the Document Centre on the website.