Mar 16,2011 Vancouver Sun



Vancouver Sun

Metro Vancouver is proposing to cap the amount of money doled out to directors who attend more than two meetings per day, despite claims by some that the amount was unfair.

Metro’s finance committee agreed Tuesday to recommend the board set a daily maximum meeting limit of $644 — the amount now handed out to directors who cover two four-committee meetings per day — rather than allow directors to collect $322 for every meeting they attend.

Directors have been able to collect up to $966 for three four-hour meetings but finance committee chairman Malcolm Brodie argued this was unreasonable and "is asking for questions in the press and the public." The Metro Vancouver board will vote on the proposal next month.

"Whatever we do on this travel policy is going to attract attention," said Brodie, who is also mayor of Richmond. "There needs to be a daily maximum."

Vancouver Coun. Raymond Louie, along with directors from North and West Vancouver and Langley Township Mayor Rick Green, agreed, despite concerns from Langley City Coun. Gayle Martin and Burnaby Coun. Colleen Jordan that some directors would be paid the same as others per day despite attending more meetings.

"I get paid the same to get to this meeting as Colleen does and it takes me a heck of a lot longer to get here," Martin said. "We should leave it the way it is; it hasn’t been a problem."

Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore noted the $944 amount was only paid out three times last year.

But Louie argued each of the Metro directors already get paid by their municipalities regardless of whether they attend a committee meeting or not. If they go out of two, say to a conference in Whistler, they would only get $644 for the day.

The remuneration cap was part of an overall travel policy, approved by the finance committee, that also urged directors to seek out the cheapest airfares possible — and book early — when attending meetings or conferences outside Metro Vancouver.

The policy also proposes eliminating a per diem cost for meals and incidentals.