This item was added to the agenda at the applicant’s request. The applicant subsequently requested that this item not be considered at this Land Use Committee meeting. The statutory requirements have not been met by the applicant.
The planning manager gave an overview of the application to amend the exiting CD 54 zoning for the property at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street to change the floor space ratio from 2.98 to 3.0 to allow for an amenity room above the residential parkade entrance.
Councillor Nuttall requested clarification on the design and use of the amenity room.
Representatives of Aragon Properties Ltd. confirmed that the amenity room will be a gym, with clear glass for windows.
Councillor Nuttall expressed concerns that a gym would negatively impact the privacy of the residences across Spring Street, as the gym will be overlooking private living spaces.
Councillor Rockwell stated that she is not opposed to the application, but is concerned about the privacy issue raised by Councillor Nuttall, and would like to see the frosted glass suggested by Councillor Nuttall.
Councillor Clay suggested that these concerns be reflected in the report to Council.
Representatives of Aragon Properties Ltd. explained that the new design serves to animate the street, thus increasing safety by humanizing the area.