The Heritage Comission is established and governed by city bylaw:
Heritage Commission Bylaw 2451 |
BYLAW NO. 2451 A bylaw to establish a Heritage Commission, pursuant to s. 953 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B.C. 1997, c. 323
3. Commission Establishment There is hereby established a commission known as the Heritage Commission hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”. 4. Definitions In this Bylaw “Administrative Representative” means a staff member assigned by the City Administrator to assist the Commission in a non-voting advisory and resource capacity. “Alternate” means a Council member appointed to serve in the capacity of the Council representative on the Commission in the absence of the Commission’s Council representative. “Council” means the Council of the City of Port Moody. “Member” or “Members” means a duly appointed member or members of the Commission. “Meeting” or “Meetings” means a meeting or meetings of the Commission. 5. Composition and Membership of Commission
6. Purpose of Commission The Commission shall act as an advisory body to Council on matters relating to Port Moody’s natural and cultural heritage resources including, heritage buildings, sites and neighbourhoods. 7. Duties and Powers of Commission
7.2 With the approval of Council the Commission may raise funds for local conservation projects.
8. Procedures 8.1 Meetings of the Commission shall be held on an as-required basis at a time agreeable to the members, generally on a monthly basis, with a minimum of four meetings annually, and at such other times as deemed necessary. 8.2 Special meetings may be called by the Chair, or by a majority of members, giving at least twenty four (24) hours written notice to each member and the Administrative Representative which states the date, time, location, and purpose for which the meeting is being called. 8.3 A majority of members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. 8.4 The minutes of the proceedings of all meetings shall be legibly recorded in a minute book. The minutes shall be certified as correct by the Administrative Representative and Secretary, and shall be signed by the Chair, or other member presiding at such meeting, following their adoption. Copies of the minutes shall be forwarded to Council and circulated to all members. 8.5 Subject to the provisions of this Bylaw and the Municipal Act, the Commission shall have the power to prescribe its own rules of procedure which shall not be inconsistent with the rules of procedure or policies of Council. 8.6 All members, including the Chair, shall have a vote on any question before it, and in all cases in the event of a tie, the motion shall be negatived. Any member who abstains from voting shall be deemed to have voted in the affirmative. 8.7 The Chair shall preserve order and decide all points of order which may arise, subject to an appeal by other members present. All such appeals shall be decided without debate. 8.8 No act or other proceeding of the Commission shall be valid unless it is authorized by resolution at a regular or special meeting of the Commission. 8.9 The Commission may establish sub-committees and shall advise Council of their purpose and composition. 8.10 Should the Commission wish to appoint from among its members a representative to an external organization, prior approval of Council is required. 9. Personal Liability No member of the Commission shall be liable in the member’s personal capacity for any debt or liability of the Commission. It is the responsibility of the City to insure the members against all liabilities related to fulfilling their responsibilities as a member. |