January 10,2012 Regular Council

Committee of the Whole
Regular Council
Agenda                    Minutes
2. Public Input

Ron Gordon, 4 View Court, spoke in favour of bicycle billboards noting this would create a good balance between educating motorists to be aware of cyclists and offering businesses an opportunity for additional exposure.


Brenda Graham, 10 Beddingfield Street, inquired about what the process is for a review of the existing setbacks and building heights on redeveloped Ioco Road homes that back onto Barber Lane.


Diane Jolly, 84 Grant Street, suggested that the Election Task Force terms of reference include a survey of previous candidates, community association involvement, research of processes used in other municipalities and that the membership be increased to 3 citizen members. She also asked why on every committee the chair and vice-chair are Council members rather than allowing committees to select their own chair and vice chair. 
3.1 Recreation Centre One Millionth Visitor Presentation
Presentation: Mayor Clay
File: 029001
Presentation: Mayor Clay presented a certificate to Mr. Bruce Landon recognizing him as the One Millionth Visitor to the Port Moody Recreation Complex and announced that Mr. Landon would be given a lifetime fitness pass to the Complex
3.2 Port Moody Ecological Society
Delegation Application dated November 16, 2011

Council was advised that the delegation wished to reschedule.

5.1 Bicycle Billboards
Report: Development Services Building, Bylaws and Licensing Division dated January 4, 2012 File: 390001
Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the report of Development Services - Building, Bylaws and Licensing dated January 4, 2012 be received for information.

5.2 Liquor Licence Amendment Application Joes Atlantic Grill
Report: Development Services dated January 4, 2012
File: 432050

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the City public consultation process not be undertaken given the specifics of this application outlined in the staff report dated January 4, 2012;

AND THAT LCLB be advised that the City of Port Moody opts out of the review process as provided for by existing policy.

6.1 Revised Report Format
Report: Legislative Services dated January 3, 2012
File: 053000
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the January 3, 2012 Legislative Services report titled Revised Report Format be received for information.
6.2 Proposed Terms of Reference Election Task Force
Report: Legislative Services dated December 22, 2011
File: 03602050
Moved, seconded

THAT the proposed Terms of Reference for the Election Task Force, attached to the December 22, 2011 Legislative Services Department report be adopted.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following:


“AND THAT ‘d) Review practices in other municipalities’ be added to Section 2, Duties, of the Election Task Force Terms of Reference.”


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following:


“AND THAT Section 3, Membership of the Election Task Force Terms of Reference be amended by changing ‘One citizen member’ to ‘Three citizen members’.”

The motion as amended was put and CARRIED
6.3 Committee Appointments
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 036020
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Nicki Forster be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Barbara Junker be appointed to the Community Care Committee.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Ramtin Mahdavian be appointed as the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce representative to the Economic Development Committee.

Mayor Clay announced the following appointments:

Clifford Van Alstyne is appointed to the Heritage Commission.
Melissa Hyndes, Chair of School District 43 Board of Trustees, is appointed to the Centennial Steering Committee.
6.4 Nominations: UBCM Small Water Systems Working Group
Letter: UBCM Secretariat dated December 22, 2011
File: 023040
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the December 22, 2011 letter from the UBCM Secretariat with respect to nominations for the UBCM Small Water Systems Working Group be received for information.
6.5 UBCM 2012 Membership
Memorandum: Director Heath Slee, UBCM President dated December 14, 2011
File: 023040
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody continue its membership in the UBCM for 2012.

6.6 2011 Traffic Safety and Mobility Improvements

Report: Development Services Engineering dated January 3, 2012
PowerPoint Presentation File: 54600304

Mark Halpin, Transportation Engineering Technologist and Jeff Moi, Transportation Engineer made a presentation on the traffic safety and mobility improvements.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Development Services, Engineering report titled "2011 Traffic Safety and Mobility Improvements" dated January 3, 2012, be received for information.
6.7 Fire Hall #1 Architect Design, Site Layout
Report: Development Services dated January 10, 2012
File: 7602026
Moved, seconded and
THAT Council approve the continued design and development process and staff continue to explore all feasible design options with the Architectural Design Team, through to Schematic Design completion.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT all design options to be considered have the building oriented parallel to Ioco Road.”
Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Glumac, Nuttall, Royer, Small

The question on the motion was put and CARRIED

6.8 Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline

Letter: Mr. Kennedy Stewart, MP dated October 25, 2011
File: 043021
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the letter from Mr. Kennedy Steward, MP dated October 25, 2011 be received for information.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Council indicate that they do not support the twinning of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Nuttall, Small
9.1 Release of InCamera Item

Fire Hall #1 Architect Services Award and Recommendation

The following resolution was publicly released from the December 13, 2011 InCamera Council meeting:

THAT the award of contract for Architect/Prime Consultant services for the Design and Construction of Fire Hall #1, be awarded to Chernoff Thompson Architects.

9.2 BC Hydro Smart Meters

Memorandum: City Clerk dated January 3, 2012