Nov 29,2011 Finance Committee

Agenda             Minutes
5.1  Funding for Data Collection and Reporting Structure for Traffic Related Data 
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the $2,500 for traffic data collection be included in the engineering budget.
5.2  2012-2016 Budget Review

During staff's review of the Tan gible Capital Asset Replacement Reserve, the follow three directions were given to staff:

THAT staff provide information on potential interest savings from accumulating a debt reserve and repaying debt earlier.

THAT staff provide a 3-year (2013 to 2015) and 5-year (2013 to 2017) scenario for continuing to increment the asset levy by 0.5% each year.

THAT staff provide information on what options are available to accumulate the reserve balance to $2 million.

The Committee requested that staff provide further information on bus stop improvement funding.