4.1 Noons Creek Drive Traffic Calming – Request for Road Closure Update
File: 5400-20-09 / Report: Transportation Committee dated January 30, 2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the Noons Creek traffic calming plan with no modifications at this time.
5.1 Parks and Recreation Commission 2012 Work Plan
File: 0360-20-10
Report: Community Services dated February 8, 2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2012 Parks and Recreation Commission work plan be approved.
5.2 Heritage Commission 2012 Work Plan and Budget
File: 3130-01 / 0360-20-09 / Report: Heritage Commission dated February 15, 2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Heritage Commission 2012 work plan and budget be approved.
5.3 Transportation Committee 2012 Work Plan
File:0360-20-06 / Report: Transportation Committee dated February 17, 2012
Moved and seconded
THAT the 2012 Transportation Committee work plan as included as Attachment A in the Transportation Committee report dated February 17, 2012 be approved.
2. Public Input
Maria Wahl, Port Moody resident, spoke in favour of changing the zoning bylaw to allow daycares in commercial areas.
Brent Hilpert, Port Moody resident, advised that he thought the wording in the zoning bylaw related to the height of buildings was ambiguous in several areas.
Samantha Pipers, Port Moody resident, advised that she feels the lack of daycares in Port Moody is a sustainability issue. She advised that she supports a change in the zoning bylaw to accommodate additional daycare spaces in Port Moody.
Jennifer Rodriguez, Port Moody resident, spoke in support of a zoning bylaw change to accommodate more daycare spaces in Port Moody. She advised that she now drives to a neighbouring municipality for a daycare provider.
Michael Sanson, a day care provider in Port Coquitlam, advised that he was interested in opening a new daycare space in Port Moody and spoke in support of changing the zoning bylaw to accommodate daycare space in commercial zones. He advised that he thought that there are suitable areas for daycare space in current commercial areas in Port Moody.
Katherine Kelm, Port Moody resident, advised that she is unable to find suitable daycare in Port Moody and is driving her children to Port Coquitlam for daycare. Spoke in support of the change to the zoning bylaw to accommodate daycares in commercial areas.
3.1 Chance to Choose
Delegation application dated February 13, 2012
Aman Tatla and Evelyn Humphreys appeared as a delegation on behalf of A Chance to Choose to present highlights of the program and provide information on the program’s current financial situation.
The delegation was informed that any request to Council should be submitted in writing for their consideration.
3.2 Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day
File: 0230-01
Dave Teixeira appeared as a delegation to request that February 29, 2012 be proclaimed “Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day” in Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item 6.9 be brought forward to be considered at this time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT February 29, 2012 be proclaimed Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day in Port Moody.
4.2 City of Port Moody Sign Bylaw Amendment and Related Fees Bylaw Amendment
Bylaw No. 2925 / Bylaw No. 2926
File: BL2925 / BL2403 / BL2926 / BL2857
"City of Port Moody Sign Bylaw, 1998, No. 2403, Amendment Bylaw, 2012, No. 2925" a bylaw to amend the Sign Bylaw to permit individuals or groups to install signs to advertise arts and heritage events.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2925 be now adopted.
"City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2010, No. 2857, Amendment Bylaw, No. 4, 2012, No. 2926" a bylaw to amend the Fees Bylaw to allow for fees associated with cultural event signage.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2926 be now adopted.
4.3 St. Johns StreetRoad Closing Bylaw
File: 3900-02-01 / BL2927
Bylaw No. 2927
"St. Johns Street Road Closing Bylaw, No. 2927" a bylaw to close a portion of the St. Johns Street right of way in front of 3239 St. Johns Street to facilitate a proposed land disposition.
The Mayor called for public input on the bylaw and none was given.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2927 be now adopted.
4.4 Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments Related to the Calculation of Height
File: 6700-20-104 / BL2919
Report: Development Services – Planning Division dated February 20, 2012
"City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 209, 2012, No. 2919” an amending bylaw to clarify the intent to limit the height of new single family buildings to three storeys.
Moved and seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2919 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2919 be amended at first reading as follows:
THAT section 2.4, definition of Height of Building be amended to read as follows, “The height of a building shall not exceed the lesser of 10.5 metres (34.5 ft) or three storeys.”
The question on the main motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2919 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2919 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
4.5 Street, Traffic and Public Places Bylaw No. 1528 Amendment – Parking
File: 3900-02-01 / BL1528 / BL2903 / BL2904
Report: Development Services –Building, Bylaws and Licensing Division dated January 30, 2012
"City of Port Moody Street, Traffic and Public Places Amendment Bylaw, No. 2903" an amending bylaw to address parking enforcement issues.
As deferred from the February 14, 2012 Regular Council meeting:
Moved and seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2903 be now read a second time.
The question on the motion was put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2903 be now read a third time.
"City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Utilization Amendment Bylaw, No. 2904" an amending bylaw to update the fines associated with traffic violations.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2904 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2904 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2904 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff review the language of the Street, Traffic and Public Places Bylaw, and its subsequent amendments, and report back to clarify definitions;
AND THAT staff review the related fines in the Municipal Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw for on street parking violations.
4.6 Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Rezoning) Application for 2210 Clarke Street
Bylaw No. 2924 / File:6700-20-105
Report: Development Services – Planning Division dated February 17, 2012
"City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 211, 2012, No. 2924” an amending bylaw to rezone the property at 2210 Clarke Street to Comprehensive Development Zone 58 (CD58) to allow for the construction of a laneway house at the rear of the property.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2924 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2924 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2924 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
5.1 Review of Encroachment Agreement Term Lengths
File: 3010-03 / Report: Legislative Services dated February 17, 2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to negotiate encroachment agreement terms of up to ten (10) years;
AND THAT the encroachment area fee be updated every two years based on an update of assessed values used to calculate the fee.
6.1 Process to Update Official Community Plan
File: 6430-05
Report: Development Services – Planning Division dated February 17, 2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to proceed with an update to the Official Community Plan as outlined in the Development Services Department report dated February 17, 2012.
6.2 Notification of Proposed Amendment to Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy
File: 6970-07-03 / Report: Development Services – Planning dated February 15, 2012
Moved, seconded CARRIED
THAT Council supports the proposed amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy as outlined in the January 27, 2012 notice from Metro Vancouver.
6.3 Draft Accessible Bus Stop Upgrade Program
File: 8500-03 / Report: Development Services – Engineering Division dated February 17, 2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Draft Accessible Bus Stop Program as outlined in the Engineering Division report dated February 17, 2012, be approved.
AND THAT funding for the Draft Accessible Bus Stop Program be considered as part of the 2013 five year financial plan budget process.
6.4 Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment to Allow Commercial Daycares in Port Moody
File: 6700-01 / Report: Councillor Rick Glumac dated February 21, 2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back to Council on the implications of amending Zoning Bylaw 1890 to permit 'Child Care Use accommodating 10 or more children' under C3 Zoning and other zones, including appropriate draft amending bylaws to give effect to this proposal, for consideration of adoption by Council.
6.5 Committee Appointments
File: 0360-01 / Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Quinton Brownsdon be appointed to the Youth Focus Committee.
6.6 Councillor Request – Conference Attendance
File: 0530-01
Centre for Civic Governance Forum Conference Agenda and Registration Details
Email: Manager of Financial Services dated February 23, 2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Glumac be authorized to attend the Centre for Civic Governance Forum March 30 and 31, 2012 at Harrison Hot Springs at a cost of $465 (plus applicable taxes), funded from council conventions and dues cost centre.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
6.7 Proclamation Request - Bottled Water Free Day – March 15, 2012
File: 0630-01
Email: Daniel Cayley-Daoust dated February 6, 2012
Sample Proclamation
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT March 15, 2012 be proclaimed Bottled Water Free Day in Port Moody.
6.8 Proclamation Request – March – Kidney Month
File: 0630-01
Letter: Kidney Foundation dated February 2012
Sample Proclamation
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT March be proclaimed Kidney Month in Port Moody.
6.9 Proclamation Request – Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day – February 29, 2012
File: 0630-01
Sample Proclamation
Dealt with under item 3.2
7.1 Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of
February 28, 2012 be endorsed.
10. Public Input
Brent Hilpert, Port Moody resident, questioned when newly adopted bylaws come into affect. He also questioned when the zoning bylaw would undergo a more thorough revision.
Janice Woodrow, Port Moody resident, questioned if the significant amount of correspondence that was directed to Council prior to the 2009 OCP update would be available to new Councillors.
Brent Hilpert, Port Moody resident, noted his disappointment that the 3 hour parking restriction was not applied to Alderside Road in the consideration of the Street, Parking and Public Places Bylaw amendment.