March 13,2012 Regular Council

Public Hearing
Agenda             Minutes
1.1 Zoning bylaw text amendment related to the calculation of height
Mr. Richard Biedka, 1232 Ioco Road, requested an explanation of how the changes would restrict the height to three storeys and how the definition for basement impacts the total height of the building. He also noted that there is no consideration in the bylaw for houses being built on slopes where if the house is situated higher on the slope, the total height of the building would appear larger relative to neighbouring houses, than if sited lower down on the slope.

He added that he has been impacted by this type of construction and expressed the view that he should be permitted the same standards as properties already developed under the current regulations.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2919 be forwarded to the March 13, 2012 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.
1.2 Zoning bylaw Amendment 2210 Clarke Street
David McCombe, 1-3339 Dewdney Trunk Road, spoke in support of the application adding that laneway housing fits well in Port Moody.

Michael McCann, 2210 Clarke Street, the applicant, spoke in support of the application as it is a good use for increased densification in the area. He added this building is for a residence for his son.

Keri McKinney, 6- 305 Highland Way, spoke in support of the application on behalf of the family who wishes to have their son reside in the laneway house.

Denis Nisbett, 1050 Alderside, spoke in support of the application noting that laneway housing is a type of housing that is important to have today to provide for housing for a changing demographic such as elderly parents who wish to reside independently but near their family.

Wendy Swallwell, 2129 Clarke Street, indicated that she is an immediate neighbor to this property and spoke in favour of the project. She noted that the Moody Centre Community Association has supported the concept of laneway housing.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2924 be forwarded to the March 13, 2012 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda                   Minutes
2. Public Input
Garry Mckill, 124 Jacobs Road inquired why the 50 km speed limit illuminated sign was removed from Ioco Road and suggested that such a sign be installed on a permanent basis on Ioco Road.

3.1 Delegation - Gerard Evans – Green Roof Technology - Fire Hall #1

Delegation Application dated February 24, 2012
Email: Gerard Evans dated February 28, 2012

Gerard Evans, 1732 Ioco Road, BCIT Student of Green Roof and Living Wall Technology, provided information on the benefits and cost savings associated with green roof technology and suggested that Council consider incorporating green roof technology into the new Fire Hall #1 building. He also suggested that Port Moody adopt a green roof policy.

3.2 Delegation - Port Moody Ecological Society
- postponed
3.3 Delegation - Port Moody Heritage Society
PowerPoint Presentation

Delegation Application dated March 6, 2012

Wayne Beggs, President, Heritage Society and Jim Millar, Manager, Port Moody Station Museum presented information on the Port Moody Heritage Society's book to be published this year. They requested that the City consider being a sponsor.

They indicated that they would like to use the city’s logo in the book to recognize the city as a partner, regardless of whether Council decides to donate funds to the project. They requested that the city let the Society know in advance how many copies of the book Port Moody City Hall would like to purchase.

They requested that the City commit to purchasing a number of copies in exchange for the inclusion of the City Logo in the book. 100 books at $40 each ($4,000) is suggested.

4.2 Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments Related to the Calculation of Height
Bylaw No. 2919

"City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 209, 2012, No. 2919” an amending bylaw to clarify the intent to limit the height of new single family buildings to three storeys.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2919 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2919 be now adopted.

4.3 Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Rezoning) Application for 2210 Clarke Street Bylaw No. 2924

"City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 211, 2012, No. 2924” an amending  bylaw to rezone the property at 2210 Clarke Street to Comprehensive Development Zone 58 (CD58) to allow for the construction of a laneway house at the rear of the property.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2924 be now read a third time.

4.4 Street, Traffic and Public Places Bylaw No. 1528 Amendment – Parking Bylaw No. 2903 Bylaw No. 2904

"City of Port Moody Street, Traffic and Public Places   Amendment Bylaw, No. 2903" an amending bylaw to address parking enforcement issues.
"City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information  Utilization Amendment Bylaw, No. 2904" an amending bylaw to update the fines associated with traffic violations.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2903 be now adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2904 be now adopted.
6.1 Tri-Cities Single Mobile Business Licence Program
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Councillor Diana Dilworth, Economic Development Committee Chair, be appointed as the representative from Port Moody to the Tri-Cities Joint Working Group on the Implementation of a Single Mobile Business License Program.

Voting against: Councillor Royer
6.2 Committee Appointment – Centennial Steering Committee
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Wayne Axford be appointed to the Centennial Steering Committee.

7.1 Approval of Recommendations from Finance Committee - Meeting of March 6, 2012

3.1 2012-2016 Capital Plan Review

THAT the Inlet Theatre Outdoor Stage Covering project (design and construction) be removed from the Taxation Reserve.

THAT the Public Consultation of City Services be deferred to 2014.

THAT the annual funding level of the Taxation Reserve be reduced by $80,000 per year for 2012 to 2016.

THAT shortfall in the Taxation Reserve for 2012 and 2013 be covered by borrowing from the unallocated capital and operating reserves, which would be paid back in 2014 to 2016.

3.2 2012-2016 Operating Plan Review

THAT staff report back on account 6003-140, auxiliary budget in Legislative Services.

THAT staff report back on discrepancies between budgeted figures and actual figures for account 6000, salaries for all departments in 2010 and 2011.

THAT staff report back on why budget figures consistently exceed actual figures for account 6112, training for all departments.

4.1 Budget Town Hall Meeting Survey Results & Feedback

THAT the 2012 budget survey results be received for information.

4.2 2013 Centennial Celebration

THAT the $29,400 for the 2013 Centennial Celebration be funded from the Unallocated Capital Reserve.

Moved, seconded and
THAT the recommendations of the Finance Committee held March 6, 2012 be approved.

Separation of the motion was requested.

The question on the first clause, THAT the Inlet Theatre  Outdoor Stage Covering project (design and construction) be removed from the Taxation Reserve was put and CARRIED.

Voting against Councillor Glumac

The question on the second clause, THAT the Public  Consultation of City Services be deferred to 2014 was put  and DEFEATED.

Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Royer

The question on the remainder of the main motion was put and CARRIED.

8.1 Council verbal reports

Councillor Royer submitted the following notice of motion for consideration at the March 27, 2012 Regular Council meeting:

WHEREAS the Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet is a precious and fragile habitat for salmon, seals, migratory birds and aquatic plants that also supports important human activities which may negatively impact the Inlet’s water wildlife and shoreline;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a baseline of the type and volume of oil, minerals, chemicals and hazardous goods transported on land and water, by pipeline, rail, trucks and ships, be established;

AND THAT a bylaw be introduced to require that industries conduct extensive and meaningful consultation with Port Moody residents, environmental stewardship groups and Council prior to implementing any significant change in the type of hazardous goods transported and any significant increase in the volume of hazardous goods beyond the baseline.

10 Public Input

Robert Simons, 1012 Alpine Place, requested clarification regarding the decision for the theatre outdoor stage cover.