March 27,2012 Regular Council

Committee of the Whole
Agenda                      Minutes
4.1 Moody Centre Heritage Conservation Area Signage Project
Report: Heritage Commission dated February 17, 2012 / File: 0360-09-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to proceed with implementation of the sign option recommended by the Heritage Commission for the Moody Centre Heritage Conservation Area Sign Project.
5.1 2012 Community Care Committee Work Plan
Report: Community Care Committee dated March 19, 2012/ File:0360-20-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2012 Community Care Committee work plan as presented in the Community Care Committee report dated March 19,2012 be approved.
5.2 Summer Games 2016-2018 City of Coquitlam Application
Report: Economic Development Committee dated March 16, 2012 / File: 0360-20-03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Coquitlam be notified that the City of Port Moody wishes to further explore participation in the development of the bid to host the BC Summer Games.
Regular Council
Agenda                       Minutes
2. Public Input
3.1  Youth Focus Committee - Presentation of annual work plan
Presentation by Youth Focus Committee Members
Report: Youth Focus Committee dated February 22, 2012 File: 0360-20-07

Members of the Youth Focus Committee appeared as a delegation to present the 2012 Youth Focus Committee Work Plan.

Mayor Clay thanked the members of the Youth Focus Committee for their delegation.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2012 Youth Focus Committee Work Plan be dealt with at this time and be approved.
4.2  Report of public hearing
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of Public Hearing held Tuesday, March 13,2012 be received.
5.1  Green Roof Technology for Firehall # 1 , delegation response
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT a green roof be incorporated into the design of Fire Hall #1.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Elliott, Nuttall
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a green roof policy be drafted and sent to the Environmental Protection Committee for input.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the March 20, 2012 Development Services report regarding green roof technology at Fire Hall #1 be received for information.
5.2  Port Moody Heritage Society, delegation response
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City commit to purchasing 100 copies of the Heritage Society book at $40 each;
AND THAT the $4,000 cost be referred to the Finance Committee to identify a funding source.
6.1  Evergreen Line - Public Art
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to send the Engineering Division report of March 19, 2012 to the Evergreen Project Team and request that the information be made available to the shortlisted request for proposal teams;

AND THAT staff request the Evergreen Line Project develop a committee structure; hold regular meetings; and engage the Arts and Culture Committee and other stakeholders in developing avenues for incorporation of public art into the Project;

AND THAT the report of March 19, 2012 be forwarded to the Arts and Culture Committee for review and comment;

AND THAT the Arts and Culture Committee include liaising with the Evergreen Line Project in their 2012 work plan.

6.2  Translink and Evergree Line , Pedestrian and Bicycle integration
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Mayor and Council send a letter to the Evergreen Line Project Team, the Minister of Transportation, and the Premier of British Columbia requesting that funding be committed to the construction of a safe pedestrian/cycling overpass in the vicinity of the Moody Street bridge, to be completed before the opening of the Moody Centre Station;

AND THAT any letters of support be included with this request.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the March 19, 2012 report titled “TransLink Evergreen Line Pedestrian and Bicycle Integration Project” from the Engineering Division be received for information.
6.3  Proclamation Request, Daffodil Month
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT April 27, 2012 be proclaimed Daffodil Day;
AND THAT the month of April, 2012 be proclaimed Canadian Cancer Society’s Daffodil Month.
6.4  Proclamation Request, Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the month of April, 2012 be proclaimed Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Awareness Month.
7.1  Approval of Recommendations from Finance Committee of March 20,2012
4.1 Police Budget
THAT the amended police budget be received and
THAT the 2012 police recruitment be deferred to 2013 and budget pre-approval for this position be considered later in 2012.
THAT 2012 and 2013 budget for traffic fine revenue be left as is and that an adjustment be made in the 2014 budget.

3.1 2012-2016 Operating Plan Review

THAT both sidebar projects be referred to the 2013 budget process.
THAT the new position request for an Emergency Program Coordinator (2 days per week) be approved.
THAT the heat and light budget (cost centres 7200 and 7201) be based on the average of the actuals of the last three years (2009, 2010, 2011), at $868,091, a reduction of $17,662.
THAT the training budget (cost centres 6111 and 6112) be set at $238,000, a reduction of $29,000, and that, in subsequent years, that the training budget be set at 1% of total payroll.
THAT the 2012 snow removal budget be reduced by $50,000.

3.2 Financial Plan Analysis

THAT the budget variances as described in the Manager of Financial Services report dated March 14, 2012 be received for information.

3.3 Public Consultation on City Services

THAT the public consultation budget be set at $21,500 for 2012, and that the public consultation receive pre-approval.

4.2 2012 Financial Plan – Potential Tax Savings

THAT the suggested budget reductions of $141,400 for Burrard Thermal Grant-in-lieu, Management/Fire Overhead, Position Vacancy, Debt, and Labour Correction as outlined in the report from Corporate Services Department dated March 16, 2012 be approved.
THAT staff prepare a bylaw for the adoption of the five-year financial plan, and that Council consider adoption of the Financial Plan Bylaw for 2012.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations of the Finance Committee held March 20, 2012 as noted above be approved.

7.2 Committee of the Whole Resolutons

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of March 27, 2012 be endorsed as above

7.3 Committee Appointment

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Paul Carey be appointed to the 2012 Transportation Committee.
8.3  Earth Hour
Verbal Report: Acting City Manager
Public Service Announcement: Put your lights out Port Moody!
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Public Service Announcement dated March 22, 2012 be received.
10. Public Input
Jim Millar, Port Moody resident, noted that he attended an Evergreen Line Business Liaison Committee meeting and asked that the state of sidewalks be addressed.