April 10,2012 Regular Council

Committee of the Whole
Agenda             Minutes
5.1 Safety Fair Update
Report: Transportation Committee dated April 2, 2012   File: 0360-20-06
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a Safety Fair with a focus on road safety be held in the fall of 2012, with a preferred date of September 30, 2012;

AND THAT the Transportation Sub-Committee, chaired by Mr. Bob Charbonneau, continue to assist the Transportation Committee with planning the 2012 Safety Fair.

5.2 Proposed Amendment to Terms of Reference: Transportation Committee
Report: Transportation Committee dated April 2, 2012  File: 0360-20-06
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Terms of Reference for the Transportation Committee be amended to reflect the change in membership as outlined in the report from the Engineering Division dated April 2, 2012.
Regular Council 
Agenda             Minutes

1.1 Historical Update / Centennial Celebrations Announcement

Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 7810-01

Mayor Clay unveiled Port Moody’s new Centennial logo and mentioned a number of highlights that people can look forward to participating in during the Centennial Year 2013. He also noted that more information is available on the city’s web page at www.portmoody.ca which will be updated regularly and encouraged people to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. He thanked the Commemorative Society for donating chocolates stamped with the Centennial logo which were then distributed to the audience.

2.  Public Input
Lucy Depieri, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed baseline industrial activity and public consultation bylaw suggesting that any future development must balance the provision of jobs with measures to ensure they do not harm the city’s environment. She also spoke in support of the opportunity for residents to have input into all future development.

Carola Alder, Port Moody, indicated that she recently toured PCT on two separate occasions, and noted that the large sediment pond is only a short distance from the inlet waters. She expressed her opinion that it is important that the community be consulted on industrial plans for expansion in operations that could impact the inlet waters adding that this proposed bylaw will assist in ensuring the environment will be left in a better state for future generations.

Judith Roche, Port Moody, spoke in favour of the proposed base line industrial activity and public consultation bylaw indicating that she spends a great deal of time rowing in the inlet and encouraged the city to be proactive rather than reactive with respect to potential spills and other industrial activities that could impact the inlet.

Rebeka Breder, Port Moody, spoke in favour of the proposal to ban shark fin products in the City of Port Moody. As a lawyer, her research indicates that under the general provisions of the Community Charter , Port Moody Council can adopt bylaws related to animals and the regulation of businesses. She also noted a number of cities have put such bans in place. She submitted a memorandum she has prepared on the jurisdiction of British Columbia municipalities to ban shark fin products.
Ms. Breder also submitted this document on the legal aspects of the ban

Jeff Congram, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed baseline industrial activity and public consultation bylaw.

April Facey, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed ban on shark fin products. She related that when industry closed in Chemainus where she lived at the time, the community banded together and became a tourism destination, noting that if communities pull together they can make great changes. She suggested that as a community, Port Moody could bring the change that the shark fin ban suggests.

Group of school children and their teacher from Moody Elementary School attended and made a presentation on the research the class has done related to shark fin harvesting. The highlighted many of the negative impacts of the practice. The students read a letter that they had previously sent to Mayor and Council expressing their concerns for the environmental impact of the current practice of use of shark fin products.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 15 minute public input period be extended.

Susan Ruzic, Port Moody resident and Teacher Librarian from Moody Elementary School spoke in support a ban on shark fin products. She also suggested Council look at the triple bottom line when considering bylaws, that is the financial, social and environmental impacts.

Jarrett Hagglund, Vancouver resident, spoke in favour of the proposed bylaw for baseline industrial activity and public consultation particularly the importance of public consultation and information sharing.

Kevin Hagglund, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed bylaw for baseline industrial activity and public consultation, particularly the importance of businesses/industry being required to consult with the public when they change or expand their operations in ways that could affect the environment. With respect to suggestions that this is not within municipal jurisdiction he cited sections from the Community Charter that provides the jurisdiction.

Nikki Bryce, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed bylaw for baseline industrial activity and public consultation suggesting that if industries in Port Moody wish to expand their activities, they should be required to consult with people in the community. She suggested it is unrealistic and unworkable for the consultation requirement to be left to higher levels of government.

Gabriel Wildgen, resident of Montreal, Quebec and campaigner with Humane Society International, spoke in support of a ban on the sale of shark fin products. He outlined the activities that Humane Society International is engaged in to promote bans on use of shark fin products.

Wendy Swalwell, Port Moody, indicated she supports protection of the environment noting that there are numerous requirements at the federal and provincial levels for regulating industrial activity. She inquired as to what format the engagement with the public consultation would be expected to take if industry has plans to increase or substantially change their industrial operations.

Phil Gillies, resident of Brantford, Ontario spoke on behalf of the Conservation Society of Canada indicating that he and his colleagues started the process over a year ago to ban shark fin products. He encouraged Port Moody to be the first municipality in British Columbia to ban shark fin products. He outlined numerous issues upon which this decision should be made, including environmental conservation, health, cruelty and law and order.

Rob Sinclair, resident of Toronto, Ontario urged Council to adopt a bylaw in Port Moody banning use of shark fin products. He provided a number of examples where governments in other countries are prohibiting use of shark fin products.

George Broderick, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed bylaw for baseline industrial activity and public consultation to build knowledge in the community about industrial activities going on in our community.

Gil Riderman, Port Moody, spoke in support of the proposed bylaw for baseline industrial activity and public consultation suggesting that people move to this community because of the environment and that is a community characteristic that should be protected.

Brent Hilpert, Port Moody, spoke with respect to the proposed bylaw for baseline industrial activity and public consultation indicating that railway and port activities are federally controlled and inquired whether there is statutory authority for the city to proceed with the suggested bylaw.

Fred Soofi, Anmore, spoke in favour of the proposed bylaw for baseline industrial activity and public consultation, particularly in support of the public consultation.

David Spence, Port Moody, indicated he is uneasy regarding the issues of the shark fin bylaw and the proposed bylaw for baseline industrial activity and public consultation on the basis that those suggests lean towards the litigious in that it is an effort to deal with ethical and moral issues by establishing legal and statutory tools to govern ourselves. He expressed concern about adopting bylaws to regulate how we should be as a community. He noted that there has already been consultation by industry in the past and the direction proposed is narrow and not perhaps as creative as it could be. He also spoke in support of the request for a proclamation for national volunteer week next week.

3.1 Jeff Congram - Shark fin ban

Delegation Application dated February 21, 2012 File: 0320-02

Mr. Congram spoke in support of his request that Council implement a ban on the trade, sale and distribution of shark fins in Port Moody. He outlined his reasons for proposing this which includes the ecological impact, health concerns, the fact that the fins are used only to add texture rather than flavour and the cruelty associated with harvesting the shark fins.

MP Fin Donelly also appeared before Council to respond to questions regarding activities in Ottawa on this issue.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT this item be dealt with this evening.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody implement a ban on the possession, trade, sale and distribution of shark fins or their derivative products with the exception of possession for educational bona fide research purposes.

3.2 ArtsConnect - 13th Annual ArtWalk

Delegation Application dated March 19, 2012 File: 7780-20

Kathy Bell, Board Member, ArtsConnect presented information regarding the 13th Annual ArtWalk on April 21 and 22, 2012, and discussed other activities in Port Moody.

3.3 PoCoMo Youth - CommunityUpdate

Delegation Application dated March 22, 2012 File: 0230-01

Jerome Bouvier provided a community update on the activities of PoCoMo Youth Services. He also outlined some of the changes they have implemented given their limited resources.

3.4 Public Budget Presentation – Public Input Opportunity

30 minute PowerPoint presentation: Director of Corporate Services Presentation handout available on-table.

Public Input Opportunity

David Spence, Port Moody, raised a question regarding the Westhill Park revenue stream. He also noted that there was no indication of revenue from grants and asked how those are reported, noting the city does receive grants. He also inquired where the funding was for Port Moody’s 2013 Centennial celebration.

4.2 2012-2016 Five Year Financial Plan and Related Bylaw
Report: Corporate Services Department – Financial Services dated April 4, 2012 File: 1700-03-10-08/BL2932

City of Port Moody Financial Plan Bylaw, 2012, Bylaw No. 2932“a bylaw to establish the 2012-2016 Five Year Financial Plan.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2932 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2932 be now read a second time.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2932 be now read a third time.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall

5.1 Dissolution of Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC)

Report: Councillor Nuttall, Representative to LMTAC dated April 2, 2012 File: 0375-02-09

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions adopted by LMTAC at their meeting of April 2, 2012 to conclude the function be endorsed.
5.2 Mayor’s Appointments to Sustainability Audit / Review Committee
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay File: 0360-20-49
Mayor Clay announced the following appointments to the Sustainability Audit/Review Committee:

Councillor Dilworth and Councillor Small as the two members of Council in addition to the Mayor and Karl Travis and Robert Vagramov as the citizen members.

Councillor Dilworth declared a conflict of interest on item 5.3 as she is an employee of Pacific Coast Terminals and left meeting at 9:38 pm.

5.3 Baseline Industrial Activity and Public Consultation Bylaw
PowerPoint presentation / Report: Councillor Royer dated April 5, 2012 / File: 0550-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the meeting continue beyond 10:00 p.m.
Moved, seconded and
WHEREAS the Port Moody Arm of Burrard Inlet is a precious and fragile habitat for salmon, seals, migratory birds and aquatic plants that also supports important human activities which may negatively impact the Inlet’s water wildlife and shoreline;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a baseline of the type and volume of oil, minerals, chemicals and hazardous goods transported on land and water, by pipeline, rail, trucks and ships and shipped through Port Moody terminals be established;

AND THAT a bylaw be introduced to require that industries conduct extensive and meaningful consultation with Port Moody residents, environmental stewardship groups and Council prior to implementing any significant change in the type of hazardous goods transported and any significant increase in the volume of hazardous goods beyond that baseline.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the foregoing motion be referred to staff to prepare a report back to Council.

Voting against: Councillors Glumac, Royer

Councillor Dilworth returned to the meeting at 10:21 pm.

6.1 Proclamation Request - Asian Heritage Month – May, 2012

Letter: Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society, dated March 19, 2012 / Sample Proclamation / File: 0630-01

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May, 2012 be declared Heritage Month.
6.2 Proclamation Request – National Volunteer Week – April 15 – 21, 2012
Sample Proclamation / File 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT April 15 -21, 2012 be proclaimed Volunteer Week.
6.3 Message to Members – Support of Heritage BC
E-mail: Heritage BC dated April 3, 2012 / File: 0360-20-09
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the email from Heritage BC dated April 3, 2012, be received.

10. Public Input

Nicki Bryce, Port Moody, expressed the opinion that this Council meeting was interesting and indicated that she appreciates what Council members had to say and enjoyed the evening at Council.