Majid Sadeghzadeh, Port Moody, spoke to the issue of his request for reimbursement of Licencing Fees which is on this evening's agenda.
Claudia Li, Burnaby, founder of the organization called Shark Truth. She advised that she has had considerable experience working with municipalities on bans on shark fins and in the interests of the public relations aspect, she requested that the language in Council's resolution be amended to delete the words "primarily as a status symbol rather than any other culinary or dietary reason". She advised that her concern was that text may be interpreted as a cultural judgement which would not assist with the process of addressing this issue.
Delegation Application dated May 29, 2012 File: 0230-01
Margeret Newell spoke on behalf of the Art in the Garden Committee which is having an Art in the Garden tour in support of the Port Moody Arts Centre Society. She invited Council to participate in the Art in the Garden Tour taking place on Sunday, July 15, 2012.
2011 City of Port Moody Annual Report, including the 2012 Council Strategic Plan, to be distributed under separate cover Annual Report available at the Legislative Services counter, at the Council meeting and online at:
Opportunity for public feedback
There were no speakers.
3.3 Ipsos Reid 2012 Citizen Satisfaction Syndicated SurveyPresentation: City Clerk and Communications Advisor/ File: 1360-02
See Item 6.1 for survey report
4.2 2011 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI)
Councillor Dilworth declared a conflict of interest on Item 4.3 in that one of the affected users is her employer, and left the meeting at 8:07 pm.
City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2010, No. 2857, Amendment Bylaw No. 6, 2012, No. 2935ˇ¨ a bylaw to amend the sewer user charges for metered users.
City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2010, No. 2857, Amendment Bylaw No. 7, 2012, No. 2943 ¨ a bylaw to collect a permit fee for those wishing to participate in the Street Performers Program.
Report: Development Services, Bylaw Enforcement dated June 18, 2012 / File: 4000-01/BL2903
Voting against: Councillor Glumac
Separation of the motion was requested.
Report: Community Services, Cultural Services dated June 16, 2012 File: 7940-00Recommendation:
AND THAT the scope of the current Port Moody OCP review be expanded to include a future western station.
Voting against: Mayor Clay and Councillor Dilworth
AND THAT funding in the amount of $30,000 be reallocated from the 2013 capital budget for the skaters' lobby roof to the 2012 capital budget for this project.
Moved, seconded
1) Port Moody residents have raised concerns about serious health, privacy, security, safety, cost and other concerns, including infringement of their democratic, civil and human rights, regarding the forced installation of BC Hydroˇ¦s wireless smart meters on their homes;
2) Many other British Columbian residents have raised similar concerns, prompting 40 BC Municipal and Local Government Councils and the Union of BC Municipalities (2011 Convention) to pass motions calling for a moratorium on mandatory installations of wireless meters and/or an opt-out option for their residents to provide citizens with a choice in accordance with our democratic process;
3) There is growing evidence that electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by wireless smart meters may have negative health impacts on some individuals and that the World Health Organization has recently reclassified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, such as occur with smart meters, as class 2B carcinogenic to humans, the same category as lead and DDT.
4) Information has not been made readily available to the public on the exact locations within Port Moody of Smart Grid collector units or hubs where date is received and re-transmitted, as well as locations where meters are concentrated in banks such as apartment blocks, which create the potential for increased radio-frequency emissions at these locations;
6) Provincial Bill 23, Section 83 (1) of the British Columbia Public Health Act states that, if a local government becomes aware of a health hazard or health impediment within its jurisdiction, it must report the health hazard or health Impediment to a health officer or take an action which it has authority to take and provide health officers with information the health officers require; and
7) Smart meters and smart grids can be installed using nonwireless technology, including phone lines, fiber optics, or the Echelon power line technology as used in many European countries.
THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Port Moody writes to BC Hydro requesting:
1) That BC Hydro offer opt out options to Port Moody residents, whether or not a smart meter has already been installed in their home, at no extra costs to the consumers, which options would include analogue meter or smart meter and smart grid technologies which do not emit radio frequency emissions.
2) That BC Hydro provide public assurance that individual household privacy will be maintained in any public release or sharing of data collected by Smart Meters; and that this data will not be sold to private companies;
3) That BC Hydro provide the City with all locations of wireless smart meter ˇ§collector unitsˇ¨ and ˇ§hubsˇ¨, information regarding the maximum number of smart meters in ˇ§smart meter banksˇ¨ and data on radio-frequency emissions exposure (including all Message Types and all Transmission Frequencies per 24 hour period of radio frequency emissions), from smart meters, ˇ§collector unitsˇ¨, ˇ§hubsˇ¨, and multiple smart meter locations;
AND THAT the City of Port Moody call on the Provincial government to halt the installation of smart meters until questions around, health, privacy and other concerns have been answered.
6) Provincial Bill 23, Section 83 (1) of the British Columbia Public Health Act states that, if a local government becomes aware of a health hazard or health impediment within its jurisdiction, it must report the health hazard or health Impediment to a health officer or take an action which it has authority to take and provide health officers with information the health officers require; and
7) Smart meters and smart grids can be installed using nonwireless technology, including phone lines, fiber optics, or the Echelon power line technology as used in many European countries.
THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Port Moody writes to BC Hydro requesting:
1) That BC Hydro offer opt out options to Port Moody residents, whether or not a smart meter has already been installed in their home, at no extra costs to the consumers, which options would include analogue meter or smart meter and smart grid technologies which do not emit radio frequency emissions.
2) That BC Hydro provide public assurance that individual household privacy will be maintained in any public release or sharing of data collected by Smart Meters; and that this data will not be sold to private companies;
3) That BC Hydro provide the City with all locations of wireless smart meter ˇ§collector unitsˇ¨ and ˇ§hubsˇ¨, information regarding the maximum number of smart meters in ˇ§smart meter banksˇ¨ and data on radio-frequency emissions exposure (including all Message Types and all Transmission Frequencies per 24 hour period of radio frequency emissions), from smart meters, ˇ§collector unitsˇ¨, ˇ§hubsˇ¨, and multiple smart meter locations;
AND THAT the City of Port Moody call on the Provincial government to halt the installation of smart meters until questions around, health, privacy and other concerns have been answered.
The question on the remainder of the resolution was put and CARRIED.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillor Dilworth
7.1 Finance CommitteeRecommendations
Youth Focus Committee ˇV Request for Funding for Hoodies
THAT the amount of up to $550 for the purchase of hoodies for the Youth Focus Committee be funded from the Council Promotion Budget.
8. Reports from Council
WHEREAS Port Moody is a coastal community which would be adversely effected by an oil spill in nearby waters, be it resolved:
THAT Port Moody city council expresses opposition to projects by Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, or any other entity that would lead to the expansion of oil tanker traffic through BC's coastal waters,
AND THAT the City of Port Moody join with other BC local governments in expressing concern and opposition to the expansion of crude oil tanker traffic on BC's coast by sending a copy of this motion to the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Christy Clarke, Premier of BC, local MLAs and MPs, the Union of BC Municipalities and all member municipalities.
8.2 Staff Verbal Reports
9. Information ItemsResolution and Response Letters
10. Public Input
Peter Dasniers, Port Moody, provided statistics and costing regarding the amount of development that would be required to fund the proposed additional western station and the length of time it would take to achieve sufficient development contributions. He questioned how the city would collect the funds over time to fund the building of the station.
Jillian Hull, Port Moody, thanked Council for supporting the Western Port Moody Property Owners' request.
Chris Leveque, Maple Ridge who works in Port Moody, spoke regarding the issue of Smart Meters noting that Maple Ridge agreed with the opt but option as the best option for people. He expressed concern with inaccurate billing, health effects, privacy and security. He submitted a package of information on the issue.