Hazel Mason, Port Moody, expressed disappointment with on-table material not being posted to the website. She suggested that all public submissions be posted to the website, that Council reduce the number of I n-Camera meetings, and that Council consider webcasting meetings.
Barbara Junker, Port Moody, expressed concern with the 400 BC Hydro meter readers who will lose their job as a result of the smart meters. She advised that COPE has been asking BC Hydro for a transition plan for these workers since 2007 and that despite promises of re-training, no plan is in place for these employees. She also shared concerns with other residents regarding the smart meter initiative and the negative impacts regarding privacy and billing concerns.
Jim Small, Port Moody, congratulated Council for supporting Councillor Small's resolution regarding smart meters. He expressed concern with potential multi-level billing, the handling of personal information, and who will bare the cost and installation of the meters. He noted that the forced installation is a reminder of the HST implementation.
Dr. Elaine Golds, Port Moody, spoke in support of the motion to consider tanker traffic. She noted the environmental risk, and expressed concern with the pipeline carrying corrosive material. She advised that there are no apparent benefits to the pipeline given that it will not increase our supply.
Chris Leveque, Maple Ridge, who is employed in Port Moody, expressed concern with smart meters. He noted concern with collector routers being located too close to homes, the location of antennas, and the frequency in which the meters transmit data.
Jillian Hull, Belcarra resident, Port Moody property owner, advised that she was disappointed with the letter she received from the Evergreen Line Project Office in response to the West Port Moody Property Owners request for a western portal station farther west than the currently planned station. She requested that Council reconsider the alignment of the Murray-Clarke Connector.
PowerPoint Presentation / Delegation Application dated. July 3, 2012 / File: 0360-20-43
Richard Dixon and Susan Ius provided details of the Youth Arts Festival taking place July 26 - 29,2012. Ms. Ius thanked staff for their support. Mr. Dixon provided background on the festival, presented a sample of festival participants, and spoke to the festival's participant and cultural diversity. He noted that the festival provides a safe and nurturing environment for youth to perform and network. He encouraged Council to attend the festival.
Cindy Verschoor, Manager, Communications and Public Affairs for the Smart Metering Program, Donna McGeachie, Community Relations Manager for the Lower Mainland-South Coast Region, and Vern Kwiatkowski, IT Manager, Smart Metering & Infrastructure Program, delivered a presentation on BC Hydro's Smart Metering Program, the business case for the program, and its benefits. She provided a detailed program scope, advised that data reports and information on the program are available on the BC Hydro website, and spoke to the cost benefit of the program. She addressed Council and resident questions and concerns.
The Manager of Cultural Services provided details on the selection process and advised that Blake Williams was the successful artist.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Port Moody city council expresses opposition to projects by Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, or any other entity that would lead to the expansion of oil tanker traffic through BC's coastal waters;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of Port Moody join with other BC local governments in expressing concern and opposition to the expansion of crude oil tanker traffic on BC's coast by sending a copy of this motion to the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Christy Clarke, Premier of BC, local MLAs and MPs, the Union of BC Municipalities and all member municipalities.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth and Nuttall
7.1 Recommendations of Finance Committee
THAT the proposed timeline for departmental functional budget overviews be approved with the addition that a presentation for the City Manager and Mayor and Council departmental function budget overview be added to October 2,2012.
9.1 Resolution and Response Letters of Council
• June 27, 2012 - BC Summer Games 2016/2018
• June 20, 2012 - Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee
• June 20, 2012 - Municipal Response to Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
• July 3,2012 - Smart Meters
• June 27, 2012 - West Port Moody Property Owners
9.3 Release of InCamera Decisions
The following resolutions were released from the June 26, 2012 In-Camera Council meeting:
AND THAT the Heritage Mountain Secondary School Retaining Wall Project be awarded to Mission Contractors Ltd., in the amount of $312,648.32 funded from CPK02057 and TCA Reserve Fund.
10. Public Input
Wendy Swalwell, Port Moody, expressed concernwith the resolution of the West Port Mood Property Owners and their plans for densification. She spoke to the industry in Port Moody and advised that she is in the process of obtaining a petition of west Port Moody residents. She spoke to the location of the Appleyard/Centennial House and encouraged Council to speak to all residents before acting on the request of a small group. ~
Councillor Dilworth declared a conflict of interest with respect to comments relative to industry in Port Moody, as one of the companies is her employer, and left the meeting at 8:30pm. She returned to the meeting at 8:32pm.
Brent Hilpert, Port Moody, spoke to the Alderside Watermain Upgrade, questioning service connections and the scope of the project.
Judith Roche, Port Moody, thanked Council for approving the resolution to stand opposed to increased tanker traffic in Port Moody. She encouraged Council to take a stand against the Federal Government on decisions that affect the City.
Jim Small, Port Moody, noted the importance of speaking up to the Federal and Provincial governments regarding the increased oil tanker traffic.