Sep 4,2012 Land Use Committee

Agenda              Minutes

4.1 Text Amendment to Light Industrial Zone (M1) – Commercial Athletic and Recreation Uses and Animal Day Care Uses

Report from Development Services - Planning, dated August 29, 2012. / File: 6700-20-113

Councillor Nuttall expressed concerns about expanding animal day care uses in an M1 zone and declared that he cannot support the amendment due to those concerns.

Councillor Glumac expressed concerns about modifying zoning before completion of the OCP visioning process and declared that he won't be supporting any changes until the visioning process is complete.

Mayor Clay noted that the item has been brought forward to clarify inconsistencies in the zoning bylaw.

Staff provided clarification on existing uses and on proposed changes.

Moved and seconded

THAT the proposed zoning bylaw text amendment to permit Commercial Athletic and Recreation Use within the M1 Light Industrial Zone be supported;

AND THAT the proposed zoning bylaw text amendment to permit Animal Day Care Use within the M1 Light Industrial Zone be supported.

Separation of the motion was requested.

The question on the first paragraph of the motion was put and CARRIED.

(Voting against: Councillor Rick Glumac, Judith Roche, Janice Mazzone)

The question on the second paragraph of the motion was put and CARRIED.

(Voting against: Janice Mazzone, Judith Roche, Councillor Rick Glumac, and Councillor Gerry Nuttall)