Nov 13,2012 Regular Council
Committee of the Whole
Marisa Espinosa, Senior Manager Service Planning, TransLink, outlined the TransLink 2013 Bus Service Optimization Consultation, advising of an open house to take place on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 from 4:00-7:30pm at the Evergreen Cultural Centre, Coquitlam.
She advised that the goal of the optimization is to make better use of resources, matching service levels to demand, make the best use of taxpayer money and to generate revenue. She introduced Mark Erdman, Assistant Manager, Government Relations and Adam Hislop, Planner, Service Planning. Highlights of the service optimization include:
#153 Service Refinement reroute via Schoolhouse Street to expand network coverage and reduce duplication;
#159, #177 Service Redesign Combine routes and discontinue service on low-demand segments;
#179, #189 Services Redesign Discontinue existing service and replace with the #188 David Ave/Coast Meridian;
#C24 Service Refinement Reroute via Robinson and Foster to improve coverage and reduce duplication; and,
#C29, #C30, #C38 Service Refinements Reroute services near Coquitlam Centre to improve directness and reliability.
In closing, Ms. Espoinosa advised that the next steps are to gather feedback from consultation, refine service change concepts and implement changes mid-to-late 2013.
Councillor Dilworth, and Councillor Hodge of the City of Coquitlam, presented the results of the intermunicipal business licence task force.
Mr. Hodge provided background on the task force advising that the Chamber of Commerce requested that the Tri-City municipalities look at intermunicipal business licences last spring. As a result, a joint task force was struck with Council and staff representation from the City of Port Moody, the City of Coquitlam and the City of Port Moody, with assistance from the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skill Development, Small Business Branch. The delegation provided statistical analysis of contractor-type businesses, the challenge that the task force faced relative to revenue sharing, and key elements of the program. The 1 year pilot project will commence January 1, 2013 with the Province completing a revenue analysis at 6 months and at the end of the pilot, with revenue sharing re-assessed after the pilot. Next steps for the project include each municipality adopting an intermunicipal business licence bylaw, staff implementing the system changes and develop communications materials with assistance from the Chamber of Commerce, and signing up with the Provinces Mobile Business Registry to manage the program.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Development Services, Engineering Division, Murray- Clarke Visioning and Official Community Plan Update report of November 3, 2012 be received for information and staff continue with plan as laid out.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT all Murray-Clarke Connector references in the existing OCP be removed from the update.
Voting against: Mayor Clay
I voted against this as we have yet to have any consultation with the community as to the future and options for the Murray Clarke Connector - residents tell me they are VERY concerned about restricting the capacity on our already congested roads making their commute even more time consuming.
Moved, seconded
THAT an Advisory Design Panel be created in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached to the Development Services report dated October 24, 2012.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following to Section 2.2(a):
i) Ideally, both architects would have LEED accreditation and experience building to LEED standards.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following to Section 5.3:
g) Environmental Sustainability related to minimizing energy use, minimizing water use, using sustainable materials for construction, etc.
Voting against: Councillor Dilworth
The question on the main motion was the put and CARRIED
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Elliott
I voted against this as I do not feel there is any need, nor is there any identified issue to be solved by, an Advisory Design Panel. We should instead be looking at our neighbourhood design guidelines and ensuring they reflect the community, not relying on a panel to review every application. I believe this could lead to conformity and lack of diversity if the panel just approves what they think is good design.
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2944 be forwarded to the November 27, 2012 Regular Council meeting for first three readings and adoption on December 11, 2012.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Queens Street Plaza fee for non-profit groups be reduced to zero.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillor Dilworth
The question on the main motion as amended was put and CARRIED
Voted against the free use of the plaza as there is a process associated with the bookings and maintenance that requires staff time, thus, cost for the city.
Regular Council
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
This year the Port Moody Arts Centre had their first-ever Visual Artist in Residence, an artist by the name of Shari Pratt, based in their 3D Gallery from August 23rd to November 10th. Sharis goal during her residency was to produce a painting-based series entitled Cotton Candy Friends, which used imagery from social networking sites creating a Friends, which used imagery from social networking sites creating a collection of new friends manufactured through paintings. Shari must have been very inspired since she produced 15 large pieces in an 11 week period. Tonights piece, a mixed media acrylic, is entitled Full of Wonder. This piece along with many others will be on display in the Wonder. This piece along with many others will be on display in the Main Gallery of the Arts Centre from November 15th to December 23rd.
Everyone is welcome to attend the Opening Reception this Thursday, November 15th from 6 to 8pm. For more information check out
1.2 Historical Highlight Centennial 2013
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 1485-015
On November 11, 1863, the British Government recalled the Royal Engineers to their home base in England. The enlisted men were given the option of remaining in the colony with a 150 acre land grant as compensation. Although all the officers returned to England, most of the sappers (military engineers) and their families decided to settle in British Columbia.
As the records show, four sappers had their grants in the Port Moody area. They put their identity on the Port Moody area and laid the foundation for its growth. They were:
James Benjamin Launders distinguished himself as a surveyor and draughtsman of more than ordinary ability.
Robert Semple was a prominent machinist. In his shop he regularly taught the next generation of machinists while doing his own work.
Robert Butler operated a printing press and promoted literacy in the community.
John Murray Sr. received as his grant district lot No. 202. He worked as a boat builder and inspired others to pursue his craft.
2. Public Input
Dr. David Spence, Port Moody, commented that the new street signs in the old town centre look very elegant and distinguished, and that he looks forward to expansion of signage in that part of the city. He advised Council of the passing of Freedom of the City recipient and long time resident Mr. Ron Curties.
Hazel Mason, thanked council for the website improvements, specifically the webcasting and additional information regarding meetings.
Brent Hilpert, asked questions relative to the application of the 72 hour street parking rule and recreational vehicle parking.
Students, You Mi Kim, Juan Herrara Isea, Simon Lee, Carolina Varela and Diana Yang, to advise Council of their commitment to ridding the Shoreline Trail of invasive plants. The students' request that areas be dedicated to their ELSA group, in return for their annual pulling of the "superweeds".
3.2 Moody Centre Community Association Invasive Plants
PowerPoint Presentation / Delegation Application dated October 1, 2012 / File: 0230-20-44
Moody Centre Community Association members, Wendy Swalwell and Hazel Mason, discussed invasive plants throughout Port Moody and brought forth recommendations regarding bylaws and removal of invasive species. Ms. Swalwell showed evidence of how clear cutting of lots invites invasive plant growth. The delegation asked for a City wide awareness and education campaign, feasibility of an invasive species bylaw, monitoring of properties that are unattended or have been clear cut, and regulations on use of pesticides for extinction of knotweed.
3.3 Canadians Moving Beyond Money
PowerPoint Presentation / Delegation Application dated August 31, 2012 / File: 0230-01
Lorraine Savage, Chartered Accountant, Canadians Moving Beyond Money Society, described the City Garden Points system and requested that Council consider creating a City Garden Point program.
Councillor Dilworth left the meeting at 8:18pm.
4.3 Amendment to the Street, Traffic and Public Places Bylaw No. 1528
File: BL1528/BL2945
"City of Port Moody Street, Traffic and Public Places Amendment Bylaw, 2012", No. 2945 a bylaw to clarify language and definitions, and remove recreational vehicles from S.6.10.1.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2945 be now adopted.
4.4 Inter-municipal Business Licence Bylaw
Report: Development Services, Building, Bylaws and Licencing dated November 1, 2012 / File: 4300-01 / BL2947
City of Port Moody Inter-municipal Business Licence Bylaw, 2012, No. 2947 a bylaw to facilitate the implementation of business licencing across the municipal jurisdictions of the City of Port Moody, the City of Coquitlam and the City of Port Coquitlam.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2947 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2947 be now read a second time.
Councillor Dilworth re-entered the meeting at 8:20pm.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2947 be now read a third time.
5.1 Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee
Please refer to back-up from September 11, 2012 Regular Council package. / File: 0360-20-08
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council continue their support of the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee.
5.2 Tri-Cities Community TV Request for Funding for Videotaping and Promoting 2013 Centennial Events
Report: Legislative Services dated November 2, 2012 / File: 1850-01
Moved, seconded
THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the execution of an agreement substantially in accordance with the terms outlined in the November 2nd, 2012 Legislative Services report Tri-Cities Community TV Request for Funding for Videotaping and Promoting 2013 Centennial Events;
AND THAT $10,000.00 be allocated from Accumulated Surplus for this purpose.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT staff work with Tri-Cities Community Television to bring forward a business plan.
The question on the main motion was then put and CARRIED.
5.3 Centennial Branding Vehicle Decals
Report: Legislative Services dated November 5, 2012 / File: 0360-20-48
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the centennial logo be installed in conjunction with the City of Port Moody, City of the Arts logo on the rear of city fleet vehicles or on one side panel where a back of vehicle application is not possible, and the necessary funds be allocated from Accumulated Surplus.
5.4 Consideration of a Two-Phase Campfire Prohibition
Report: Port Moody Fire Rescue dated November 5, 2012 / File: 7380-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff advise the Wildfire Management Branch that Port Moody has a bylaw to regulate campfires in a supervised commercial campground.
6.1 Eligible School Sites Proposal School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) 2012
Report: Development Services, Planning Division dated October 31, 2012 / File: 0490-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT School District No. 43s Eligible School Sites Proposal dated October 10, 2012 be accepted.
6.2 Special Study Area Land Use Designations in the Official Community Plan and Regional Growth Strategy
Report: Development Services, Planning Division dated November 5, 2012 / File: 6970-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to prepare an amendment to the OCP to designate the Mill and Timber site, the Petro Canada (now Suncor Energy) refinery lands, and the Imperial Oil lands as special study areas.
6.3 Fireworks Bylaw Review
Report: Mayor Clay Mike Clay dated November 8, 2012 / File: 3900-01 / BL2070
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Fireworks Bylaw Review report dated November 8, 2012 be received for information.
6.4 Proclamation Request Restorative Justice Week 2012 November 18 25, 2012
Letter: Correctional Service of Canada received September 10, 2012 / Sample Proclamation / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT November 18-25, 2012 be proclaimed Restorative Justice Week.
7.1 Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED:
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, November 13, 2012 be endorsed.
8. Reports from Council
8.1 Report from Notice of Motion MCV4 Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine
Report: Councillor Rick Glumac, Representative, Fraser Health Municipal Government Advisory Council dated November 5, 2012 / File: 0375-20-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS Meningitis has caused the preventable deaths of young people from nearby communities and from around the province increasingly in the past years;
AND WHEREAS many other provinces have adopted the MCV4 Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine to prevent such unnecessary losses;
AND WHEREAS the cost of the MCV4 Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine has decreased while the incidence of disease and death has increased since the province last considered provision of the necessary treatment;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Port Moody request that the British Columbia Provincial Government reconsider the provision of the necessary MCV4 Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine promptly and provide details of that reconsideration and its results to the public and to this Council;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT this resolution be forwarded to municipalities within the Fraser Health Authority service area.
8.2 Council Verbal Reports
8.3 Staff Verbal Reports
9.2 Release of In- Camera Decision
The following resolution was released from the October 23, 2012 In-Camera Council meeting:
Encroachment Agreement - 10 McNair Bay 90(1)(e)
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an encroachment agreement for a ten (10) year term from October 31, 2012 to November 1, 2012 with Peter and Diana Hiebert for the encroachment of a retaining wall on city road right of way in front of their property at 10 McNair Bay.
10. Public Input