April 2,2012 Arts and Culture


4.1 Evergreen Line Public Art

Cory Day, City Engineer, gave a report on Evergreen Line Public Art. Mr. Day presented an inspiration document to be used as idea and information for design of permanent features and temporary art during construction, and a slide show of art reference photos for inclusion in overall project design. Mr. Day noted that the following elements will be part of the project in which elements of public art should be integrated:

 two large concrete block buildings to house electrical equipment,

 a fence going along Clarke Street, from Moody Street to Queen Street,

 a sound wall along Golden Spike Lane,

 a tunnel entry, and

 elevated / raised rail columns.

Mr. Day noted that a Proponent Table of Commitment (PTOC) has been negotiated and includes four clauses for the integration of public art or visual impact mitigation, and that the Committee may wish to act as champions for the integration of public art in the process.

Councillor Nuttall read the Council resolution from the Regular Council Meeting of March 27, 2012, which directs the Committee to review and comment on the report and requests the Committee to add Liaising with the Evergreen Line Project to its 2012 work plan.

Stirling Ward thanked Mr. Day for all the work he has done to champion public art in the Evergreen Line Project.

Jillian Hull thanked Mr. Day for his efforts, and offered to provide him with a report on unusual art in unusual places prepared by a subcommittee of the Arts and Culture Committee for consideration in future discussions with the Evergreen Line Project. Ms. Hull noted that as City of the Arts, it would be good to see a mile of public art coming out of the tunnel into the city. Ms. Hull asked whether it would be appropriate to seek sponsorship of public art on the Evergreen Line.

Mr. Day noted that the first level of engagement should focus on the project within the budget.

Dianna Brown asked whether the City of Burnaby and City of Coquitlam are also pushing for public art.

Mr. Day noted that Port Moody is the only city actively pursuing the integration of public art, but that the Cities of Burnaby and Coquitlam were very supportive in getting the PTOC approved.

Mr. Day noted that each city has unique priorities, and that the diverse requests may be to the benefit of all in the end.

Mr. Ward asked whether there would be flexibility in column design if only Port Moody is requesting a few artistic columns.

Mr. Day noted that a form has to be built for all columns, therefore it is unlikely that Port Moody would have different columns than those of the other cities on the line.

Vicki Allesia noted that it is a breakthrough opportunity for Moody Centre to see public art come into play in a project of

this scope, and that, done properly, the integration of public art has the potential of enlivening the whole of Moody Centre. Ms. Allesia noted that transit riders would come out of the tunnel and see something really cool and exciting, and development in the area would follow that example.

Rosario Passos noted that the prospect of having integrated public art is delightful, and that she would like to see artistic elements throughout the project. Ms. Passos noted that on a recent trip to New Orleans, she saw that all the columns for overpasses were painted, and provided an element of liveliness which is vital for the community.

Councillor Zoë Royer congratulated Mr. Day on the project, and stated that she is very inspired by what she has seen so far. Councillor Royer noted that this will bring depth to Port Moody as the City of the Arts, and that it might entice people passing through on their commutes to stop and check out what is happening in the community.

Sterling Macdonald echoed the comments from the Committee and noted that the public art would entice people to stop in Port Moody to see what else the city has to offer.

Mr. Ward noted that this would be an opportunity for the Province to showcase their initiatives to the rest of the country or the rest of the world on how a project such as this can really benefit the community.

Richard Dixon noted that this project is a major re-landscaping of the Port Moody community, and it will have an impact on everyone who lives here. Mr. Dixon noted that the Committee has to act as the nexus between the people making this project and the residents here who have to live with the outcome.

Helen Daniels congratulated Mr. Day on his progress, and noted that the work so far is inspiring. Ms. Daniels noted that this will be a catalyst for community building, and will cause a ripple effect and inspire other art initiatives to be undertaken.

Ms. Hull noted that she and other members of the Arts and Culture Committee are all thrilled to have the opportunity to be on this committee at this point in time with a project like this in the works.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the above comments on the project be forwarded to Council.

Mr. Day noted that he will attend Committee meetings from time to time to report on progress as the project continues. Mr. Day noted that Council will likely send a request to the Evergreen Line Project Office in the next two weeks, and that we may hear back from the Province in a month’s time. Mr. Day will provide a timeline to the Committee at the next meeting.

Councillor Nuttall noted that he would like to put the slideshow of art reference photos on the Arts and Culture section of the City website.

4.2 Report from Youth Festival Subcommittee

Richard Dixon and Susan Ius gave a verbal report on the progress made by the Youth Festival Subcommittee, and presented a work in progress document on the projector. Mr. Dixon noted that the subcommittee is working on creating the vision for the festival, and that the document presented outline the explorations they have done and ideas that have formed as a result.

Ms. Ius gave an overview of the interested participants so far, and noted that they are meeting with potential partners in the community, encouraging teachers to take a mentorship role, and focussing on nurturing young talent.

Mr. Dixon noted that the subcommittee is proposing having two one-hour modules of presentations on each of Friday and Saturday evening, with an MC introducing each act, and the performers giving a short introduction before the performance and having a short talkback at the end of the performance. Mr. Dixon noted that this would engage the audience and raise awareness of the role of art. Mr. Dixon noted that the content restrictions will require all performances to be suitable for a high school audience.

Mr. Dixon noted that the subcommittee will be meeting with organizers for the Emergent Talent Festival in Coquitlam, and build connections with them to explore the potential of creating additional opportunities for artists, such as a circuit of performances.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the report from Engineering and from the Youth Festival Subcommittee be received.

4.3 Promotion of Sign Bylaw Amendment

Staff noted that letters will be sent to all the groups who will be affected by this amendment.

Helen Daniels noted that it will also be promoted through ArtsConnect.

4.4 Street Performers Program

This item was discussed after item 4.2.

Staff proposed further amendments to the Street Performer’s program.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the following changes be made to the Street Performers Program:

Under Non-Acceptable Types of Performance, change “ for opportunities to display arts and crafts” to “for opportunities to produce and display arts and crafts”;

Under Location, add “exterior of” to “Port Moody Civic Complex”;

Under Location, Newport Village, change “must be approved” to “performers must be approved”;

Under Location, add “For up to date list of approved sites, visit the City website at www.portmoody.ca/...”

Under Insurance and Liability, if no information will be provided on Insurance, rename the section “Liability”; and,

Add “Street performers holding valid Street Performing Permits will not require a business license for street performances.”

Councillor Nuttall noted that he will meet with Councillor Royer and staff to do a final review before submission for Council consideration.

4.5 Non-Traditional Venues

This item was discussed after item 4.1.

Jillian Hull provided an update from the Non-Traditional Venues Subcommittee, and presented various ideas for unusual art in unusual places. Ms. Hull also noted suggestions including a Punked by Art Weekend, Theatre in the Trees, Public Art at the Evergreen Line tunnel exit, kitchen parties for artists, welcome wagons for artists, etc.

Councillor Nuttall thanked the subcommittee for their work and requested that they report back on the next meeting on practical steps to get started.

4.6 City’s Arts and Culture Online Presence

This item was discussed last.

Staff noted that the City developed a new website recently, and that the Arts and Culture section has been expanding. Staff asked the Committee to think of what sort of content they would like to see on the Arts and Culture section of the website, and share their ideas at the next meeting.

4.7 Tri-Cities Arts Gathering

This item was discussed after item 4.4

Councillor Nuttall reported that there has been a joint Council meeting for the Tri-Cities, and that the idea of a Tri-Cities Arts Gathering was presented. Councillor Nuttall noted that the theme will be how the Tri-Cities community can get together to promote the arts. Councillor Nuttall noted that ArtsConnect will be facilitating the meeting hosted by the City of Port Moody, with about 35 people attending the gathering, some time in June or September of this year.

Helen Daniels noted that September would likely work better, and agreed that she will return with a budget at the next meeting. Ms. Daniels noted that the report on the Regional Summit is in the April newsletter, and encouraged Committee members to download it.