Nov 21,2012 Special Council

Agenda               Minutes
1.1 Review of Committee Terms of Reference and Committee policy
Report: Legislative Services dated November 19, 2012
Committee terms of references of standing and select committees (except Finance) / File: 0360-00
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a member from HUB (formerly Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition) be added to the Transportation Committee as a voting member.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Committee System Policy be amended by adding “1.2.10 Appointees to committees from external agencies shall not be counted in determining if a quorum is present, except in cases where the appointee is present and can contribute to establishing quorum.”.
Moved, seconded
THAT a letter be sent to the municipal member municipalities of the North East Sector Environmental Stewardship Committee advising that Port Moody supports the disbanding of this committee, subject to the concurrence of each member municipality, and will not be appointing a representative for 2013.

Councillor Small entered the meeting.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: “AND THAT prior to sending the letter, alternatives to the North East Sector Environmental Committee be added to the agenda of the next tricity councils meeting.”
The question on the motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Voting against: Councillor Glumac
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Section 1.2.9 of the Committee System Policy which reads “Unless there are extenuating circumstances, committee members appointed by Council must be Port Moody residents, except as provided in a statutory committee enabling statute or establishment bylaw, and except for committees relating to economic development” be amended by adding “, the Transportation Committee appointees from ICBC and HUB and the Youth Focus Committee appointees in which case the appointees may remain members provided that, and for as long as, the Youth Focus Committee appointee attends a Port Moody school”.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council support the proposed amendments to the City/CP Community Advisory Panel outlined in and attached to the November 19th, 2012 Legislative Services report and this matter be referred to the Advisory Panel with the amendments that the membership include at least one community member and one member from the Environmental Protection Committee.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Nuttall
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Arts and Culture Committee terms of reference be amended in section 3.0 Membership by changing the words “representatives from the Boards of Directors” to “representatives of the Boards of Directors” in order that the representative does not need to be a member of the board but rather anyone the boards determine to recommend as their representative.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Centennial Steering Committee terms of reference be amended by replacing “One member from the Youth Focus Committee” with “a member between the ages of 12 and 19 to represent youth in the community”.
It was suggested that the City’s youth worker liaise with the schools to communicate the opportunity for membership and report back to Council for consideration of appointment.

Council reordered the agenda to deal with item 1.5 at this point.

1.2  Committee Appointment Process
File 0360-01

Council discussed their preferred process for the committee appointment process.

Councillor Royer left meeting at 6:48 pm.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a special Council meeting be held on November 28th, 2012, or December 10th if the November date is not possible, in order to determine Council’s recommended citizen committee appointees.

Mrs. Simmons left meeting at 6:50 pm.

1.3  Committee Meeting Schedule
2012 Committee meeting schedule /File: 0360-01

There were no changes to the committee meeting schedule.

1.4  Debrief on 'Year in Committee'
Summary of Committee Resolutions of Council / File: 0360-01

Staff were requested to include those committee reports that went directly to Council in addition to those which were reported through Committee of the Whole and the updated summary be provided to Council members.

1.5 Restructuring of process for Committee of the Whole and Finance Committee
Discussion document / File: 0360-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the process changes outlined in the discussion document attached to the agenda be endorsed with the following amendments:
-Committee of the Whole commence at 6:00 p.m. or earlier if  necessary;
-In-Camera Council precede rather than follow Committee of  the Whole;
-If there is no Committee of the Whole scheduled for a  particular 1st or 3rd Tuesday, In-Camera be held on the 2nd or 4th Tuesdays as necessary.
1.6  Reporting to council for external committee reps.
 Draft Corporate Policy attached / File: 0360-00
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT proposed policy 01-0530-6, Reporting to Council by Committees and Council Representatives to External Committees, be adopted.