October 30,2012 Finance Committee

Agenda                     Minutes

4.1 Division Functional Budget Overview – Water

Staff provided a Division Functional Budget overview presentation for the Water Division.

At the request of the Committee, staff provided additional information on secondary suites, water main replacements, water system operator certification level, metering water use, and water meter types.

The Committee thanked staff for the presentation.

4.2 Division Functional Budget Overview – Sewer

Staff provided a Division Functional Budget overview presentation for the Sewer Division.

At the request of the Committee, staff provided additional information on inflow and infiltration, storm drains, and regular inspections.

The Committee thanked staff for the presentation.

4.3 Division Functional Budget Overview – Solid Waste

Staff provided a Division Functional Budget overview presentation for the Solid Waste Division.

At the request of the Committee, staff provided additional information on the community wide garage sale, the spring clean-up, multi-family waste collection, solar powered garbage cans, and service expansion to new customers and new areas.

The Committee thanked staff for the presentation.

4.4 2013-2017 Utility Budget

Staff provided an overview of the report on the 2013-2017 Utility Budget, highlighting the changes.

At the request of the Committee, staff provided clarification on the rationale behind not stepping up the water rate slowly in anticipation of future cost increases.

The Committee discussed the rationale for an early payment discount.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Finance Committee receive the 2013-2017 Utilities Financial Plan Report from the Corporate Services Department dated October 24, 2012;
AND THAT the 2013 utility rates outlined in the report be approved and included in the 2013 Fees Bylaw.

5.1 Anmore Middle School Fire Protection Services – Funds Received from School District