Jan 22,2013 Regular Council

Regular Council
Agenda            Minutes

1.1 Art at Council

Good evening everyone! I normally have the privilege of speaking about Art at Council, but we are going to change it up a bit for tonight. For the past two years the Port Moody Heritage Society has been working on a book entitled Tracks in Time: Port Moody’s First 100 Years, and it’s finally ready! I’d like to introduce Jim Millar to enlighten us on more of the details.

Jim Millar provide a brief background on the book and introduced Orem Payne who read a passage from the book.

After more than two years of work, the Port Moody Heritage Society is releasing its masterpiece history of Port Moody entitled "Tracks in Time: Port Moody’s First 100 Years" on February 3, 2013. The book depicts life in Port Moody from 1880-1980 through historical photographs, text and first-hand accounts from residents. Join the Port Moody Heritage Society at the Port Moody City Hall Galleria on Sunday, February 3rd from 3:30-4:30pm to celebrate the launch of this important historical piece. "Tracks in Time: Port Moody’s First 100 Years" can be purchased at the launch event, or at the Port Moody Station Museum for $40 .
1.2 Historical Highlight
Passing the flag to a new generation

After 40 years on the job, the longest-consecutive-serving sergeant-at-arms of a B.C. legion is ready to retire. When Leo Braniff led his first Remembrance Day parade, there was still a large contingent of Second World War veterans, and a handful of First World War survivors. The veterans from the two wars would gather at the Port Moody legion after the parade to sing the old war songs. "There has been a lot of good memories," Braniff recalled.

For 40 years, Braniff served as the sergeant-at-arms for the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 119. In that time, he's run the annual parade, looked after the colour guard and kept order at legion meetings. Now the 77-year-old veteran is retiring from his duties, passing on the job to another member.

"They asked if I would take it [sergeant-at-arms] over for one year - that was 1972," Braniff said. "I said, 'Sure no problem.' Basically, I've been doing it ever since." It was a position that came naturally to the former New Westminster police officer.

When Braniff took over, the legion's colour party had just three members. As he retires, it now has a full complement of twelve. The colour party basically handles drill movements, flag protocol and flag drills.

"Might as well go out while you're still on top," Braniff said, noting his moves aren't quite what they were in the past. He also leaves behind a march's worth of memories, which included days the job required him to get a little tough. At a gathering of vets on both sides of the border in Texas years back, Braniff was given the nod to run the parade. So when a member said he had for-gotten his black shoes, a direct order came down from the sergeant-at-arms. "If you don't get a pair of black shoes, I'm going to paint your feet black," Braniff joked.

In his four decades, he's also observed the various ebbs and flows of legion life. Braniff noted the resurgence in the interest of veterans and Remembrance Day from the general public. The air force vet believes it started with the D-Day 50th anniversary celebrations, and has continued with a new generation of troops fighting in Afghanistan. "The public's much more aware now than back in the 1970s," he said.

The man taking over the role of sergeant-at-arms for the legion admits he has big shoes to fill. "It's a huge honour - it's also very scary," said

Tom Warwick, who joined the colour party more than 30 years ago.

"It's a way bigger job than it seems." Warwick even tried to convince Braniff to stay on for another 10 years, to no avail. The new sergeant is also in awe of his predecessor's 40 years at the helm, pointing out that no other sergeant-at-arms in B.C. has carried out a stint that long consecutively. "I just hope I can do it as well as Leo," Warwick said.

A big retirement bash for Braniff is also in the works for the new year. Though he won't be running the parades, he won't be straying too far from the legion, adding he intends to stay involved. But Braniff admits it will be a little weird to watch the parade from the sidelines. So, he'll be available to offer advice to Warwick. "I'll be there if he needs me," Braniff said. And judging by the legacy he leaves behind, that help will likely be accepted and appreciated.

2. Public Input

Norbert Haunerland, Port Moody, advised that he has been a bicycle commuter since 1993. He noted the improvements made by the City, thanked Council for the bike line in Glenayre. He noted that he is able to avoid traffic congestion except on Murray Street overpass, where he has safety concerns. He suggested that the bike trail proposed would be appreciated to remove bicycles from Clarke Street.

3.1 Maple Creek Middle School - RAC
PowerPoint Presentation / Delegation Application dated December 18, 2012  / File: 0490-01

Harriette Chang, School Counsellor, and students from Maple Creek Middle School, Panorama Heights Elementary School, Harbour View Elementary School, Scott Creek Middle School, Mountain Meadows Elementary School, Anmore Elementary School, advised that Real Acts of Caring refers to doing something kind and caring for another person and not expecting anything back in return. The delegation shared some of their Real Acts of Caring to help inspire others. They suggested that RAC can be as simple as a smile. They requested that Council to pass a proclamation which recognizes Real Acts of Caring (RAC) week February 10-16, 2013.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item 6.10 be dealt with at this time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT February 10-16 be proclaimed Real Acts of Caring Week.
3.2 Port Moody Arts Centre / Wearable Arts
 Andrew Danneffel, Past President and Past Chair of Wearable Art, spoke to Council regarding the 2013 Wearable Art Awards taking place Saturday, February 16th and Sunday, February 17th in the Galleria at City Hall. Mr. Danneffel provided highlights of this years event.
3.3 Trails BC
Leon Lebrun requested that Council provide a cycling pathway along the north side of Clarke Street that could parallel the Evergreen Line from Moody Street to Queen Street or a little further east to a new easement. He thanked council for their ongoing support of the Trans Canada trail. He noted safety issues with Moody Street Overpass and Spring Street which could be addressed by this new cycling pathway.
3.4 2012 Civic Awards Presentation

The following 2012 Civic Awards were presented:

• Councillor Elliott, Chair, Community Care Committee, presented the 2012 Peter Hulbert Accessibility Award to the Port Moody Arts Centre.
• Mayor Clay, on behalf of the Arts and Culture Committee, presented the 2012 Art Award to Richard Dixon and Susan Ius.
• Councillor Glumac, Chair, Environmental Protection Committee presented the Environmental Award to Rod MacVicar.
• Councillor Dilworth, Vice-Chair, Port Moody Heritage Commission presented the Heritage Award, in the category of Heritage Restoration, Rehabilitation or Adaptive Re-use of a Heritage Building, Interior or Site, to Fred Soofi.
• Councillor Elliott, Chair, Parks and Recreation Commission presented the Sports Achievement Award to Ms. Jamie Constable.
4.2 Amendment to City of Port Moody Officers Bylaw
File: BL2951

"City of Port Moody Officers Bylaw, 2013, No. 2951" a bylaw to establish officer positions and assign powers, duties and functions to its officer positions.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2951 be now adopted.

4.3 OCP Amendment to Include Special Study Area Designations
File: 6970-07 / BL2950

"City of Port Moody Official Community Plan, 2010, No. 2849, Amendment Bylaw No. 9, 2012, 2950" a bylaw to designate Special Study Areas in the Official Community Plan.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2950 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2950 be now adopted.
4.4 Zoning Bylaw Map Amendment - 2614 St. Johns Street 
Report: Development Services, Planning Division, dated January 14, 2013
File: 6700-20-109 / BL2949

"City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 216, 2013, No. 2949" a bylaw to allow for the construction of a new church hall for the adjacent Pacific Grace Church.

Councillor Dilworth left the meeting at 8:51pm

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2949 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2949 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2949 be referred to a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.

4.5a Proposed Addition to Pool Building for Rocky Point Ice Cream – Issuance of Building Permit for a Structure Bridging a Property Line and Waiving of Associated Development Variance Permit Application Fee

Report: Development Services, Planning Division, dated January 14, 2013  / File: 3090-20-108

Moved, seconded
THAT Council direct Building staff to issue a building permit for the proposed Rocky Point Ice Cream addition to the existing pool building which extends over the front and side property lines at 2804 Murray Street (Lots 4 and 5);

AND THAT the fees associated with the Development Variance Permit application for the proposed Rocky Point Ice Cream addition to the existing pool building at 2804 Murray Street be waived.

Separation was requested.

Councillor Dilworth returned to the meeting at 8:54pm.

The General Manager of Development Services provided a background on the project and the subject lands.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council direct Building staff to issue a building permit for the proposed Rocky Point Ice Cream addition to the existing pool building which extends over the front and side property lines at 2804 Murray Street (Lots 4 and 5).

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the fees associated with the Development Variance Permit application for the proposed Rocky Point Ice Cream addition to the existing pool building at 2804 Murray Street be waived.
Voting against: Councillor Glumac
4.5b Development Variance Permit Application 2012-108 for proposed addition to existing pool building at Rocky Point Park (2804 Murray Street)
Report: Development Services, Planning Division, dated January 14, 2013  
Development Variance Permit No. 2013-108 distributed on-table 
File: 3090-20-108
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Development Variance Permit No. 2012-108 for the proposed addition to the existing pool building located at Rocky Point Park (2804 Murray Street) be issued subject to the submission of all required final plans to the satisfaction of staff;
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
4.6 Proposed Amendment to Council Committee System Policy: Corporate Policy No. 1-0360-1
Report: Corporate Services Department, Legislative Services Division dated January 9, 2013  / File: 0350-03
Moved, seconded
THAT the proposed amendments to the Committee System Policy outlined in the January 9, 2013 Legislative Services Division report be approved.

Council noted the following correction to the second sentence under the heading "Background":

"When the committee system was last reviewed some time ago, an amendment to the policy was that committees would meet at a minimum of once a month (not twice a month as printed).

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the proposed amendments to the Committee System Policy outlined in the January 9, 2013 Legislative Services Division report be approved.
Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Glumac and Small
Moved, seconded
THAT the Committee System Policy be amended to provide flexibility to allow a January meeting to be called at the discretion of the chair and staff liaison.

The Mover and Seconder rescinded the motion.

5.1 Pilot Project for Food Vendors in Rocky Point Park, 2012 Review
Report: Development Services, Planning Division, dated January 7, 2013  / File: 5880-03-2012
Moved, seconded
THAT Council direct staff to prepare a plan to allow for select, temporary food vendors to operate at Rocky Point Park during July and August on the Sundays on which the Sunday concerts take place and that vendors provide financial support to contribute to the Sunday Concert Series organizers.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
"AND THAT the plan limit the number of temporary vendors to a maximum of two vendors at any given time."
Moved, Seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
"AND THAT the plan include the ability to include temporary vendors on Saturdays to allow for vending opportunities at special events
Moved, Seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
"AND THAT the plan include options for incentivizing compostable waste."
The question on the motion as amended was then put and CARRIED
6.1 Team Action Plan
PowerPoint Presentation
Port Moody Team Action Plan distributed at meeting  / File: 0620-04

The City Manager, with the support from the General Managers of the City, provided a detailed overview of the Port Moody Team Action Plan unveiled this evening.

6.2 Staff Comments on Yarilo’s Request for Free Access to Inlet Theatre
Report: Community Services, Cultural Services, dated January 14, 2013 / File: 7780-85
Moved, seconded
THAT Inlet Theatre and staff be provided to Yarilo for a centennial concert on June 16, 2013;
THAT Inlet Theatre and staff be provided to Yarilo for a scholarship fundraising concert in 2013;
THAT staff work with Yarilo to develop an agreement for presenting a classical concert series;
THAT staff report back on the cost of building a piano storage room. Separation of the motion was requested.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Inlet Theatre and staff be provided to Yarilo for a centennial concert on June 16, 2013.

Voting against: Councillor Small

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Inlet Theatre and staff be provided to Yarilo for a scholarship fundraising concert in 2013.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff work with Yarilo to develop an agreement for presenting a classical concert series.

Voting against: Councillor Dilworth 

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on the cost of building a piano storage room.

Voting against: Councillors Dilworth and Elliott

6.3 Renewal of ArtsConnect’s Arts Assistance Agreement
Report: Community Services dated January 11, 2013  / File: 7780-20
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the renewal of the ArtsConnect Arts Assistance Agreement be deferred pending a report back of detailed information from ArtsConnect relative to their financial, strategic, and economic feasibility.
6.4 PRV Turbine Installation Study – Update
Report: Engineering and Parks Services dated January 7, 2013  / File: 5600-21
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the PRV Turbine Installation Project be terminated;
AND THAT the remaining funding for the PRV Turbine Installation Project (CWT11002) be returned to the Water Reserve.
6.5 Eildon St. and Fenwich Pl/Wynd Watermain Renewal Project – Award of Contract
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, Engineering Division, dated January 18, 2013  / File: 5600-04-30
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Fenwick Pl/Wynd and Eildon St. Watermain Renewal Project be awarded to the low bidder, Targa Contracting Ltd, in the amount of $293,460.00
6.6 Development and Calibration of Water and Sanitary Network Models – Contract Award 
Report: Engineering and Parks Services dated January 8, 2013  / File: 1220-10-P12-17
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Development and Calibration of Water and Sanitary Network Models Project be awarded to Opus Dayton Knight as outlined in the January 9, 2013 report from Engineering and Parks titled "Development and Calibration of Water and Sanitary Network Models – Contract Award";

AND THAT the Development and Calibration of Water and Sanitary Network Models Project be funded via $43,540 from the Water Capital Reserve and $78,640 from the Sewer & Drainage Capital Reserve.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Council meeting proceed past 10:00pm.
The motion was carried unanimously as required by the Council Procedure Bylaw

Councillor Dilworth declared a conflict of interest as she is employed by Pacific Coast Terminals and left the meeting at 10:01pm.

6.7 Naming Sponsorship
Report: Community Services dated January 14, 2013  / File: 1615-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to develop a 10 year agreement with Pacific Coast Terminals for the naming sponsorship of the performance stage in Rocky Point Park as per their proposal dated January 9, 2013.

Councillor Dilworth returned to the meeting at 10:05pm

6.8 Trans Canada Trail
Report: Councillor Rick Glumac dated January 15, 2013  / File: 8350-04
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the January 15, 2013 report on the Trans-Canada Trail be referred to staff to prepare information on a basic feasibility study to facilitate the creation of an east-west multi-use pedestrian/cycling pathway along the north side of Clarke Street, to connect to and become part of the Trans-Canada Trail.
6.9 FCM Resolution – Shark Fin Ban
2/3rds (4 of 5) majority vote is required to consider a non-jurisdictional item

Report: Councillor Rick Glumac dated January 15, 2013  / File: 0230-25

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Council consider the proposed FCM resolution on a Shark Fin Ban non-jurisdictional item.
Voting against: Councillors Dilworth and Small
6.10 Proclamation Request – Real Acts of Caring (RAC)
Sample Proclamation / File: 0630-01

Item dealt with during Item 3.1

7.1 Recommendations from Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of January 15, 2013 be endorsed:

THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, December 11, 2012 be adopted.

2012 Annual Report – Economic Development Committee
THAT the 2012 Annual Report of the Economic Development Committee be received;
AND THAT the Economic Development Committee be asked to bring forward its annual work plan, including the following, by February 2013:
THAT the BRE report be forwarded to the Committee of the Whole with high level commentary from the Committee noting that website development and email database as areas of interest and seeking direction for the committees 2013 work plan.
THAT in addition to a previous motion to forward the BREA report to Council with high-level commentary, the Committee recommend to council that the City website include a business directory, notes from roundtables, and linkages to business associations;
AND THAT consideration be given to hosting a roundtable to solicit information from businesses on what they would like to see on the City website.
2012 Annual Report – Land Use Committee
THAT the Land Use Committee report dated December 18, 2012 be received.
2012 Annual Report – Arts and Culture Committee
THAT this annual report be received and that the Arts and Culture Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2013.
Snow Angels Program for Port Moody
THAT staff be directed to investigate the feasibility of establishing a Snow Angels Program with City staff and/or community volunteer groups for the 2013/2014 Winter Season.
Recreation Program and Operations Review
Item deferred
9.1 Resolution and Response Letters of Council
• Letter – GVRD Bylaw to repeal the Mosquito control Administration and Coordination Service (Bylaw No. 1179, 2012)
• Letter – Metro Vancouver Labour Relations Function
10. Public Input
- none