The 13th annual Port Moody Canadian Film Festival is happening this weekend, March 14 to 17 at Inlet Theatre. For a complete list of films playing this weekend please visit
This evening we have a trailer from Rebelle (War Witch), which was nominated for an Oscar in the Foreign Language Film category. Rebelle (War Witch) will be kicking off the festival on Thursday, March 14th at 8 pm, following the Opening Gala. A short trailer of one of the films was then shown.
1.2 Hisorical Highlight - Centennial 2013
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File 1485-015
Al Sholund is a Port Moody resident and local historian. Since 1998, Al has been a regular history and heritage contributor to the City's quarterly Focus newsletter. His article’s insights appear as Historical Insights on the City's website.
Al and Nellie Sholund are the first couple to be honoured by Port Moody with Freedom of the City. Then Mayor Marusyk presented them with their distinguished awards on June 13, 1998. Freedom of the City is the highest honour that the City can award to recognize contribution to the community or to those whose achievements have brought recognition to the City.
Al and Nellie met during the Second World War in Nellie's home country of England while Al was stationed there. They have lived in Port Moody since1956 and have two daughters. Al, a former employee of the Imperial Oil refinery at Ioco, served on the library board for many years, while Nellie volunteered to work the library's front desk. The couple is widely credited with building the City's Public Library and Library Board. Nellie was chair of the advisory board at the Kyle Centre for eight years. They have donated countless hours over many years to restore the museum, its artifacts, and the education of both children and adults on the rich and colorful history of this area. The Chamber of Commerce named Al Sholund Tri-Cities Citizen of the Year in 1985. As long-time residents of the City, the Sholunds have given their time and expertise extensively to the community.
The City of Port Moody thanks Al profusely for his contributions, and we wish him well as he retires his regular column in the Focus newsletter.
Following his verbal report of the historical highlight, Mayor Clay presented Mr. Sholund with commemorative gifts including a framed certificate, a copy of the book Tracks in Time signed by Council members and a Port Moody Centennial T-shirt.
2. Public Input
Justin of Pitt Meadows, inquired whether Council could assist in a problem with issuance of a business license for the former The Point Pub which he has purchased and renovated and for which he has hired new staff with the intent to open a month ago. He advised that the business license has been withheld because of a freezer that has been there since before the previous owner purchased the pub and is over top of one of the required parking stalls. This problem was unforeseen and is preventing him from opening and employing the staff he has hired and could take up to two months to resolve. He requested Council to help find a solution.
Hazel Mason, Port Moody, spoke regarding the draft OCP. She inquired why, given the city is under no obligation to adopt density around stations and given Port Moody is well ahead of its regional growth commitments and given Port Moody’s commitment to protect green space, is this plan in front of Council and the public now
David Ritcey, Port Moody, noted that the new draft OCP is significantly different than what was looked at in the fall last year. He added that he likes much about the plan and things proposed where they are. He pointed out some contradictions throughout the plan noting that he doesn’t see anything in the new draft about duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes in Moody Centre and inquired whether these would be in the new zoning bylaw. He suggested duplexes and triplexes be allowed throughout Moody Centre instead of just near stations. He suggested heights in the 2500 and 2600 blocks St. Johns Street should be lower than six storeys as shown on the map. He advised that since the 1st draft was considered in November, he has learned that most of the driving force for development in the west end of the Moody Centre area is coming from Seaview and College Park communities, not Moody Centre and suggested there are areas in Seaview and College Park that could bear more residential and commercial redevelopment.
Peter Dasnieres, Port Moody, cited examples of where, since the November draft, some people in some neighbourhoods, like Newport Village, St. George Street and Clarke Street from Douglas to Elgin submitted requests to staff regarding heights in those areas, and the draft was changed. He suggested that it seems that the heights in certain areas get changed if a number of residents approach city staff and request changes. This implies that if residents in certain areas gather enough signatures, staff change their recommendations which were based on previous consultation processes, so it seems that there may be a specific number of signatures that if gathered could result in changes.
Damir Dugandzic, Port Moody, owner of property at the corner of Kyle Street and Clarke Street noted that in the first draft that area was designated for 6 stories and now it’s down to 3 stories. He expressed his disappointment as he was thinking in future of doing some redevelopment there.
John Grasty, Port Moody, encouraged the city to put out more information about what the requirements are for densification for transit and what it’s going to require so people understand better. He suggested there is going to be a requirement for densification to meet the requirements to pay for transit. He also suggested that it doesn’t matter which area people are from, they are all city taxpayers and nimbyism has no place in an official community plan.
Chris Rows, Port Moody, advised that he has been hearing from neighbours that they want reduced heights and now the height allowed adjacent to residential areas in Moody Centre is up to 5 storeys and 6 storeys which is too high. He referred to Marine Drive on the North Shore where they only allow 3 stories and it is a very viable area.
Janice Pavlic Falkenbury, Port Moody, inquired whether provincial or federal law requires high density sky scrapers near sky train or do residents have the ability to say what they want. She indicated she is opposed to any high rises in Moody Centre especially anything like 20 to 30 storeys which don’t fit in Port Moody. She also expressed opposition to 30 storey high rises on the east end.
Wendy Swalwell, on behalf of Moody Centre Community Association noted that in talking to developers in the community they seem to have the impression that people in Moody Centre hate developers noting that in fact, Moody Centre Association is in favour of responsible growth and are concerned about massive development in Moody Centre. She added that the association has tried to provide many venues for discussion and have put out surveys to members and have been collecting comments which will be provided to Council. She noted that there is no new parkland and other services that would be needed to make the area livable as it grows and asked that Council make sure those things are implemented for livability.
Elaine Golds spoke regarding tree removal in the city and referred to her letter sent to Council in February. She expressed the concern regarding the tree removal for the bicycle path along Murray Street. She advised that she met with staff and asked that a fence be put in to keep people from intruding into the forest and to plant more coniferous trees so the area can be restored, however staff said that was not included in the
budget. She expressed disappointment that no effort was made to create wildlife trees there even though the city has a policy for that. She suggest that also along Clarke Street where trees have been removed, more should have been preserved for wildlife trees and encouraged the city to develop a better wildlife tree policy.
David Spence, Port Moody, noted that on March 11, 1913 the letters patent to incorporate the City of Port Moody as a city were signed. He added that former mayor Trasolini, MLA, rose in the legislature in Victoria yesterday afternoon to recognize the incorporation of the city 100 years ago. He also advised that March 11 is Commonwealth Day and there was a new charter that Queen Elizabeth signed yesterday.
An unidentified Port Moody resident expressed concern that his water is often so dirty he has to boil it or buy water. He noted that he’d reported this to try and get the city to do something and was told they can’t. He asked that the city install a valve above his house to address the problem.
An unidentified speaker voiced concerns with tree removal along Murray Street and questioned why the city built the bike lane. She also expressed concern that a couple weeks ago trees were removed from the Community Garden area and asked who was accountable for removal of those trees. She spoke in favour of the proposed tree policy on the agenda.
An unidentified Appleyard Court resident spoke regarding the tree removal noting that she was saddened that there is so much space on Murray Street where a community garden could have been built rather than in the forest where trees needed to be cut down. She noted that Surrey has tougher regulations for tree removal on private property and expressed surprise that Port Moody doesn’t have stricter tree removal policies.
Ivan Chu spoke regarding pedestrian access and safety during Evergreen Line construction suggesting that police should do more checking during construction. He suggested that during construction the traffic lights be changed to give more time for foot traffic, the elderly on skooters and other individuals who have difficulty crossing intersections within the time frame to cross the streets safely.
Debra Nijdam, Port Moody, expressed concern regarding the planned roadway changes for Evergreen construction particularly the proposed left hand turn onto Clarke Road from Charles Street and expressed the hope that the project office comes up with different options.
Julie Pearce, Jeff Stromgren and Dan Mariotti, appeared on behalf of School District No. 43, to present CommunityLink, an initiative concerning meeting the needs of vulnerable students through after school programs, such as meal programs, and youth workers in middle and secondary schools. Ms Pearce noted that funding from senior governments has allowed them to expand their programs.
Ann Kitching, President, Port Moody Arts Centre Society provided a report on the 2013 Wearable Art event and noted changes being made at the Arts Centre.
The General Manager of Engineering and Park Services and Transportation Engineering Technologist, presented a number of options being considered by the Evergreen Project Office for traffic management around Barnet Highway, St. Johns, Clarke Road, Clarke Street, Columbia Street and Cecile Drive. Maps showing various options were presented.
"City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2012, No. 2944, Amendment No. 1, 2013, No. 2954" a bylaw to amend the 2013 Fees Bylaw to make adjustments for conversion from HST to GST and PST, and to lower the cost of banner sign permits.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Small
The question on the motion was put and CARRIED.
7.2 Committee of the Whole Recommendations
9.2 Release of In Camera Resolution
Release of In-Camera item from March 5, 2013 In-Camera Council meeting approved for public release:
THAT the Appleyard/Centennial House planned location be changed to 2425 St Johns Street from 126 Kyle Street and the building be sited immediately to the east of the existing Arts Centre;
AND THAT staff begin the immediate project planning and design for the location at 2425 St Johns Street including the application for a Development Variance Permit and Heritage Alteration Permit
10. Public Input
- no speakers present