Jan 16,2013 Transportation Committee

3. 1 2012 Transportation Committee Annual Report

Staff provided an overview of the 2012 Transportation Committee Annual Report.

3.2 College Park Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Initiative – Formation of Neighbourhood Advisory Committee

Staff provided a report on table, titled College Park Traffic Calming – Formation of the Neighbourhood Advisory Committee, dated January 11, 2013. Staff provided an overview of the consultation process, and proposed a formula for selecting the Neighbourhood Advisory Committee members.

The Committee reassigned #2 in Group 2 to Group 1 to ensure that the residents of the northern section of College Park Way.

The following members were selected by draws:

Group 1 – #5 and #2

Group 2 - #1

Group 3 - #5 and #3

Group 4 - #2 and #3

Group 5 - #3 and #2

Group 6 - #1

Group 7 - #1

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT volunteers selected at the January 16, 2013 Transportation Committee meeting and the chair and alternate of the College Park Community Association be appointed to the College Park Neighbourhood Advisory Committee;

AND THAT the volunteers who were not anonymously selected be thanked for their interest and, if approved Neighbourhood Advisory Committee (NAC) members choose not to participate, these volunteers be invited to join the NAC.

4.1 Police Enforcement Concerns

This item was not discussed.

4.2 ICBC Updates

Gord Couling, Regional Coordinator, Lower Mainland Road Safety, noted that the BC Association of Police Chiefs are in the process of finalizing their calendar for Road Safety Initiatives, as is ICBC, and that information on the plan for 2013 will be presented at the Transportation Committee meeting in February.

Gord Couling, Regional Coordinator, Lower Mainland Road Safety, noted that the BC Association of Police Chiefs are in the process of finalizing their calendar for Road Safety Initiatives, as is ICBC, and that information on the plan for 2013 will be presented at the Transportation Committee meeting in February.

Mr. Couling gave a road safety education presentation that was recently given to Aspenwood Elementary’s Parent Advisory Council, who was encouraged to arrange a meeting of the Principal and the City to discuss safety concerns around the school.

Mr. Couling noted that the 2012 Tri-Cities Operation Red Nose included Burnaby and New Westminster and was highly successful, with statistics doubling in every category: number of volunteers, calls received, rides given, and amount donated. There were 93 teams of 3 volunteers working on New Year’s Eve. Approximately $30,000 was raised for Tri-Cities KidSport. Mr. Couling noted that the Tri-Cities Mayors volunteered for the initiative, and that Mayor Mike Clay led the group by volunteering on six of nine nights of operation. Mr. Couling noted that 2013 is the 30th anniversary of Operation Red Nose, and that major sponsors have committed to making the program even more visible and successful this year. Mr. Couling suggested that the Transportation Committee support the program through efforts such as volunteer recruitment.

Mr. Couling also noted that ICBC will be working with the City of Port Moody to acquire electronic speed reader boards in 2013.

4.3 2013 Transportation Committee Work Plan

Jeff Moi provided an overview of the draft 2013 work plan.

Darlene Kasuya raised concerns about the four-way stop at the intersection of Aspenwood Drive and Forest Park Way. The Committee discussed the issue, noting that this falls under Transportation Related Public Concerns. Staff was asked to explore this concern with Ms. Kasuya and proceed to address it.

Councillor Small suggested that the Transportation Safety Fair be expanded to include the health and wellness sector for 2013, and that the Transportation Committee work with the Economic Development Committee in order to gain access to greater resources and expand the event into a Health and Safety Fair.

Bob Charbonneau, Chair of the Transportation Committee Safety Fair Subcommittee in 2012, gave an overview of the Transportation Fair. Gord Couling suggested that the focus this year could be on pedestrian safety and Operation Red Nose, and that a primary advertising partner and major media sponsor should be identified early on to increase promotion of the event.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2013 Transportation Committee Work Plan be endorsed and forwarded to Council for consideration.

4.4 West Coast Express Station Wayfinding Signage Improvement Request

Derek Wilson gave a presentation on the wayfinding signage for the West Coast Express, noting that the existing signs do not provide sufficient advanced warning.

The Committee discussed the concerns. Staff noted that it may be possible to accommodate this signage improvement within the existing operational budget.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff proceed with improving the wayfinding signage for the West Coast Express.

5.1 Tri-Cities Speed Watch Monthly Reports

Gord Couling provided background information on the Tri- Cities Speed Watch, and noted that he will request a volunteer at the next meeting of the Tri-Cities Speed Watch to act as a liaison to the Transportation Committee.

5.2 Transportation Related Policy Review

Jeff Moi gave a brief overview of the two traffic related policies.

5.3 ICBC Network Screening Study

This item was provided for information only.

5.4 Committee Terms of Reference

This item was provided for information only.