Nov 21,2012 Youth Focus


5.1 Youth Poet Laureate Project

This item was not discussed.

5.2 Annual Report Presentation to Council – Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 7:00pm

Corina is working on the presentation. The presentation will continue as previously scheduled. Corina would like for as many youth as possible to attend the meeting.

Shane said if anyone would like to speak at these meetings they are welcomed to.

Devon suggested all the youth should wear their sweaters given to them by council.

5.3 Christmas Holiday Hours at Westhill & Youth Lounge

Youth were accepting of holiday hours, and stated that they would most likely attend the center during the week of holidays in which the center is open.

5.4 Westhill Christmas Dinner

Three quarters of the group said they would be able to attend the Christmas dinner on Saturday December 22nd.

5.5 Upcoming Changes for the New Year

Changes at the last dance were positive. The coat check went very well, and the youth that ran it had fun doing so.

For future dances, there will screens set up to make the room smaller.

5.6 Boyd Autobody & Glass – Volunteer Opportunity

Youth showed lots of interest. They were curious about the process of how it will run, eg. transportation, buying food, or just helping prepare the food.

Food bank boxes for donations at Westhill would be a good start. Entrance fee for future dances could be either $10 or a can of food and $5.

6. Open Forum

Zarhia was introduced and has an environmental group which she presented. It is a recycling system specifically for “ewaste” (old electronics). She wants to partner with the

City of Port Moody and receive money for old electronics, with plans for the money to go towards “Kodiaks with a Purpose” – or it could go to other groups over time, possibly the Youth Center/Lounge. Everyone in the group was in favor. We will put a box in youth lounge. Zarhia will order the youth center a box.

Rebecca is going on maternity leave. She will not be at any more youth focus committees. Someone will fill her position.

There will be no meeting in Dec. Elections will be held in Feb. There were complaints about Pomo Skatepark on age group issues. Two small skate parks may be better than one new big skate park. Members suggested that one be built in the Westhill area. This will be added to work plan for next year and an e-mail sent to Mayor Mike Clay to show interest.

Rebecca thanked Amanda and Lakota for volunteering and more volunteer opportunities will be available.