4.1 Introduction of Council Members
Corina introduced the YFC council representative Councilor Diana Dilworth and alternate Councilor Rick Glumac. Both councilors expressed their excitement and enthusiasm to be a part of the committee for the upcoming year.
4.2 Committee Orientation
Colleen Rohde presented the YFC with the yearly orientation of the committee, roles, expectations, procedures etc. She left behind the orientation packages for the members to take home and look over.
4.3 2012 Work Plan
Corina and Brent discussed the upcoming 2012 workplan and asked the members to brainstorm some ideas/goals that they would like to see in the upcoming year. The workplan will be finalized at the February meeting. Some ideas brainstormed were:
4.4 2012 committee elections
The committee voted to postpone the elections for char, co-chair and rec commission representation until the next meeting to give everyone time to read the orientation to decide if they want to run.
4.5 Disciplinary Hearing
A Youth Focus Committee member spoke to the committee about an incident that happened at the youth center involving marijuana which violated the code of conduct. The member was caught with marijuana at the youth center and as a YFC member he asked the committee if he could have a second chance and remain a member of the YFC. After the committee heard his apology and admission that this was his first time with marijuana, they asked him questions and made sure he was willing to re-commit himself.
They voted unanimously in favor of allowing the member to remain on the committee.
The upcoming band showcase is set for February 25th from 7:30- 10:00 at Kyle Center. Tickets will be $5.00 at the door and the YFC will run the concession and help at the door, as well as MC the event. T J is planning the event and headlining the event with his band.
4.6 Youth Dance Feb 10
Brent asked for volunteers for the upcoming youth dance to be held at the rec center on Feb 10 from 7 -1OPM. Liam, Eric, Sagar, Devon all volunteered to help.
6.1 Youth Website
The YFC discussed approaching the city and council to look into starting a youth website for the city of port moody where youth can go directly to. This will help youth access our programs and calendar with more ease. Corina was to follow up with the appropriate department within the city and report back for the February meeting. The YFC voted unanimously in favor of presenting this idea to council.
6.2 Additional items
The YFC brought forward new ideas and initiatives to be added to the 2012 workplan including: more awake a thons, YFC hoodies and shirts for volunteering, sponsored provided hot dinner program for Westhill. These ideas are to be added to the final discussion and voting on the 2012 workplan at the next meeting.
6.3 SHARE youth group
The YFC were informed about an upcoming meeting at SHARE community services looking for youth to volunteer on a committee to create positive change in the community by joining up with youth from all around the tri-cities. The meeting is to be held at the Share headquarters on Wednesday, Jan 18 at 4:30PM. Brent will be meeting with all interested members and taking the bus down to attend the meeting Devon, Paulina, Madison and Eric volunteered while others said they would try to make it.