Feb 9,2011 Youth Focus


4.1 Voting on positions

They YFC voted in favor of doing the elections at the next meeting March 9, 2011 for the positions of Chari, Vice Chair and Parks and Rec commission.

4.2 Committee Orientation

Colleen Rohde gave the committee the annual orientation of the committee duties, responsibilities and protocols of city committees.

4.3 Committee 2011 Workplan

Corina discussed the 2011 workplan and asked the committee to spend some time before the next meeting March 9, 2011 to bring some new items forward to include in the workplan. Brainstorming included ideas for youth week, Canada Day events, seniors events, SHARE volunteering opportunities, succession plan for the future of the committee - ie - recruiting new members. The committee will finalize the workplan at the March meeting.

4.4 Youth Dances

Corina discussed the new approach to youth dances for the near future - focusing on having few dances to increase attendance. The participant numbers of youth dances has been in steady decline, so offering three per year is the goal for the future. In replacement of those dances is to be new, exciting and interactive events which require more planning and leadership on behalf of the YFC and the youth staff. The goal is to offer more variety of events and target different demographics with each one. The change is in effect immediately - the Feb dance is going ahead, the March and April is cancelled, May is to be a youth week theme dance, June is to be an event in the rec complex.

4.5 Youth Dance Volunteers

The committee was asked for volunteers to work at the Feb 11 youth dance working the concession. T J, Devon and Sagar volunteered.