5.1 Youth Week Recap
Brent recapped the events of youth week, from the seniors pancake breakfast, community day, REACH awards, casino night with council and amazing race. It was the most successful youth week to date with incredible dedication from the committee in both volunteering and participating in all events. The YFC was awarded a REACH award this year, as well as Devon Koerber. It was discussed to put a display case at Westhill for trophies and service awards.
5.2 Volunteering commitment
Brent touched on some of the volunteers who did not show after committing to events. In the future volunteers should email, text or phone if they are unable to make it to an event they have made a commitment to attend.
5.3 Youth Volunteer T-Shirts
Brent handed out the remaining volunteer t-shirts to the YFC member who did not pick theirs up over youth week.
5.4 Hoodie follow up
Brent reminded the YFC that indicated in their workplan is the purchasing of member hoodies, but reminded them it was their responsibility to work with Brent and Corina and Rebecca to price and research the purchase. The committee agreed to do the research by next week and voted in favor of purple hoodies with “YFC” on the back and city logo on the front.
5.5 Community Membership
Brent discussed the interest by more youth to join the YFC, but the committee membership is supposed to be maximum 15 members. As of today we are over that. The YFC voted that interested members could attend meetings as guests until the new school year when some members will be too old and spots will open up.
5.6 Congratulations on REACH Awards
Brent congratulated both the YFC and Devon Koerber on the REACH awards. There is a great sense of pride and passion with this group that is going to do great things within our community. ill to discuss the action items and prioritize the list.
5.7 YFC bowling party