1.2 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
Today's artwork has been provided to us by the Blackberry Artist's Society. The member featured today is well known master craftsman and fine artist, Dan Severance. As one of the society's most prolific members, Dan is known for creating a wide range of functional, decorative, and eclectic pieces. Dan's work ranges from wheelthrown to hand built, kiln and raku fired, and he's always experimenting with glazes, textures and finishes.
As a ceramic artist who is "living the dream", Dan is also the ceramic technician at the Port Moody Arts Centre, where he keeps the studios humming and teaches others how to hone their craft with clay.
The set of three vases on display are strong examples of 'extruded' pottery in which the main form was created using a die, or extrusion tool, which Dan made himself. Dan embellished the extruded pieces by adding organic forms and green glazes to offer up a set of natural forms that can simply be enjoyed as a sculpture or can be used as a vessel.
Dan's ceramic work is available year round from the Blackberry Gift Shop, located inside of the Port Moody Arts Centre. The gift shop is open daily from 12noon to 4pm.
1.3 Highlight- Centennial 2013 Historical
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 1485-015
This year, the City of Port Moody is celebrating its 100th anniversary as an incorporated municipality. However, the townsite of Port Moody has been around for a much longer period of time. In fact, it was in 1883, 30 years earlier than the official incorporation, that the citizens of Port Moody first attempted to do so, and the new colony of British Columbia was proclaimed at Fort Langley on November 19th, 1858. Development in Port Moody began around 1879 when Port Moody was officially named the Western Terminus for the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR). At first no more than a cluster of tents, Port Moody began to grow, spurred on by several land grants to some of the Royal Engineers. By 1880, lots were being created and sold for $40 (inside lots) and $50 (corner lots).
In April 1881, the possibility that Port Moody may not be the railway terminus began to be openly discussed. This prompted newspaper editorials defending the choice of Port Moody as the railway terminus, and expounding the virtues of Port Moody as a salt water port. Nonetheless, land speculation continued, and one lot of 50 acres, about half a mile from the water, was reportedly sold for $8,000. In April 1882, choice lots in the townsite were selling for $275 each.
It was during the frenetic activity of 1883 that the citizens of Port Moody petitioned the Provincial Government to incorporate as a municipality. The Attorney-General of B.C. responded by letter refusing the incorporation of Port Moody. An editorial at the time said, "No reason was adduced; the applicants were treated as a parcel of mendicants [beggars] who can be kicked from the door without rhyme nor reason." The editorial went on to speculate that:
"... the Provincial Secretary is one of the Coal Harbour ring and, of course, opposed to anything connected with Port Moody." The implication was that others within the 'circles of power' were working behind the scenes to have the railway terminus moved to Coal Harbour. Undeterred, the citizens of Port Moody again petitioned the Provincial Government to incorporate, and again were refused.
Newspaper commentary said, "Their rightful request was not acceded to; and, moreover, they were, every man of them, treated with insult and assumed contempt."
2. Public Input
Reiner Specht, Port Moody, spoke in support of the joint request of the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society and Mossom Creek Hatchery to protect the Mossom Creek Watershed. He suggested the loco area should be a special study area and have public consultation to consider future use. He listed a number of environmental issues that would need to be considered before any development takes place.
Wendy Swalwell, Port Moody, spoke in support of a town hall meeting on the Official Community Plan, requested clarification on the process and suggested that the May 21st Committee of the Whole meeting be filmed for public viewing.
George Assaf, Port Moody, spoke regarding the loco lands and reiterated the urgency regarding the issue. He noted the developers who are looking at the opportunity have a short time frame to present to the land owners. He suggested developers should know early what requirements would be imposed upon them. He invited Council members to the Mossom Creek Hatchery event this weekend.
Carol Mullan, Port Moody, expressed concern regarding the Official Community Plan and suggested that progress should be slowed down so as not to lose the beauty, green environment and character of Port Moody. She also suggested that the public are only just now learning about the OCP and feels they are getting worried.
Wendy Koeppen, Port Moody, spoke regarding the rezoning of 3000 and 3002 Murray Street and to dedication to parkland. She advised that she is the chairperson of the Inlet Community Garden group noting the group has been there for ten years and would like to stay there in the future and possibly expand.
David Spence, Port Moody, spoke regarding the proposed relocation of the flags in front of City Hall noting they are significant symbols of a community and disagreed with the moving them. He also suggested the City Hall flags should be integrated with the proposed flags at the Fire Hall so there are not two sets of flags. He also expressed the view that the location of Maple tree gifted to Port Moody from Maple Ridge should not be off to the side of City Hall. He suggested there should be consultation regarding the previous trees that were dedicated in the City along the rail spur and integrating this tree into a re-dedication ceremony.
David Ritcey, Port Moody, asked whether the city has the power to force removal of structures built without a permit or to remove it and charge the owner. He asked whether the legal description in the recommendation applies only to the one unit or the entire complex. He suggested that this action is a rather weak action.
Mary Ann Cooper, Port Moody, expressed support for establishing Mossom Creek and the Mossom Creek watershed as an environmentally sensitive area She inquired whether the Parks and Recreation Master Plan has been updated as the current one was done in 2003 and is out of date, and in places inaccurate. She also inquired whether there is a stormwater management plan for the loco lands. She suggested there be a stormwater management plan in place prior to any development. She inquired whether the designation of special study areas for loco lands includes includes the environmental aspects of the lands. She spoke to the Metro Vancouver process requirements related to environmental concerns in special study areas which would require a public hearing.
Ann Hulbert, Port Moody, spoke regarding the OCP suggesting that there be a public meeting during the day on a Saturday so more people can attend. She suggested more effort needs to be made to engage people in the discussion. She commented that the Rotary Club had six people from New Zealand over and introduced them around the city and the person she was hosting was very impressed with the walking tracks around the park. She added that Heritage Mountain School is replacing their playground having raised $7,000 out of the $10,000 required.
Jon Voss, Port Moody, spoke as a business operator in Port Moody regarding the changes in Moody Centre. He advised that his company was looking to relocate and would like to stay in Port Moody however the OCP contemplates significant changes and businesses are concerned. One concern is that current buildings where businesses are located are slated for redevelopment so businesses will lose their locations. He suggested that employment be made a key consideration related to redevelopment.
3.1 Wildlife Rescue Association of BC (WRA)
PowerPoint Presentation / Delegation application dated April 18, 2013 / File: 0230-01
Krystal Brennan, Educational Coordinator, and Anita Cymet, Members of the Wildlife Rescue Association (WRA) of BC provided Council with an update as to how the organization, of which Port Moody is a lifetime member, has grown and changed over the past few years. She asked Council to consider the number of animals that come from the Tri-Cities and that Council consider approving grants when WRA applies. She advised that on November 23rd, 2013 they are holding a gala at the Riverway Golf Clubhouse in Burnaby to celebrate urban wildlife and to raise support for WRA.
Councillor Royer left the meeting at 8:14pm
"City of Port Moody Financial Plan Bylaw, 2013, Bylaw No. 2956" a bylaw to establish the budget for the 2013 - 2017 Five Year Financial Plan.
"City of port Moody Annual Property Tax Rates Bylaw, 2013, No. 2957" a bylaw to establish the City of Port Moody property tax rates for 2013.
"City of Port Moody Municipal Heritage Site Designation Bylaw, 2013, No. 2959" a bylaw to designate the land and buildings as a protected heritage property at 2628 St. George Street.
Councillor Royer returned to the meeting at 8:15pm.
Grace Smith, 1022 Westmount Drive advised that she has had the suite in the house since 1969. They then built a suite in the garage in 1996 assuming it was legal because it was inspected for gas and electrical, thinking it was the city inspector, but it was the provincial government inspector. When the grandfathering program for suites came they did not apply. She advised that the city told them some time ago that they needed a business license for the suite. Then a complaint was made that they had two illegal suites. They did not realize they were illegal as the city told them they needed a permit. In February 2012 she bought a permit and was then told the suite built in 1996 was not legal because it was not up to the standards in 2006 which was confusing to them. She advised she complied with everything except the $100 fine. She requested that Council not ask them to tear down the suite in the garage. The basement suite will be unoccupied in the fall so there will just be one suite. She asked whether the suite in the garage is legal as it complied with bylaws in 1996 and was inspected by the provincial government for its electrical and gas. She said she was now willing to pay the $100.
The Manager of Building, Bylaw and Licensing provided information to clarify the issues and responded to Council questions.
AND THAT in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Community Charter, the City Clerk file a Notice in the Land Title Office, New Westminster, BC with respect to the aforementioned properties stating:
Lot C, Plan 18885, District Lot 377, New West District (PID: 010-432-949is in contravention of the City's Building and Plumbing Code Administration Bylaw No. 2577 Section 10.2, "No Person shall occupy or permit the occupancy or use of any building or part thereof in the absence of a permit required by this bylaw and contrary to the terms of any permit, notice or certificate given by the Building Official,
AND THAT Council has passed a resolution relating to the subject property. Further information respecting it may be obtained at the offices of the Municipality.
"City of Port Moody Tree Retention Bylaw No. 2425, 1999, Amendment No. 3, 2013, No. 2960" a bylaw to amend the City's Tree Retention Bylaw to include Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs)
The Manager of Cultural Services and the Public Art Coordinator together with the artist, Bruce Voyce, presented the proposed Civic Centre traffic circle public art.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Nuttall, Small