May 16,2013 Regular Council

The meeting May 14 meeting reconvened at 5:04 pm on Thursday, May 16, 2013 in the Brovold Room with the following present and in attendance:
Present: Mayor M.E. Clay
Councillor D.L. Dilworth
Councillor R.G. Glumac
Councillor G.W. Nuttall
Councillor Z. Royer
Councillor R.A. Small
Absent: Councillor Elliott
In Attendance: Kevin Ramsay - City Manager
Neal Carley - General Manager of Engineering and Parks Services
Margot Davis - Manager of Sustainability
Mary DePaoli - Manager of Planning
Jim LaCroix - Manager of Recreation Services
Angie Parnell - General Manager of Corporate Services
Paul Rockwood - General Manager of Financial Services
Colleen Rohde - City Clerk
Tim Savoie - General Manager of Development Services
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the balance of the meeting be deferred until the earliest opportunity where web streaming is available.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Nuttall, Small
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
That the city organize a town hall meeting to take place before June 12 to discuss the future of loco lands and the City invite representatives from Imperial Oil and any developers that are considering purchasing the land.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Nuttall, Small
The City Manager left the meeting at 5:30pm
6.6 McNair Bay Property Owners - Response to Delegation
Information Update - Staff report in progress.
6.7 Municipal Services Assessment - Legislative Services, Executive and Communications
Presentation: City Manager and General Manager of Corporate Services
Municipal Services Assessment: Legislative Services • Corporate Communications • Executive Support
File: 2737-03/03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the presentation on the Municipal Services Assessment Legislative Services, Executive and Communications be deferred to the May 28th Regular Council meeting.
6.8 Parks and Recreation Commission - 2013 Work Plan
Report: Parks and Recreation Commission dated March 5, 2013 / File: 0360-20-10-02
Moved, seconded and
THAT the 2013 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan as presented in the Parks and Recreation Commission report dated March 5, 2013 be approved.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
"AND THAT the Work Plan include that the program and operation reviews started by the previous Parks and Recreation Commission regarding community centres and swimming pools be continued".
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
"AND THAT a review of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan be added to the work plan of the Parks and Recreation Commission.

The motion as amended was put and CARRIED.

6.9 Proclamation Request - 2013 Elizabeth Fry Week May 19-25
Letter: Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver dated April 4, 2013 / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May 19-25, 2013 be proclaimed Elizabeth Fry Week.
6.10 Proclamation Request - Public Works Day May 24, 2013
Email: Dave Kidd, Manager of Operations, dated April 2, 2013 / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May 24, 2013 be proclaimed Public Works Day.

7.1 Committee of the Whole

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following recommendations of the Committee of theWhole meeting of April 23, 2013 be endorsed.
Recreation Facility Advertising Program
THAT staff be directed to amend the existing advertising program to include a revenue sharing partnership program with Port Moody sport user groups to share 60/40 (city/sport user group) advertising revenues for sponsorships secured by sport user groups.
Gifts for Freedom of the City and Exemplary Civic Service Award Recipients
THAT the lapel pin design presented in the April 5, 2013 report of Administration and Legislative Sen/ices be approved with the amendment that the city crest be included on the pin, and staff be authorized to proceed with funding from the Council Contingency account;

AND THAT the Donor Acknowledgement area be reconfigured to consolidate the existing plaques on the right side of the City's official emblem and establish the area on its left side for Freedom of the City and Exemplary Civic Service awards and the associated costs be funded from the Council Contingency Account;

AND THAT the amendments to policies 1-0290-1 Presentation of City Committee Awards to Recipients and 1-0290-3 Award for Exemplary Civic Service outlined in the April 5, 2013 Administration and Legislative Sen/ices report be approved;

AND THAT policy 1-0290-4 Freedom of the City Award Entitlements outlined in the April 5, 2013 Administration and Legislative Services report be approved.

2013 Accessibility Awareness Fair- Funding Request
THAT the funding request associated with the staging of the 2013 Accessibility Awareness Fair, as presented in the Community Care Committee report dated April 15, 2013, be approved and be funded from the Council Contingency account.
7.2 Notice of Motion- Rezonine of 3000 and 3002 Murray Street
Report: Councillor Glumac dated May9, 2013 /File: 0930-20-27
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT 3000 and 3002 Murray Street be rezoned from M1 Light Industrial to P1 Public Service and be dedicated by bylaw as parkland.
7.3 Notice of Motion - Environmental Protection and loco Lands
Report: Councillor Royer dated May 9, 2013 / File: 6410-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City work with environmental groups to identify areas that could be indicated as park in the OCP and dedicated as park if and when development takes place.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Mossom Creek and its watershed, the Mossom Creek Hatchery and a suitable access road to the Hatchery be formally protected as a condition of any future development.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT careful consideration be given regarding the future David Avenue extension, such that local environmental and recreational and other user groups are consulted during the process to ensure the best alignment.
7.4 Notice of Motion - Reinstating Finance Committee
Report: Councillor Royer to be distributed under separate cover. / File: 0360-20-05

Councillor Royer advised she is withdrawing her notice of motion regarding reinstating a finance committee.

8.1 BC Mayors Caucus Meeting, April 2013 Prince George
Report: Mike Clay, Mayor, dated May 7, 2013 / File: 0390-20-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the May 7, 2013, BC Mayors Caucus Meeting, April 2013 report by Mayor Clay be received by council for information.

8.2 Council Verbal Reports

9.2 Resolution and Response Letters of Council

Response Letter: Village of Belcarra re: Admiralty Point Federal Lands - Preservation for Future Generations

10. Public Input