The Manager of Planning then provided an explanation of what an Official Community Plan (OCP) is and made a presentation overview of the draft OCP and specifically the changes proposed to the current plan. She also outlined the public input process to date.
The Mayor provided an additional explanation on what this draft plan represents as a long term vision for the city which is currently in draft form and may change through this public consultation process.
Public Input:
Svend Hansen, Port Moody, expressed the hope that the integrity of the police department and fire department be maintained. He also noted the importance of park and open space.
David Spence, Port Moody, referred to his written submission on the OCP and expressed interest in moving away from the conceptual designs of a concrete jungle of glass and steel and expressed the preference of more conceptual designs that reflect the human soul and contributes to positive community interaction and the things that keep a city liveable and viable for this and future generations. He also indicated he favours the curvilinear design rather than the vertical design of buildings.
Trudy Norton, Port Moody, expressed concern for the loss of habitat that development brings even far from the actual development site. She expressed concern with how Port Moody can absorb such growth as is proposed in the OCP. She also expressed concern with changing most of the industrial land to residential which reduces the diversity and sustainability of the tax base.
Kathy Lecko, Port Moody, questioned how traffic would be affected and where the streams and parks are shown on the maps. She questioned how all the increased population would impact traffic. She also asked about potential schools.
Hazel Mason, Port Moody, expressed concern with densification, traffic and the impact that large buildings and additional population will have on the environment. She questioned where additional parks would be. She added that this plan does not address a number of considerations that would have to be addressed for this to be a complete plan.
Helen Daniels, Port Moody, expressed support for the revitalization of west Port Moody and Moody Centre into a transit oriented community. She suggested that property and business owners in Moody Centre need more density in order to thrive and succeed and that well planned density can provide the elements necessary for a community. She indicated support for the key element of public transportation included in the plan. She asked that people not limit their vision for revitalization, for transit options and for increased amenities to make the inevitable change positive. She suggested that the western end needs the same amount of attention that the eastern end of the community has received.
Rod MacVicar, Port Moody, noted that the CPR tracks form a barrier through Port Moody that separates the people from the ocean front. He added that the Evergreen Line will form an additional barrier which cuts people off from the ocean. He referred to all the streams that cross the tracks which are not highlighted on the OCP map.
Demir Mirkovic, Port Moody, inquired whether this plan has some kind of relative permanency or longevity that people can rely on. He expressed concern that anyone who thinks they have a legitimate reason could request revision and change to the OCP. He referred to letters and a petition about Heritage Mountain Shopping Village from people of Newport Village and the adjacent area expressing opposition to highrise buildings on Heritage Mountain Shopping Plaza. He added that what exists there now is an established community and any type of large construction project in their midst is a detriment to views and the health of people living in this community.
Demir, Port Moody business owner, referred to a letter he had written to the City. He advised that he owns the Burrard Public House and the lot behind and indicated he wants to build something nice with shops and residences. He indicated that he likes the idea of the Spring Street promenade. He advised that development would not be viable at the 3 storey height and requested 6 stories on their Kyle Street site.
Sandra Williamson, Port Moody, spoke to Area A indicating she would like some kind of gathering place or community centre, a library, a hotel to attract people to spend their money here, shops and services and a walkable community with free parking and recreational areas for children.
Deb Nijdam, Port Moody, advised that she supports the western gateway and wants to make the area walkable. She introduced Frank Ducote who is an urban planner who has worked on rapid transit lines and asked him to speak for her. She expressed a desire for more development in western Port Moody.
Frank Decote, Frank Ducote Urban Design, spoke as requested by the West Port Moody Special Study Area Group with respect to the area known as the Western Gateway area. He noted that the community and Council have indicated they want a third sky train station to serve the western part of the city and if that is the case, densities in that area would have to be much greater. He suggested a fresh look needs to be taken relative to the western part of Port Moody. He noted that there are a number of issues that need to be addressed for the western end of Port Moody including services, walkability, housing diversity, work/live and artisan facilities. He also noted that there is strong
support from property owners in the area for comprehensive planning for the Western Gateway area.
Jillian Hull, Port Moody, expressed a desire for redevelopment in the western end of the city in Area A. She suggested that the Andres site be pulled out of industrial zoning and redeveloped with mixed use development. She suggested the 28 storeys showing on the mill site be removed until there is a full geotechnical study as the area is built on fill. She also noted that schools and parks are not shown on the maps. She suggested a post-secondary school should be attracted to Port Moody. She suggested a designated area for a cultural district in the western area of the city including Moody Centre to attract visitors and businesses. She also expressed environmental concerns.
John Grasty, Port Moody, noted that the OCP is a guide to servicing. He referred to the economic study conducted in 2003/04 which was done because the people in the western end of Port Moody needed services. He noted that the study identified service gaps which still exist today. He suggested the lack of a regional transportation plan is a gap in the OCP.
Ron Simpson, Port Moody, referred to the OCP principle of maintaining the small town character of the city. He questioned why the OCP does not seem to reflect this small town character vision.
Jill McIntosh, Port Moody, submitted a petition from people in Coronation Park which expressed the desire to retain single family housing in that area. She indicated that the area is covered by a covenant that restricts heights to 20 feet. She suggested more park land and day-lighting of streams. She suggested it is important to know what the plans are for the current Fire Hall #1 site
Lana Harris, Port Moody, spoke regarding Area D expressing the understanding that the city’s traffic committee wants to be included in this plan from the beginning. She understood from comments made that transportation planning comes after the OCP. She suggested more parkland will be required for a higher population and questioned whether putting high rises in the community supports the concept of small town character.
Arnold McLaughlin, Port Moody, representing the owner of Heritage Mountain Village Plaza, requested on behalf of his client that this site be moved from 4 storey designation to coincide with the 30 storey heights that are shown on other sites in close proximity to his site. He noted that this OCP is a vision for 20 to 30 years from now. The reason for the request now is that the density designation would be for some time in the future. The owner requests an OCP designation of 4 to 30 storeys given that the final determination would be done through a public hearing process at some point in the future.
Jillian McMillan, Port Moody, expressed disappointment that there is no western station in Moody Centre but acknowledged that the density in the area is not sufficient to support a station at that location. She expressed support for taller buildings on the western slope above Barnet Highway. She also spoke to the corners of Barnet Highway and St. Johns Street being a good location for commercial activities. She asked that the Andres site be included in the OCP and not left industrial. She suggested the name of the Gateway area be changed to Westport.
Peter Dasniers, Port Moody, suggested that the OCP pits sub-areas against sub-areas. He noted that the area where he currently lives is shown as green space. He spoke to the Mill and Timber property and suggested that the Mill and Timber site be purchased by the city for park. He noted that much of Moody Centre is built in an area that is subject to landslides which is a concern if there is an earthquake He said heights of buildings should be determined by how high the fire department can respond. He suggested this OCP be rejected and Port Moody remain with the current OCP. For the regional context statement population projection, he suggested no towers are needed. He suggested that the residents be allowed to vote on the OCP in the 2014 election. Regarding comments about density in Area A, he referred to documents that showed high rise buildings on the Andres site some years ago and suggested that that’s the type of development that the Gateway people want but the location next to a chemical plant and other industrial uses is not a suitable.
Elaine Golds, Port Moody, suggested this plan overlooks community values as it is based on too much residential growth. She suggested that more soccer fields would be needed which are not shown on the plan and that the plan should show where amenities like parks and sports fields will be located. With respect to Area A she suggested it does not make sense to have a station at the western end of Port Moody. She suggested a linear trail in Area A area so people can walk down the hill. She also noted that the locations of all the streams are not shown on the OCP map and buildings are shown as being over existing creeks which provide important habitat. She suggested that steams need to be incorporated into the plan now and that day-lighting creeks be part of this plan. She suggested that a development plan be developed first to create green corridors from the Chines to Shoreline Park. With respect to the Mill and Timber site, she suggested it become an extension of Rocky Point Park and most of the area should be designated green space and amenities for wildlife should be considered. She expressed concern for talks about a marina at this property and that the owners will want to increase the land space by building into the inlet. She expressed the view that the plan is not fully focussed on building a complete community.
Janet Yu, Port Moody, indicated she owns a commercial property on Clarke Street and has collected a 50 signature petition from businesses on Clarke and St. Johns Streets. She noted that the petition recommended that the business areas designated for 3 storeys are not fair when the properties next to them are 6 storeys. She recommended that the 3 storey areas be changed to 4 levels so smaller buildings would not be surrounded by much taller buildings. She noted that 4 levels can still reflect heritage elements. She also suggested that the existing commercial zoning not be changed to multi-family.
Stephen McGowan, Port Moody, referred to the history and heritage character of the Coronation Park area as being as important as the heritage area in Moody Centre which has 3 storey height limits. He suggested that Sky Train would be unnecessary if there was a better transit system years ago and this is putting pressure on rezoning communities. He suggested there will never be enough density to really support Sky Train.
Willy Marten, Port Moody, agreed that change is coming and can be both good and bad. She questioned how this plan will improve accessibility in the city and create walkable communities. She suggested this plan is not senior friendly but rather youth friendly and the plan talks about less reliance on vehicles but seniors need vehicles. She expressed the concern that development on the waterfront will be multi-million dollar dwellings not affordable housing. She expressed opposition to putting residential development next to industrial areas which will force out the industrial base.
George Assaf, Port Moody, expressed the view that these are a lot of changes which require a lot of consultation and encouraged that there be more of these types of Town Hall meetings. He noted that increased services like police, fire, health care and other services will be required to serve this density. He expressed the opinion that there is too much residential density and not enough commercial space.
Caroline Mullan, Port Moody, expressed the view that this is a development plan for developers. She suggested that the expression of the vision in the OCP is not reflected on the map. She expressed concern for the three study areas and that the Mill and Timber land should be an extension of Rocky Point Park. She noted the traffic problems this will bring, the lack of green space and parks and the need for protection of streams.
George Elestrand, Port Moody, noted that Port Moody is a difficult place for businesses to remain viable particularly in Moody Centre because it is not walkable. He suggested that all businesses in Port Moody have difficulty because the local population is not sufficiently large and growth is necessary to support business. He noted that Port Moody is also not great for parking that supports businesses. He noted that if local businesses are not viable, jobs will be few and people will have to commute out of the city to work. He suggested Port Moody should have more people while maintaining the core of the sense of community that should be protected. He also suggested that the plan needs to include measures to deal with increased traffic passing through Port Moody from new development areas in Coquitlam.
Phil Boname, Urbanics Consultants, spoke on behalf of Andrew Peller Ltd, owner of the Andes Wines property. He questioned whether the plan has fully understood and leveraged the intrinsic attributes of the community like the inlet and better connectivity to that feature. He questioned whether we are exploiting the inner infrastructure noting that Port Moody has a high population of artists and the plan should take greater account of that. He suggested the heritage conservation area is unique and should be highly leveraged, improved and protected. He advised that for his client’s property they propose mixed use and stacking to use land more efficiently and create open space. He suggested his client’s plan is a quality plan unlike many of the elements of this draft OCP.
Bong-Hwan Kim, Port Moody, suggested that this OCP is going too fast. He spoke to the correlation between population and highrises noting that the community will change over time but should not be rushed because of the coming of the Evergreen Line. He also spoke in
favour of retaining the recreation amenities in the city. He suggested that the population of Port Moody is already high.
Colin Petrie, Port Moody, spoke to the Coronation Park area and expressed concerns regarding the support and infrastructure that goes along with development. He noted that the police are not seen walking the streets and with growth crime is increasing, while the services have not yet caught up to the density we have and that should be addressed before there is more density.
Hong Ja Kim, Port Moody, expressed concern that the air quality in Port Moody has changed so more thought needs to be given to sustainability of the surroundings and deal with infrastructure such as roads and parking spaces.
Petition: 3001 Terravista Place residents
Petition: Coronation Park residents
Members of Council then provided closing comments.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:32pm