July 9, 2013 Regular Council
Regular Council
1.1 Art At Council
Verbal Report, Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
Tonights featured artist is local wood workder George Blackstock
After receiving a set of carving knives from a friend in 2009, George enrolled in a beginner’s wood carving class where he was immediately drawn to the craft. His fellow carvers watched his natural ability to manipulate the wood with his carving tools. Before long his true passion began to emerge as he discovered the unique bark structure of cottonwoods. The gnarled and twisted bark surface provided George with the perfect carving medium to create his one-of-a-kind whimsical dwellings. In three short years George developed into a true artist, full of passion and talent. You’ve never met a man more enthusiastic over finding a lonely piece of cottonwood bark just waiting to tell a story.
Each of the carvings featured here tonight are created out of a single piece of cottonwood bark. The artist has taken extreme care when carving the intricate bricks, window sills, doorways, and towers.
George works in all sizes and is only limited to the size of cottonwood bark that he finds.
George is a member of the Blackberry Artist’s Society and his unique sculptures can be found at the Blackberry Gift Shop, which is located inside of the Port Moody Arts Centre.
1.2 Historical Highlight - Centennial 2013
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File 1485-015
Former Mayor John Northey spoke regarding his years on Port Moody City Council.
He opened his remarks by congratulating Council on the Centennial Celebrations. He spoke of the initiatives that were begun by the Councils in the period 1972 to 1975 noting that for much of that time there were 3 future mayors on Council; himself, David Driscoll and Norm Patterson. He noted that the initiatives from that time set the scene for much of what Port Moody has now such as innovative land transactions that resulted in the establishment of the park area between Rocky Point Park and Pigeon Cove, bylaws that were brought in to reserve a good part of the Chines for park and bylaws to establish creek setbacks to preserve riparian areas.
He recalled that the councils he served also began the workings for taking city land and developing it for the future of the city such as planning and designing residential developments and using funds to completely service the town centre area. He noted they also encouraged the Eagle Ridge Hospital to build in Port Moody. They successfully got referendums to build the recreation centre, ice arena and fire hall to anchor the town centre to begin the process of what we have now. He noted 20 years later when he became Mayor he finished the process of the new city hall and library building. That project came in on time and on budget.
He noted as well that at that time they made the decision to renovate and preserve the old city hall as the Arts Centre. He also spoke about creating a community centre for police volunteers and a teen centre in the building which was located at St. Johns and Moody Streets and housed various city functions over the years. He introduced his wife Gaye who at the same time he served on Council and for 25 years was the president of the Triad Concert Society putting on classical music throughout the tri-cities and at Kyle Centre.
Mayor Clay thanked former Mayor Northey and presented him with a copy of the book “Tracks in Time” inscribed with comments from Council members
2 Public INput
David Spence, Port Moody, spoke regarding the concept of relocating the city centre flag poles to accommodate an art piece in front of City Hall. He quoted from an article that was in the local newspaper that spoke to the symbolism of flags and the importance of respecting them. He expressed opposition to relocating the flags from in front of city hall and placing them on the side and replacing the flags with a large piece of art
Peter Dasniers, Port Moody, asked what the required riparian setback is from Schoolhouse Creek in the vicinity of Andres Wines, whether it is 15m or 30m. The General Manager of Planning responded that typically the setback width is dependent upon the size of the property. The General Manager noted that the Evergreen Line Project is doing the work around the creek at that location and it would have to be done in accordance with their environmental assessment provisions. Mr. Dasniers also asked who is responsible for public support if we experience a major landslide or earthquake in Port Moody. The Mayor responded that city crews are first responders but in a major situation a lot of agencies are involved. Mr. Dasniers expressed concern that with potential collapses of infrastructure, such as bridges, there may be no support for the Moody Centre area. He also noted there are no emergency plans on Port Moody’s web site.
Ruth Foster, Mossum Creek Hatchery, inquired whether the OCP would be discussed in Council on September 3. The Mayor advised that the date was changed to September 10.
Delegation Application dated June 20, 2013
Letter: Robb McLaren dated June 19, 2013 / File: 5460-06-12/036-20-06
Mr. McLaren spoke regarding traffic calming on Parkside Drive and advised that he was told that the budget for that project was in 2015 and requested that this be moved to 2014 and implemented in 2014. He provided various reasons which he described as compelling reasons for advancing this project to 2014.
Report: Fire Rescue Department, dated June 21, 2013 / File: 7200-05
Fire Chief Faedo made a presentation on the Fire Rescue Department’s mud flat rescue program
4.1 Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held Thursday, June 20, 2013 be adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, June 25, 2013 be adopted
5.1 Rocky Point Park Pay Parking – Consultation Plan and Information Requests
Report: Financial Services and Engineering & Parks Departments dated June 14, 2013 / File: 5480-02
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT staff proceed with the public consultation plan outlined in the June 14, 2013 Financial Services and Engineering and Parks Departments report as the next step in gathering information on the potential implementation of pay parking in Rocky Point Park;
AND THAT $4,860 be allocated from the Council contingency to fund the process.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following recommendation of Committee of the Whole meeting held July 9, 2013 be endorsed:
THAT staff report back on the option of a trial period for pay parking on lots A, B and E including no charge for Port Moody residents and a four hour time limit.
AND THAT staff report back on options for using pay parking revenues to provide community amenities and improvements
5.2 Public Events – Waste Management Recommendations
Report: Environmental Protection Committee, dated June 12, 2013 / File: 0360-20-04
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT as recommended by the Environmental Protection Committee in report dated June 12, 2013, signs be placed on garbage cans during city events where city recycling stations are present to direct people to recycling stations;
THAT a text be prepared to be given to event hosts to be read out regarding recycling, with clear and specific instructions on how to properly use the recycling stations;
THAT the City issue a call for volunteers and provide some level of training to concentrate volunteer efforts over peak eating times for 2013;
AND THAT the City consider a full scale volunteer program be initiated for 2014.
5.3 Personal Safety Fair Update
Report: Transportation Committee, dated June 21, 2013
Memorandum: Engineering & Parks Services Department, dated June 26, 2013 / File: 0360-20-06
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT as recommended in the June 21, 2013 report of the Transportation Committee, a Safety Fair with a focus on road and personal safety be held in the fall of 2013, with a preferred date of September 14 or 22, 2013.
Report: Community Services, Cultural Services, dated June 26, 2013 / File: 7940-01/2010-17
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the parapet option outlined in figure 3 of the Relocation of Civic Centre Flag Poles Additional Investigation report from Community Services, dated June 26, 2013, be further explored and executed as a prominent location to be shared with the Civic Centre and the Fire Hall and the Fire Hall construction budget be utilized for this.
Voting against: Councillors Nuttall, Royer, Small
Moved, seconded CARRIED
THAT the flags remain where they are until the art is installed and there is an opportunity to see the effect of the flags remaining in place.
Report: Development Services – Building, Bylaw and Licencing dated June 21, 2013 / File: 09-3900-01/2013
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff bring forward guidelines and regulations for back yard beekeeping for Council’s consideration.
Report: Financial Services Department dated June 19, 2013 / File: 05-1700-03-2014-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2014 – 2018 budget guidelines outlined in the June 19, 2013 Financial Services report be approved.
Report: Financial Services Department dated June 28, 2013 / File: 05-1820-01/01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT as recommended by Financial Services in a report dated June 28, 2013 regarding Utility charges in relation to Live-Work units, staff reverse the Offices/Stores water and sewer charges to 2704 and 2706 Spring Street;
AND THAT staff implement a system to charge Live-Work units for only 1 unit of residential water and sewer, provided that property owners fulfill all requirements of a Live-Work Unit as laid out in the Zoning Bylaw
Draft Letter: Mayor Clay dated July 3, 2013
Letter dated June 26, 2013 from Village of Belcarra Mayor to Kinder Morgan Canada / File: 5500-05-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mayor’s proposed letter to Kinder Morgan Canada re Central Burrard Inlet – Westridge Terminal – Emergency Preparedness Study be endorsed.6.4 Multi Material BC Extended Producer Responsibility Stewardship Plan for Printed Packaging and Paper
Draft Letter: Mayor Clay dated July 3, 2013 / File: 5380-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mayor’s proposed letter to Greater Vancouver Regional District dated July 3, 2013 re MMBC Producer Responsibility be endorsed.
Letter: City of Port Moody dated June 25, 2013 and relevant policies / File: 1850-10
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request from Mr. C.E. VanAlstyne representing Port Moody Legion Branch #119 for a delegation be considered.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mr. C.E. VanAlstyne representing Port Moody Legion Branch #119 delegation be scheduled for a future meeting
7.2 Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following recommendation from Committee of the Whole meeting held July 9, 2013 be endorsed:
THAT the revisions of the terms of reference for the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee be endorsed.
THAT the following additional amendments be considered:
1. Electoral Area “B” be removed from the membership;
2. the reference that the clerk would be an “associate member” be removed;
3. the committee look at the possibility of limiting Anmore and Belcarra to one member each;
4. the language regarding removing a member for not meeting attendance requirements be amended to provide that they be automatically removed; and
5. having Anmore and Belcarra share in resource provisioning
9.2 Release of in camera
THAT the City of Port Moody write a letter to the Province and to Metro Vancouver expressing its objection to the MMBC program based on the concerns outlined in the June 20th, 2013, Engineering & Parks Services Department and Financial Services Department report.
THAT staff enter into negotiations for collection contracts with centralized recycling buildings in advance of determining whether an application for financial incentives will be submitted to MMBC.