July 2,2013 Land Use

Agenda               Minutes

4.1 Temporary Use Permit 2101 – 2105 Clarke Street

Councillor Royer provided information on the procedures for speaking at the Land Use Committee meeting. Staff provided an overview of the Temporary Use Permit Application for 2101-2105 Clarke Street and provided further information in response to Council on the removal of invasive species on the lot, noting that the removal of invasive species is a condition of the permit, and that information and advice will be provided to the applicant to ensure that invasive species are properly removed.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the application for a Temporary Use Permit for 2101- 2105 Clarke Street be supported as presented.
4.2 Rezoning of 3000 & 3002 Murray Street from M1 Light Industrial to P1 Public Service

Staff provided an overview of the rezoning application for 3000 and 3002 Murray Street, noting that this rezoning is consistent with the land use designation in the Official Community Plan, and that a rezoning bylaw will be followed by a park dedication bylaw.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the application for the Zoning Bylaw amendment to designate 3000 and 3002 Murray Street for public use be supported.

4.3 Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment to RS3 Zone

Staff provided an overview of the Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment to clarify building height allowances in the RS3 zone, and provided additional clarification as requested.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT an amending bylaw to the Zoning Bylaw to permit a maximum building height of the lesser of 8.0m or 3 storeys or 3 storeys in the RS3 One-Family Residential zone be supported.