The Manager of Community Services provided an overview of the proposed changes to the fee waiver section of the fees bylaw. Staff noted that requests for Inlet Theatre fee waivers will continue to be forwarded for Council consideration as all theatre rentals incur staffing costs that are not otherwise budgeted.
The City Manager provided an overview of recent changes in communications and civic engagement, and introduced Therese Mickelson of Mickelson Consulting Inc, who has been providing guidance to the City on communication and civic engagement strategies. Ms. Mickelson provided background information on the differences between communications and civic engagement, clarified the roles of staff in each, and highlighted the strengths and recent successes of both.
The Project Manager of Civic Engagement provided a review of recent civic engagement initiatives, highlighting recent social media successes. The Communications Advisor provided an overview of recent improvements to communications and graphic standards, and expanded on the roles and responsibilities of the communications department within the organization.
Margaret Warwick, Legislative Services, introduced upcoming changes to council report formats and templates, noting that a proposal will be submitted for Council consideration in the next few weeks. Suggested improvements will include the addition of an executive summary for reports longer than four pages, and the moving of the recommendation section to the beginning of the report. Changes will also be proposed to the agenda format and meeting types, which will likely involve updating the Council Procedure Bylaw.
The City Manager noted that a communications and civic engagement workshop will be held in late January or early February, and requested input on the areas of focus. Suggestions included: greater collaboration with the Library and the Police Department in civic engagement, defining the scope of various type of engagement events, streamlining the flow of business between different types of Council meetings, meeting frequencies, tracking of outstanding business, and a system for ensuring that adequate history is provided for decision making.