Dec 3,2013 Special Council

Agenda               Minutes
3.1  Utilities Budget Amendment
Moved, seconded
THAT the Financial Services report dated Thursday, November 28, 2013 with respect to 2014-2018 Utilities Financial Plan be received;
AND THAT the 2014 utilities budget be amended per the attached Budget (Exhibit A), attached to the report dated November 28, 2013 from the Financial Services Department;
AND THAT the 2014 utility rates outlined in the report be approved and included in the 2014 Fees Bylaw.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
THAT staff report back on the potential uses of the waste management reserve;
AND THAT an analysis be done on the portion of monies going into this reserve from 2015 onwards.

The question on the main motion was put and CARRIED

3.2  Fees Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw 2014, No. 2971, being a bylaw to establish the 2014 fees charged by the City of Port Moody, be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2971 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2971 be now read a third time.
4.1  Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following recommendations of the Committee of the Whole meeting of November 19, 2013 be endorsed:
THAT #17- Demolition of Old Fire Hall #1 be removed from the 2014 project preapproval submissions;
AND THAT staff report back on the pros and cons of demolishing the old Fire Hall #1.
THAT #22 - Watermain Upgrades: Moody Street be removed from the 2014 project preapproval submissions;
AND THAT staff report back on the relocation of the watermain at Moody Street.

THAT the Project Pre-Approval Submissions for Budget Year 2014 be approved as submitted by Financial Sen/ices on November 25, 2013 with the exception of items #17 and #22.

THAT as per the Engineering Services "Appleyard Centennial House - additional funding" report dated November 28, 2013, a total amount of $230,515.00 be allocated to the Appleyard Centennial House project from the Heritage Reserve Fund.

THAT the Westhill Sports Box project budget be increased by $150,000 with funding from accumulated surplus as detailed in the Community Services report dated November 28, 2013.