Mayor Clay introduced of Kristian Alexandrov, Shannon Gaye, and Ben Harris, who played two songs. The trio will be performing at the PoMo Arts Fest 2014 Festival Gala with Jens Lindemann on Friday, February 21, 2014 at the Inlet Theatre
Eva Delanowski, Port Moody, provided, on behalf of the Heritage Commission, details about events that will be taking place during Heritage Week, February 17-23, 2014. Ms. Delanowski noted that there will be a large display at the Recreation Centre along with a Scavenger Hunt throughout the City during Heritage Week
In response to questions from Mayor and Council, Mr. Scott explained that the requested $15,000 would be used to purchase a third HD video camera and switcher for production. He noted that there are several organizations that provide financial support to the Society through annual memberships, including the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club, but that additional assistance is necessary to maintain and improve the programming.
Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Scott for his presentation and noted that they will review the draft business plan and get back to him in response to the request
Request: THAT February 26, 2014 be proclaimed Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day.
Mr. Dave Teixeira explained that the 7th Annual Pink Shirt Day will take place on February 26, 2014, noting that approximately 400,000 pink shirts have been sold since the program’s inception. Mr. Teixeira also said that, over the years, Pink Shirt Day has raised over $650,000 for anti-bullying programs and Pink Shirt Day T-shirts are now sold around the world. He noted that Canada ranks ninth out of 35 countries with regard to the incidence of bullying in the 13-year-olds category. One in three adolescent students has been bullied, and girls are more likely than boys to be cyber-bullied. Mr. Teixeira also noted that 40% of workers experience bullying on a daily basis. The goal is to have raised $900,000 by this end of this year’s campaign. Last year, of the Tri-Cities, Port Moody collected the most Pink Shirt Day donations. Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Teixeira for his presentation
Mr. Sandy Burpee, chair of the Tri-Cities Homelessness and Housing Task Group, presented an overview of the Housing Needs of Women and their Children in the Tri-Cities report, noting that there continues to be significant unmet demand for housing in the area. He provided an update on a project that is currently before Coquitlam Council which proposes to build a multi-storey, high density apartment complex and seven YWCA townhouse units for social housing next to Como Lake Gardens. Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Burpee for his presentation.
Mr. Peter Grant, PoCoMo Meals on Wheels Society, provided an overview of the society’s activities, noting that they currently receive approximately $14,000 in grants from Fraser Health Authority. He explained that the Society has a contract with Chartwell’s to provide the meals from the Douglas College David Lam Campus in Coquitlam. Currently, each meal costs approximately $9, with clients paying $5.50 and Fraser Health paying $1.70, which leaves the Society to cover the remaining amount. Mr. Grant noted that the meals are provided typically to housebound senior citizens. He explained that the Society is currently negotiating a contract renewal with Chartwell’s, which will result in increased costs, so they are looking for assistance from the City to subsidize meals that are being delivered to clients in Port Moody in the amount of $1,016.25.
Mayor Clay advised Mr. Grant that requests from delegations are handled at the following regular Council meeting and that there are no grant funds designated at this time in the budget.
8.1 Council Verbal Reports
10 Public Input
Jim Millar, Port Moody, expressed thanks for the information provided by the delegations during this evening’s meeting
Raman Braich, Port Moody, asked the Director of Community Services to report on an incident that occurred at the Recreation Centre on Friday last week. Mr. Higo reported that staff had quickly responded to a client that had suffered a heart attack while using the recreation facility. Staff administered the AED and cared for the client until paramedics arrived. He noted that the patient is now in hospital recovering from the incident.
Sandra Niven, Port Moody, expressed her support for Mr. Geoff Scott and his activities. She also reported that the Port Moody Ecological Society will be holding its Annual General Meeting on February 19, 2014, at which time Craig Orr, the executive director of the Watershed Watch Salmon Society will be speaking on The War on Science and Wild Salmon.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:17pm.