Feb 25,2014 Regular Council

Regular Council
Agenda                  Minutes
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01

Originally from Ontario, Deborah Colvin has recently brought her figurative, mixed media art practice to the Tri-Cities.

Tonight’s pieces are called Mortscape-Kosovo I and Mortscape-Kosovo II and are part of the current Twisted exhibition taking place at the Port Moody Arts Centre until March 13th.

The artwork visually explores the term ‘Twisted’. The figures bend and contort in aggression and despair. They create their own landscape reflecting the twisted nature of war. The premise is that a bent state of mind can not only distort psychically but also can deform our physical beings and warp the surrounding landscape.

Land, hills, valleys, mountains, the landscape;

Life – humankind; the human form; humanity; the inhumanity;

All fold together into the lifescape that surrounds us,

Truly compelling in recent times was Kosovo.

1.2 Presentation of Veteran Way Sign
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 0230-01

Mayor Clay provided a brief overview of the history of Veterans Way and thanked Veterans for their service to the country. Mayor Clay then presented a replica of the Veterans Way commemorative sign to the following representatives from the Port Moody Legion:

• Faye Johnson, President;
• Walter Skwarchuk, 1st Vice President;
• Tom Warwick, Sgt-At-Arms; and
• Wayne Causey, Service Officer/Veterans Affairs.

2. Public Input

Jacquie Boyer, Port Moody, noted that she recently attended a Parks and Recreation Master Plan workshop where participants identified the acquisition of more waterfront as the highest priority. Ms. Boyer urged Council to consider holding another town hall meeting to discuss the Draft Official Community Plan.

Ron Simpson, Port Moody, requested that staff investigate whether the pilings upon which a section of the Flavelle Mill is built are wood.

Reiner Specht, Port Moody, demanded that another town hall meeting be held to discuss the Draft Official Community Plan.

George Assaf, Port Moody, requested that another town hall meeting be held to discuss the Draft Official Community Plan.

Deb Nijdam, Port Moody, requested that Council not hold further town hall meetings to discuss the Draft Official Community Plan, and urged Council to consider all the public input received to date with objectivity and make the necessary decisions.

Hazel Mason, Port Moody, spoke on behalf of the Moody Centre Community Association and requested that Council consider providing Moody Centre the same opportunity as Coronation Park for the development of a neighbourhood plan. Ms. Mason stated that the current draft of the Official Community Plan does not address the concerns of Moody Centre.

Caroline Mullin, Port Moody, requested that another town hall meeting be held for further public input on the Draft Official Community Plan.

Jim Millar, Port Moody, noted that the Heritage Strategic Plan is two years out of date and requested that it be updated.

Peter Dasnieres, Port Moody, requested that all written comments submitted to Council regarding the Draft Official Community Plan be posted on the City website once a week, and noted consideration of petitions should take into account the addresses of the signatories

Council for the City’s support of Art Fest over the weekend. Mr. Grasty also noted that as the City moves forward with the Official Community Plan, it should ensure that there is clarity around development cost charges, updated prioritization of amenities, and existing amounts set aside for projects in reserve funds.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Public Input period be extended.

Colin Godwin, Port Moody, noted that he would like to see an additional town hall meeting for discussing the Draft Official Community Plan, and that he is particularly concerned about Area E as landfill sites are not suitable for development of highrises.

Brent Hilpert, Port Moody, requested information on the approval provisions for density bonus applications, and noted that the public must be made aware of such applications. Mr. Hilpert also stated that further public consultation is required for the Draft Official Community Plan.

Elaine Golds, Port Moody, requested an additional town hall meeting for discussing the Draft Official Community Plan, noting that it would be nice to move into the future with a united vision.

Fred Soofi, Port Moody, noted that having both a Heritage Commercial District and a Heritage District is confusing, and that there should be only one Heritage area to encourage heritage conservation.

Jill MacIntosh, Port Moody, requested an additional town hall meeting to discuss the Draft Official Community Plan.

3.1 Delegation – Coalition of Child Care Advocates
Delegation Application: Sharon Gregson, dated February 4, 2014 / File: 0230-20
PowerPoint Presentation

Sharon Gregson, Coalition of Child Care Advocates of British Columbia, gave a presentation on the proposed Public System of Early Care and Learning, which seeks to make child care accessible to all for a flat rate of ten dollars per user per day. Ms. Gregson outlined the benefits of the proposed program, noting that it has received support from various local governments and Chambers of Commerce, and urged the City of Port Moody to support this initiative. Ms. Gregson answered questions from Council on the campaign, the support it has received to date, and the economics of the program

3.2 Presentation – Western Canada Marine Response Corporation
PowerPoint Presentation  / File: 0230-20

Michael Lowry and Trevor Davis jointly gave a presentation on the role and capabilities of the Western Canada Marine Response Corporation in cleaning up oil spills, and answered questions from Council on the corporation’s roles and responsibilities, equipment, area of operation, funding model, governance, response times, etc. Mayor Clay thanked Messrs. Lowry and Davis for the presentation.

4.1 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, February 11, 2014 be adopted.
5.1 Delegation Response– Pocomo Meals on Wheels Society
Delegation Application: Pocomo Meals on Wheels Society, dated January 24, 2014
Grant Application Form: Pocomo Meals on Wheels Society, dated January 24, 2014
File: 0230-20
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
That a grant of $1,016.25 be provided to the Pocomo Meals on Wheels Society to support their operations in Port Moody.
(Voting Against: Councillor Dilworth and Mayor Clay)
6.1 Recommendations from Heritage Commission Regarding Draft Official Community Plan
Report: Heritage Commission, dated February 17, 2014 / File: 0360-20-09-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT consideration of Recommendations from Heritage Commission Regarding Draft Official Community Plan be deferred;
AND THAT staff be asked to report back with further information related to the Commission’s recommendations. (Voting Against: Councillor Glumac)
6.2 Updated Draft – Official Community Plan – February 2014
Report: Development Services – Planning Division, dated February 14, 2014 / File: 6430-08

The General Manager of Development Services and the Manager of Planning gave a PowerPoint Presentation outlining the latest changes in the Draft Official Community Plan.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the potential changes to the Official Community Plan included in Attachment 2 be incorporated into the DRAFT Official Community Plan dated February 2014.

Staff noted that the Draft Official Community Plan will be reviewed again to ensure that references to "high density" in Moody Centre Transit Oriented Development Area are removed as previously directed.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
That policy 10 on page 21 of the February 2014 draft of the Official Community Plan be changed to read:
"The City will develop an effective mechanism for assessing the relative strengths of a development from a sustainability perspective and encourage the most sustainable project possible."
(Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Nuttall, and Small and Mayor Clay)

It was noted that documents referenced in the Official Community Plan should be made available on the City website.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Clarke Street between Moody Street and Barnet Highway be identified as a commuter cycling route in Map 6 of the Draft Official Community Plan.
Moved and seconded CARRIED
THAT an "institutional/research facility" use be included within the range of uses listed in Section 15.5.5 Oceanfront District (first bullet, page 88) in the Draft Official Community Plan dated February 2014;

AND THAT the proposed changes included to Chapter 5: Sustainable Resource Use and Climate Change Response in the Draft Official Community Plan dated February 2014 be endorsed;

AND THAT the following policy with respect to density bonusing be incorporated as Policy 17, Chapter 8: Housing, on page 49 of the Draft Official Community Plan dated February 2014:

"The use of a density bonus provision, to allow owners to develop at a higher density in return for provision of community amenities, will be permitted throughout the City where lands are rezoned to permit higher density residential development.

Potential amenities to be provided include:

Community facilities
Parks and Recreation Facilities
Environmental Enhancements
• Arts and Cultural Facilities
• Public Art
Streetscape and/or Pedestrian Related Improvements
Affordable or special needs Housing or Contributions to the Affordable Housing Reserve";
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a Town Hall Meeting be scheduled prior to the Land Use Committee on April 1;
AND THAT a draft Official Community Plan amending bylaw be prepared;
AND THAT the draft bylaw with the Official Community Plan be forwarded to the April 1, 2014 Land Use Committee meeting for review.
6.3 Moody Middle School Development Permit
Report: Development Services – Planning, dated February 11, 2014 / File: 3060-20-99
PowerPoint Presentation

Staff noted that representatives of the applicant had left the meeting, and provided a brief overview of the Development Permit application.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Development Permit 2014-99 be issued subject to submission of all required fees and securities to the satisfaction of staff and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application, in accordance with the Development Services Report dated February 11, 2014.
6.4 Council Agenda Revision to Accommodate Business Highlight
Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated February 20, 2014 / File: 0550-00
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the Regular Council Agenda be amended to add a new subsection under General Matters titled Business Highlight, to accommodate presentations by local business on the Regular Council Agenda.
(Voting Against: Councillors Elliott, Glumac, Nuttall, and Royer)

8.1 Council Verbal Reports

Councillor Dilworth noted that the Province has changed the next municipal terms of office from three years to four years, and reminded everyone that Wednesday, February 26, 2014 is Pink Shirt Day.

Councillor Royer noted that the 16th Annual Art Fest was a huge success, and thanked Valerie Simons and the Port Moody Arts Centre for their work.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the meeting continue past 10pm.
9.2 Resolution and Response Letters of Council
• Letter from Linda Reimer, MLA re: Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, dated February 5, 2014
9.3 Contract Awards Over $200K – January 2014
Memo: Corporate Purchasing Supervisor, dated February 12, 2014 / File: 03-1220-01
9.4 Letter to Port Metro Vancouver re: Pacific Coast Terminals
Letter: General Manager of Development Services, dated February 17, 2014 / File: 6870-04-02

10 Public Input

Rose McFarlane, Port Moody, noted that the signatories of a petition supporting higher density in Coronation Park have been subjected to personal attacks and slanderous remarks from those who do not support higher density in Coronation Park. Ms. McFarlane noted that signatories to the petition do not appreciate the false accusations

John Grasty, Port Moody, noted that the public has had sufficient opportunities to provide public input on the Draft Official Community Plan.

George Assaf, Port Moody, noted that having another town hall meeting is vital for moving forward with the Official Community Plan.

The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:08pm.