MMBC Multi Material BC Stewardship Program

MMBC is the organization that has taken on the Producer Responsibility Program for the packaging and paper industry.
Under Producer Responsibility Programs, it is up to the producer (manufacturer) of goods/products that are going into the waste stream to take responsibility for it and manage their product 'gradle to grave' (or cradle to cradle) as the saying goes.
Currently, once the goods are produced and ships, the packaging ends up back in the waste stream which is managed by either municipalities or contractors for commercial businesses, and the costs are taken by the business or the taxpayers.  Under producer responsibility , the producer takes the responsibility and the cost for their entire product lifecycle, including recycling or disposal 'after use'.
The BC Provincial Government introduced the EPR program and MMBC represents the major industry groups of 'producers'.  Under the MMBC program, as far as the cities go, we were given options:
a) MMBC would take over the curbside collection of the EPR products in our city (blue box program)
b) MMBC would contract with the city to collect the EPR products in our city (they would pay the city)
c) The city could do something else without MMBC involvement
Port Moody chose the 2nd option, to preserve our outstanding curbside program but recover the costs from MMBC.  Because we have mixed (single stream) recycling, we do not recover the full cost as the MMBC program is based on source seperated costs - however, we know that we achieve higher recycling results with the single stream and we wished to maintain that program.