Mar 19,2014 OCP Town Hall

Committee of the Whole / Town Hall
Agenda                   Minutes
2.1  Town Hall Meeting - 2013 OCP Presentation and Public Consultation
2.1 Town Hall Meeting - 2013 OCP Presentation and Public Consultation
PowerPoint Presentation followed by Public Input
2013 Draft OCP Consultation File: 6430-08

Mayor Clay welcomed the audience and thanked them for their participation.

The City Clerk provided an overview of meeting procedures, noting that there is a two-minute limit per speaker per turn, and that speakers who wish to speak for more than two minutes should sign up again on the speakers' list.

The Manager of Planning provided a summary of the most recent draft of the Official Community Plan (OCP).

Hazel Mason, Port Moody, spoke on behalf of the Moody Centre Plan is not accepted by the community at large. Ms. Mason noted that there has been no evidence of public support, and that the plan promotes growth without supporting infrastructure. Ms. Mason stated that Moody Centre is still waiting for a City sponsored public consultation.

Reiner Specht, Port Moody, noted that he sees only problems with the draft Official Community Plan, and does not see any solutions. Mr. and suggested that there is insufficient detail regarding building height, setbacks, density, etc., and that Council failed to identify park spaces within walking distance.

Marilyn Meden, Port Moody, noted her appreciation for the work that Council has done, particularly regarding the Oceanfront Special Study Area. Ms. Meden noted that Council should disallow residential developments on the Oceanfront Special Study Area, and demand maximum greien space and minimum high-rises.

Jacquie Boyer, Port Moody, thanked Council for facilitating the screening of TED talks, and noted that one speaker, Amanda Burden, said that commercial interest will always battle public spaces, and that Cities must be vigilant champions of public spaces. Ms. Boyer noted that she would like to see more public spaces in the Official Community Plan.

David Ritcey, Port Moody, noted that Kyle Centre and its surrounding area should remain dedicated to public spaces and parks..

Sandi Lauzon, Port Moody, requested that the south side of the 2100block of St George Street have its maximum height limited to three storeys.

Bruce Brandhorst, Port Moody, thanked Council for making sensible revisions in the current draft, and noted that the density slated for Westport remains too high. Mr. Brandhorst noted that Westport is not within walking distance to an Evergreen Line station, and that development in the area should be put on hold as some properties are on steep slopes and have fish-bearing streams.

Bruce Gibson, a representative of Flavelle Sawmill, noted that the sawmill became involved with the community planning process upon the area redeveloped. Mr. Gibson noted that while the mill hired planners to get involved to participate in the visioning process, the company is happy to continue operating as a sawmill, and is currently experiencing significant business growth due to increased demand.

Jason Reid, Port Moody, requested information on how the City plans to preserve heritage buildings in the face of rising land values in the Heritage Commercial District.

Dennis Cole, Port Moody, noted that his family is looking forward to the City getting through the Official Community Plan process.

Melissa Chaun, Port Moody, noted that references to "high density" in the Moody Centre Transit Oriented Development Area have not been completely removed from the Official Community Plan as agreed at the Regular Council meeting held on February 25, 2014. Ms. Chaun noted her opposition to concrete high-rises, noting that they are not sustainable, do not foster a sense of community, and benefit only developers.


Rebecca Helps, Port Moody, noted that Port Moody will attract new residents; therefore the City must decide how much density it can handle and determine the appropriate cut-off point.

Eric Brobert, Port Moody, noted that he is happy with the direction that the Official Community Plan is heading in with regards to increasing density, and noted that growth will come with the Evergreen Line.

Jill Mcintosh, Port Moody, noted that she would like to see less density in the Official Community Plan, and that she would like to see the Official Community Plan go to a referendum in November.

Geoff Scott, Port Moody, spoke in support of the Official Community Plan, and supported mixed use high density developments and the construction of a performing arts centre in Westport. Mr. Scott noted that Council has come up with a vision that the majority can support.

Sheila Alwell, Port Moody, noted that she is excited for the growth and revitalization of the City, thanked Council for the extensive public consultation process, and urged Council to approve the current draft of the plan.

Muammal Ebrahim, Port Moody, noted his concerns about the methodology of the plan, and the advantages that it gives investors and developers. Mr. Ebrahim indicated that as no alternatives have been given, the process is undemocratic.

Elaine Golds, Port Moody, noted her concerns about density and site coverage, and requested that density be specified in units per hectare for each development site. Dr. Golds also requested that density be scaled back for the Andre's Winery site, and that stronger language be used to protect open spaces. Dr. Golds noted that the community needs to have Rocky Point Park extended.

Janet Yu, Port Moody, noted that her previous request to have the south side of the 2200 block of Clarke street zoned six storeys to match the zoning across the street has not been carried out. Ms. Yu noted that 80% of the block signed a petition, and requested again that the change be made on the map.

Don Lank, Port Moody, thanked previous Councils for their vision that resulted in today's Port Moody, and noted that he is glad to hear that the sawmill wishes to remain in business. Mr. Lank noted that he would be willing to help buy the sawmill property for public use when they decide to sell. Mr. Lank also requested that more attention be paid to ensuring the availability of accessible living spaces.

Kathleen Thomsen, Port Moody, requested additional town hall meetings and outreach to engage citizens in the Official Community Plan process, and suggested that the plan is not representative of residents' views. Ms. Thomsen noted that more attention must be paid to preserving nature.

Paul Adamic, Port Moody, thanked Council for their work on negotiating Evergreen Line impact mitigation in Klahanie, and requested that a tennis wall be installed as a community amenity.

Tyler Brown, Port Moody, suggested that residents want more parks for their families and need clean air and transportation. Mr. Brown suggested that until parks, recreation, and transportation issues are addressed, the Official Community Plan needs more work.

Reiner Specht, Port Moody, noted the unfairness of not extending the same level of consultation to Moody Centre as was extended to Coronation Park, and requested that the final draft be adopted by referendum in November.

Sue Fowler, Port Moody, suggested that to preserve the heritage character of the Moody Centre neighbourhood, maximum building heights should be four to six storeys.

John Grasty, Port Moody, commended Council on the work they have done to address all issues of quality of life, and urged Council to move forward with the Official Community Plan.

Graeme Herring, Port Moody, requested clarification on daylighting streams.

Brent Hilpert, Port Moody, noted that the residents of Port Moody did not want a sky train, and do not want development justified on the basis of the Evergreen Line. Mr. Hilpert noted that general public input for the Official Community Plan came only after a draft had already been prepared.

Helen Daniels, Port Moody, noted that Council has done a good job on balancing the information and feedback received. Ms. Daniels noted that density is required to support businesses in Moody Centre, and that many people support the current plan as it stands.

Fred Soofi, Anmore, noted that he owns five heritage properties in Port Moody, and urged Council to consider stronger policy for heritage preservation and fostering of the arts.

Jillian Hull, Belcarra, noted that the debate has been polarized, and that density is not the real issue at hand, and that sound environmental policies yield sound environmental design.

Elmer Froese, Port Moody, complimented Council for the public process, noting that there have been significant modifications to the Official Community Plan since the beginning of the process. Mr. Froese noted that change is inevitable, and that businesses will require growth in order to survive and remain in Port Moody.

Isabelle Brodeur, Port Moody, commended Council and staff for the changes that have been made to the Official Community Plan. Ms. Brodeur noted that she in in favour of densifying Moody Centre to make it a livelier place with thriving businesses and services. Ms. Brodeur noted that thel latest draft of the Official Community Plan balances most residents' wishes.

Members of Council then provided closing comments.

Councillor Small thanked the public for their participation and noted that Council has paid attention to the community and made significant changes to the Official Community Plan throughout the consultation process. Councillor Small urged residents to continue to participate in public consultations and provide feedback at all opportunities, including the Parks and Recreation Master Plan consultations that are currently underway.

Councillor Glumac thanked the public for their attendance and for all the input they have offered. Councillor Glumac noted that some changes he requested have passed and others have not, and that while he is not against densification, he has concerns about the lack of clarity around densification, and transportation issues that are beyond the City's control.

Councillor Dilworth noted that this Official Community Plan is different from previous plans in that it is a 30-year vision, and that many things in this plan may never come to fruition. Councillor Dilworth noted that a lot of work has gone into reviewing public feedback and revising the plan, and thanked those who recognize the significance of the undertaking for their patience.

Councillor Royer thanked people for participating in the process, and noted that the Official Community Plan supports vibrant, walkable communities that are sustainable and conducive to fostering true communities. Councillor Royer urged residents to reach out to neighbours and ensure that everyone feels like they have been a part of the process.

Mayor Clay noted that consultations on the Official Community Plan began in 2006 and continues today, and reminded residents that the Official Community Plan does not grant any development rights, but rather sets out a vision for the community. Mayor Clay noted that every development will go through its own public consultation process. Mayor Clay noted that there will be a Land Use Committee meeting on the Official Community Plan on April 1,2014 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers, and thanked the public for their attendance and participation.

3. Adjournment

The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:34pm.