Mar 18,2014 Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole
Agenda                         Minutes
3.1 Minutes
File: 0550-03-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, February 18, 2014 be adopted.
5.1 Police Operating Budget
Report; Chair of Police Board, dated March 18, 2014
Memorandum: Chief Constable, dated February 17, 2014
Operating Budget Approved by Board, February 13, 2014
File: 05-1700-03-06-/2014

Mayor Clay, Chair of the Police Board, introduced the amended Police Financial Plan for 2014-2018. The Chief Constable provided an overview of the budget and outlined the recent changes in their operations.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council receive the amended Police Financial Plan for 2014- 2018;
AND THAT the Police Board and Chief continue development of the budget years 2015-2018.
5.2 2014 Financial Plan Update
Report: Financial Services Department, dated March 11, 2014 /File: 05-1700-03-05/2014

The General Manager of Financial Services gave a presentation on the 2014 Financial Plan, and provided an overview of the operating budget along with updated costs.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT, to accommodate the additional operating costs, Council approve an operating tax increase of 2.07% for 2014.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council approve 1.50% operating tax increase for years 2015 to 2018, to be shared proportionally between General Government and Police as identified in the Financial Plan Guidelines;
AND THAT Council provide direction to City Manager and the Police Board to distribute their corresponding 'unallocated amounts' needed to meet these rates at their discretion;
AND THAT the report from Financial Services dated March 11th, 2014 outlining the current status of the 2014 Financial Plan be received for information.
5.3 Long Term Strategic Financial Planning
Memorandum: General Manager of Financial Services, dated March 13, 2014 / File: 05-1700-03/2014

The General Manager of Financial Services presented a draft survey question for Council's consideration. Council discussed potential survey questions.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT a question be included in the survey asking residents if they support the City going into debt for capital projects, provided that the City does not exceed provincial recommendations on debt servicing levels.
(Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, and Small, and Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the inclusion of the following question in the upcoming Ipsos Reid survey be endorsed:
"Do you support the City going into debt to support new amenities? (e.g., a new library, a new library expansion, or soccer fields)
Yes No   If yes, please explain."

Councillor Glumac adjourned the meeting at 7:20pm.