April 22,2014 Public Hearing (OCP)

Agenda               Minutes
1.1 Official Community Plan
File: 6430-08/3900-02
Ontable items

City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, 2955, being a bylaw to adopt an Official Community Plan for the City of Port Moody.

Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures

The City Clerk confirmed that statutory requirements for this Public Hearing had been met.

Tim Savoie, General Manager of Development Services, provided an overview of highlights of the Official Community Plan (OCR).


Cathy Cena, Port Moody, expressed support for the adoption of the OCP, noting that it incorporates revitalization, growth and investment, and encourages evolvement into a complete community with a balance of residential areas and green space. She noted that the OCP will generate employment, local business, and vibrant mixed use neighbourhoods within walking distance. Ms. Cena noted that the changes will increase property values and convert underperforming areas into vibrant communities. She congratulated Council and staff on the OCP and urged Council to support and approve the OCP as it has been presented.

Ann Kitching, Port Moody Arts Council representative and Freedom of the City recipient, urged Council to pass the OCP as is. Ms. Kitching noted that after nine years of discussion, it is time to adopt the plan.

Jean Donaldson, Port Moody, urged Council to pass the OCP, and noted that the City should also seriously consider setting aside land for a senior's residence and senior's facilities in the Inlet Centre neighbourhood as it has all the required community amenities for seniors.

John Grasty, Port Moody, noted that Port Moody is no longer a small town, and has lost its small town feel as long ago as the 1980s. Mr. Grasty noted that the new neighbourhoods are the ones successful in regaining the small town feel, and that Moody Centre has long been identified for revitalization. Mr. Grasty urged Council move forward on the OCP tonight.

Caroline Mullan, Port Moody, noted that she has outstanding concerns about the Official Community Plan. Ms. Mullan noted that the OCP lacks concrete metrics as proposed by two Councillors. Ms. Mullan urged Council to make sure that the 30-year plan is as strong as it can be to protect the City that she loves.

George Assaf, Port Moody, noted that this Official Community Plan is not a five-year review, but rather a completely new plan for which the consultation has been insufficient. Mr. Assaf noted that there has been a reluctance to include Floor Space Ratios (FSR) and units per acre, or to give developers a clear vision of what people would like to buy. He expressed concern about schools, parks, and recreation. He noted that time needs to be taken to ensure that this is done correctly, and suggested that the plan should go to a referendum.

Elaine Golds, Port Moody, expressed concern that the Official ommunity Plan does not include specific density and height restrictions. Dr. Golds noted that without the specific numbers, highrises may be built anywhere, resulting in massive debts from redevelopment. Dr. Golds suggested that Environmentally Sensitive Areas should become extensions of Rocky Point Park, noting the park is crowded and more park space is needed. She also expressed concerns about the development of the Westport area, the retention of trees, and the protection of wildlife and wildlife habitat.

Kirk Seggie, Port Moody, spoke on behalf of Andrew Peller Ltd., noting that they have participated in the OCR discussions since 2005 and are pleased about the community engagement. Mr. Seggie noted that the company is proud of the 55 years they have been in Port Moody, is grateful for the community support they have received, and looks forward to the future. On behalf of the Peller family, Mr. Seggie thanked Council and staff and expressed support for the draft Official Community Plan.

Geoff Scott, Port Moody, explained that he has been following the OCP process and congratulated Council for supporting arts and Westport development. He commented that Port Moody should be celebrated as a destination for the arts. Mr. Scott encouraged Council to support more programming to develop arts and culture in Westport facilities.

Hazel Mason, Port Moody, speaking on behalf of the Moody Centre Community Association (MCCA), noted that the MCCA has heard concerns from many residents that have not been addressed. Ms. Mason noted that the consultation has not been focused enough on the residents of Moody Centre, and commented that there is a lack of consideration for the environment, parks, and green spaces.

Gaetan Royer, Port Moody, expressed concern about the lack of specific density figures in the OCP. He noted that there is insufficient protection for public spaces. He explained that the Official Community Plan needs to be clear and specific in order to be effective.

Greg Elgstrand, Port Moody, congratulated Council and staff on the work done on the Official Community Plan, but noted that Port Moody is the only Tri-City not home to an industrial park integrated in an urban area, which would provide spaces for workshops to foster an arts community. Mr. Elgstrand urged Council to reject this Official Community Plan as its focus is only economic and not cultural or social.

Bruce Gibson, Port Moody, expressed support for the Official Community Plan, and noted that the success of the sawmill allowed Mill and Timber to donate large logs to help rebuild Mossom Creek. Mr. Gibson commented that Mill and Timber will work with the City on the oceanfront special study site, noting that the Flavelle oceanfront community can provide opportunities to work, shop, play, and learn in Port Moody. Mr. Gibson noted that he anticipates that any development in the area will include park space.

Janet Yu, Port Moody, thanked Council and city staff for their hard work and congratulated them on finishing the Official Community Plan, and again asked Council to consider having the same height limit of six storeys for both sides of the 2200 block on Clarke Street.

Helen Daniels, Port Moody, commented that the focus of the OCP is on Moody Centre, noting that the residents there have been waiting to get some attention to their area. She explained that now is the time to take advantage of amenities, commenting that there has been adequate time to listen to what the people want. Ms. Daniels urged Council to move forward with the OCR.

Councillor Elliott arrived at the meeting at 8:05pm.

Nikki Bryce, Port Moody, expressed concern about the Official Community Plan and urged Council to reconsider having 26 storey towers in her neighbourhood. Ms. Bryce also noted the importance of preserving trees and wildlife habitat.

Ruth Foster, Belcarra, noted that she spends much of her day in Port Moody as a stream steward. Ms. Foster expressed support for comments made by Dr. Elaine Golds, noting that more park space is needed in Port Moody. Ms. Foster noted that passing the Official Community Plan now would mean the loss of opportunity to strengthen environmental protection and access to shoreline. Ms. Foster noted that she does not support completing the OCP process at this time.

Bob McCarthy, Port Moody, noted that the Official Community Plan is based on population growth potential, but does not address issues such as schools, parks, and destination green spaces. Mr. McCarthy noted that the City must first determine the population it can support, and limit development to that population rather than propose a plan based on projected growth.

Jill Mcintosh, Port Moody, noted that more work needs to be done on the Official Community Plan to create a plan that people can be enthusiastic about. Ms. Mcintosh noted that future generations will wonder why this plan does not work to save park spaces.

Fred Soofi, Anmore, noted that he owns character homes in Port Moody, and that character homes will all be gone if development drives up the price of land. Mr. Soofi suggested that Council develop policies to help homeowners preserve their character homes.

Deb Nijdam, Port Moody, noted her support for the development of the Westport area, as amenities such as stores and parks are much needed there.

Kathleen Thompson, Port Moody, noted her opposition to the current Official Community Plan due to its lack of concern for environmental protection, and noted that stewardship groups should be consulted. Ms. Thompson urged Council to consider the needs of future school children and thanked Councillors Glumac and Royer for their opposition to the plan.

Berit Sunde, Maple Ridge, noted that she is a Port Moody business owner of 22 years, and that Moody Centre is due for revitalization. Ms. Sunde also suggested that increased density can also be achieved by infill and relocation of heritage buildings.

Reiner Specht, Port Moody, noted his opposition to the Official Community Plan and to increasing density. Mr. Specht noted that sustainable growth should be set at 1% per year and compared to census data every five years. Mr. Specht requested that Council members declare conflicts of interest and campaign contributions from developers, and suggested that the Official Community Plan be put to a referendum.

Mayor Clay called three more times for Public Input. There were no more written or verbal comments on Bylaw 2955 from the public.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, 2955, being a bylaw to adopt an Official Community Plan for the City of Port Moody be forwarded to the April 22, 2014 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.