July 22,2014 Committee of the Whole
3.1 Minutes
File: 0550-03-02
CW14/076 Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, July 15, 2014 be adopted.
Presentation: Linda Martin, Chair, Library Board / File: 9024-05
Linda Martin, Chair of the Port Moody Library Board, gave an update on the process, expectations, and timelines related to the Community Needs Assessment. Ms. Martin noted that the medium term (5 to 7 years) space needs may be met either by reconfiguring and renovating existing space, or by expanding contiguous to the existing library. Ms. Martin noted that the final report should be received by Council in September 2014, and that a budget request for immediate needs will be submitted as part of the capital budget for the upcoming financial plan.
The General Manager of Financial Services provided an overview of the Budget Guidelines for the 2015-2018 Financial Plan, and requested direction on the tax target for 2019 and the budget planning process.
CW14/077 Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following amendments be made to the draft 2015 Financial Plan Guidelines for Staff:
• On page 3 of the report, section 2, Budget Approach, change the bullet "Would it be more economical to hire someone rather than pay a contract fee?" to "Which is more economical, to hire someone or pay a contract fee?"
• On page 3 of the report, section 3, Budget Targets, change "to submit an operating budget for the years 2015-2018 at 1.5% tax increase" to "to submit a maximum operating budget for the years 2015-2018 of 1.5% tax increase"
Staff were asked to include Long Term Capital Planning on the full day workshop on January 17, 2014, and to provide the Police Board with their growth allocation as soon as possible so they may submit their provisional budget by November.
CW14/078 Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2015 - 2019 budget guidelines, including the addition of the 2019 proposed tax increase, as outlined in the July 14, 2014 Financial Services report be approved;
AND THAT the Procedures for Council Consideration of Port Moody Police Board Budget Corporate Policy as amended and outlined in the July 14, 2014 Financial Services report be approved;
AND THAT the Tangible Capital Asset Corporate Policy as amended and outlined in the July 14, 2014 Financial Services report be approved.
5.3 Mobile Food Vendors
Report: Development Services – Building, Bylaws and Licensing Division, dated July 15, 2014 / File: 09-4300-01
CW14/079 Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to establish a Mobile Food Vendor Program for Port Moody including a restricted number of licenses, locations, and hours of operation.